5. Integration på arbejdsmarkedet

5. Integration på arbejdsmarkedet

5. Integration på arbejdsmarkedet


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we discuss which groups, which should be integrated, and the different barriers in this process<br />

of integration. We look as well at how globalisation, the European Union, and how the different<br />

national conditions affect solidarity.<br />

The research shows, that the development towards more modern production forms hampers<br />

the labour forces`s solidarity towards people with reduced working abilities, but at the same<br />

time there are conditions that also encourage solidarity. The technological development and<br />

the increased competition results in greater demands on the workforce, but at the same time<br />

the labour market is getting more flexible and solidarity is made possible - between people<br />

that one doesn`t have immediate common interests with, and this could increase the chances<br />

of integration. Apart from this, the research confirms, that solidarity and integration possibilities<br />

have very different chances in different types of companies. Even though this research<br />

points to the fact, that there is solidarity at companies, that support possibilities for integration<br />

of people with reduced working abilities, it does not include the most vulnerable group. The<br />

people that the companies can tolerate have to be so skilful, that they are considered equals,<br />

and only in very limited situations be a liability in production.<br />

Therefore we suggest various different initiatives to promote solidarity both at company level<br />

and in the society. First and foremost methods should be worked out on how to make it evident,<br />

that it can be free of expenditure to integrate people with reduced work abilities. In addition<br />

to this, employees should have possibilities at the work place to show solidarity, and discussions<br />

among employers and employees about attitude should be encouraged. Trade unions<br />

should to a greater extent give priority to the weakest groups, and there should be support<br />

from the shop stewards. At the societal level it could be an advantage, that there is a continued<br />

monitoring in this area, combined with more initiatives, that takes into account companies’<br />

efficiency plans. On the other hand the state should give priority to the initiatives offered to<br />

the group of citizens that have a realistic chance to get a foothold in the labour market, and at<br />

the same time give reasonable support possibilities to the group, who have to live on income<br />

benefits.<br />


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