Speciale: Patentering af Forretningsmetoder - Christoffer Badse

Speciale: Patentering af Forretningsmetoder - Christoffer Badse Speciale: Patentering af Forretningsmetoder - Christoffer Badse


www.thestandard.com/article/display/0,1151,20543,00.html www.uspto.gov/web/menu/busmethp/busmeth103rej.htm Hart, R., P. Holmes, J. Reid: The Economic Impact of Patentability of Computer Programs, Summary of and conclusions from the Study. http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/intprop/indprop/studyintro.htm Kvalitativ undersøgelse vedrørende holdninger til og vurderinger af eneretsbeskyttelse/patentering af software og forretningskoncepter, Patent- og Varemærkestryrelsen september 2000. Redegørelse om patentering af software, offentliggjort d. 23. maj 2001. www.dkpto.dk/indhold/publikationer/redegorelser/patentering_af_sof.../patentering_af_ software.ht Høringssvar på The European Commission´s Consultation Paper on”The Patentability of Computer-implemented Inventions” (19-10-2000) fra nedenstående virksomheder og organisationer på: http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/intprop/indprop/softreplies.htm IBM Europe European Information and Communications Technology Industry Association ICL PLC Alcatel Federation of the Electronics Industry Love, traktater, forslag, retningslinier mv. Lov nr. 479 af 20. december 1967, jf. lovbekendtgørelse 2000-09-22 nr. 926 Patentloven, som ændret ved L 2000-12-20 nr. 1258. Aftale om handelsrelaterede intellektuelle Ejendomsrettigheder (TRIPs) 1994. The Vienna Convention 1969. Forslaget til Rådets forordning om EF-patenter af 1. august 2000. Nedenstående kan findes på http://www.european-patent-office.org The European Patent Convention 1973. Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention. Trilateral Projects Report on Comparative Study Carried Out Under Trilateral Project B3b Trilateral Technical Meeting. June 14-16, 2000, Tokyo Japanese Patent Office Appendix 6 Examination of "business method" applications (EPO) drawn by the President of the European Patent Office to The Trilateral Offices (for information). Guidelines for examination in the Patent Office, December 1994 edition (EPO). 50

Basic Proposal for revision of the European Patent Convention. worked out by the Administrative Council - CA/100/00 first draft of the Basic Proposal. - MR/2/00 final version of the Basic Proposal. - MR/3/00 Rev.1., Revision Act adopted by the Conference. Nedenstående kan findes på www.uspto.gov, især på http://www.uspto.gov/web/menu/pbmethod/ Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions, Final Version 1996 (USPTO). Formulating and communicating rejections under 35 U.S.C 103 for applications directed to computer-implemented business method inventions. USPTO White Paper on automated financial or management data processing methods (business methods). American Inventors Protection Act of 1999. The Business Method Patent Improvement Act of October 3, 2000. 51

Basic Proposal for revision of the European Patent Convention. worked out by the<br />

Administrative Council<br />

- CA/100/00 first dr<strong>af</strong>t of the Basic Proposal.<br />

- MR/2/00 final version of the Basic Proposal.<br />

- MR/3/00 Rev.1., Revision Act adopted by the Conference.<br />

Nedenstående kan findes på www.uspto.gov, især på<br />

http://www.uspto.gov/web/menu/pbmethod/<br />

Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions, Final Version 1996<br />

(USPTO).<br />

Formulating and communicating rejections under 35 U.S.C 103 for applications<br />

directed to computer-implemented business method inventions.<br />

USPTO White Paper on automated financial or management data processing methods<br />

(business methods).<br />

American Inventors Protection Act of 1999.<br />

The Business Method Patent Improvement Act of October 3, 2000.<br />


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