Råstofaktiviteter og natur - og miljøhensyn i Grønland

Råstofaktiviteter og natur - og miljøhensyn i Grønland

Råstofaktiviteter og natur - og miljøhensyn i Grønland


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Weise, F.K., Robertson, G.J., Gaston, A.J. 2004. Impacts of chronic<br />

marine oil pollution and the murre hunt in Newfoundland on thickbilled<br />

murre Uria lomvia populations in the eastern Canadian Arctic. –<br />

Biol<strong>og</strong>ical Conservation 116: 205-216.<br />

Wright, J.M. & Fancy, S.G. 1980. The response of birds and caribou to<br />

the 1980 drilling operation at the Point Thomson #4well. Final Report.<br />

– LGL Ecol<strong>og</strong>ical Research Associates, Inc.<br />

Vistnes, I. & Nellemann, C. 2001Avoidance of cabins, roads, and<br />

power lines by reindeer during calving. – Journal of Wildlife Management<br />

65: 915-925.<br />

11.2 Links<br />

1) Ramsar-konventionen: http://www.ramsar.org/<br />

2) Man and Biosphere pr<strong>og</strong>rammet: http://www.unesco.org/mab/<br />

3) Verdensarv-Konventionen/World Heritage Convention:<br />

http://whc.unesco.org/<br />

4) FN’s konvention om klimaændringer <strong>og</strong> Kyoto-protokollen:<br />

http://unfccc.int/resource/convkp.html<br />

5) OSPAR-konventionen: http://www.ospar.org/<br />

6) MARPOL-konventionen:<br />

http://www.imo.org/home.asp?topic_id=424<br />

7) IUCN:<br />

http://www.iucn.org/themes/wcpa/pubs/pdfs/pacategories.pdf<br />

8) Statens forureningstilsyn (Norge): http://www.sft.no/<br />

9) Oljeindustriens Landsforening: http://www.olf.no/?10351.pdf<br />

10) London konventionen:<br />

http://www.londonconvention.org/main.htm<br />

11) Lov om beskyttelse af havmiljøet:<br />

http://www.sns.dk/<strong>natur</strong>/havmilj.htm<br />

12) RD’s feltregler: :<br />

http://www.bmp.gl/E/EB2_minerals/EB2_40aa_fieldworkreporting<br />

.html<br />

13) RD’s modeltilladelse for efterforskning <strong>og</strong> udnyttelse af kulbrinter:<br />

http://www.bmp.gl/E/EB3_petroleum/2004_Model%20Licence.pdf<br />

14) DMU’s foreløbige miljøvurderinger af kulbrinteaktiviteter i de<br />

seneste udbudsområder:<br />


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