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et nyt samfund lægger man ikke let bag sig. Disse ambitioner kommer stadig til udtryk i<br />

organiserede grupperinger i civilsamfundet og i initiativer på uddannelsesområdet, som<br />

udgør en vital kombination <strong>af</strong> arven fra tidligere tider og nye, nutidige udviklingsmønstre<br />

i samfundet.<br />

Litteratur<br />

M. Altman (2003) The State of Employment and Unemployment in South Africa in J. Daniel, A.<br />

Habib and R. Southall (Eds) State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-4 (Cape Town: HSRC Press).<br />

L. Chisholm, S. Motala and S. Vally (2003) (Eds). South <strong>African</strong> Education Policy Review (Johannesburg:<br />

Heinemann).<br />

L. Chisholm and M. Sujee (2007 forthcoming) Tracking racial desegregation in South <strong>African</strong><br />

Schools, Journal of Education.<br />

L. Crouch (2005) Disappearing schoolchildren or data misunderstandings: Dropout phenomena in<br />

South Africa (Mimeo, Pretoria: Department of Education).<br />

E.B. Fiske and H. Ladd (2005) Elusive Equity: Education Reform in post-apartheid South Africa<br />

(Washington: Brookings Institution Press and Cape Town: HSRC press).<br />

B. Fuller, P. Pillay and N. Sirur (1995) Literacy Trends in South Africa: Expanding Education While<br />

Reinforcing Unequal Achievement? (Mimeo, Harvard University).<br />

J. Jansen (2004) Changes and continuities in South Africa’s higher education system, 1994-2004,<br />

in: L. Chisholm (Ed) Changing Class: Education and Social Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa<br />

(London: Zed Press and Cape Town: HSRC Press).<br />

A. Kraak (2003) The National Skills Development Strategy: A new Institutional Regime for Skills<br />

<strong>For</strong>mation in post-apartheid South Africa. In: S. McGrath, A. Badroodien, A. Kraak and L. Unwin<br />

(Eds.) Shifting Understandings of Skills in South Africa: Overcoming the Historical Imprint of a Low<br />

Skills Regime (Cape Town: HSRC Press).<br />

T. Leggett (2005) The State of Crime and Policing in J. Daniel, R. Southall and J. Lutchman (Eds)<br />

State of the Nation. South Africa 2004-5 (Cape Town: HSRC Press).<br />

M. Kahn (2006) Matric Matters in V. Reddy (Ed) Marking Matric: Proceedings of a Colloquium<br />

(Cape Town: HSRC Press).<br />

G. Clacherty (2006) The Suitcase Stories: Refugee Children reclaim their Identities<br />

(Cape Town: Double Storey Books).<br />

C. Mitchell (2005) Mapping a Southern <strong>African</strong> Girlhood in the Age of Aids in: L. Chisholm and J.<br />

September (Eds) Gender Equity in South <strong>African</strong> Education 1994-2004 (Cape Town: HSRC Press).<br />


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