Botfeldt Grinde 2012

Botfeldt Grinde 2012 Botfeldt Grinde 2012


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Truelsen, H. (1993): Steno og Kæmpehajen. In: Gayrand-Valy, Y. (ed.): Fossiler, spor af en forsvunden verden. Roth Forlag, Hillerød. pp. 135-137. Trueman, C. (1997): Permineralization. In: Currie, P.J. & Padian, K. (eds.): Encyclopedia of dinosaurs. Academic Press. San Diego, California. pp. 540-541. Tucker, M.E. (1991): The diagenesis of fossils. In: Donovan, S.K. (ed.): The processes of fossilization. Columbia University Press, New York. pp. 85-103. Ventikou, M. (1999): Old treatment, new problem: Bakelite as a consolidant. V & A Conservation Journal. Vol. no. 32. pp. 5-7. Vernez, D., Wognin, B., Tomicici, C. Plateel, G. Charrière, N. 6 Bruhin, S. (2010): Cyclododecane exposure in the field of conservation and restoration of art objects. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, DOI 10.1007/s00420-010-0596-1, 4 p. Waddington, J. (u.å.): Conservation guidelines for invertebrate palaeontology collections. Internt Dokument. Department of Palaeobiology, Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, Ontario. 14 p. Waller, R. (1987): An experimental ammonia gas treatment method for oxidised pyric mineral specimens. ICOM 8 th. triennial meeting, Preprints Sydney 1987. Wang, Y. & Cerling, T.E. (1994): A model of tooth and bone diagenesis: Implications for paleodiet reconstruction from stable isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol. 107, no. 3/4. pp. 281-289. Whetstone, K.N. (1983): Braincase of Mesozoic birds: In: New preparation of the “London” Archaeopteryx. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 2, no. 4. pp. 439-452. Whybrow, P.J. (1985): A history of fossil collecting and preparation techniques. Curator.Vol. 28, no. 1. pp. 5-26. Williams, R.S. (1994): The diphenylamine spot test for cellulose nitrate in museum objects. CCI Notes 17/2. 2 p. Wilson, R.L. (1965): Techniques and materials used in the preperation of vertebrate fossils. Curator. Vol. 13, no. 2. pp. 135-143. Wolberg, D.L. (1989): Glues and other stick’ums and patch’ums stabilizing compunds for strengthening Fossils. In: Feldmann, R.M., Chapman R.E. & Hannibal, J.T. (eds): Paleotechniques. The Paleontological Society Special Publication No. 4. pp. 249-259. Yoon, H.Y. & Brimblecombe, P. (2000): Contribution of dust at floor level to particle deposit within the Sainsbury centre for visual arts. Studies in Conservation. Vol. 45, no. 2. pp. 127-137. 137

Truelsen, H. (1993): Steno og Kæmpehajen. In: Gayrand-Valy, Y. (ed.): Fossiler, spor af en<br />

forsvunden verden. Roth Forlag, Hillerød. pp. 135-137.<br />

Trueman, C. (1997): Permineralization. In: Currie, P.J. & Padian, K. (eds.): Encyclopedia of<br />

dinosaurs. Academic Press. San Diego, California. pp. 540-541.<br />

Tucker, M.E. (1991): The diagenesis of fossils. In: Donovan, S.K. (ed.): The processes of<br />

fossilization. Columbia University Press, New York. pp. 85-103.<br />

Ventikou, M. (1999): Old treatment, new problem: Bakelite as a consolidant. V & A Conservation<br />

Journal. Vol. no. 32. pp. 5-7.<br />

Vernez, D., Wognin, B., Tomicici, C. Plateel, G. Charrière, N. 6 Bruhin, S. (2010): Cyclododecane<br />

exposure in the field of conservation and restoration of art objects. International Archives of<br />

Occupational and Environmental Health, DOI 10.1007/s00420-010-0596-1, 4 p.<br />

Waddington, J. (u.å.): Conservation guidelines for invertebrate palaeontology collections. Internt<br />

Dokument. Department of Palaeobiology, Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, Ontario. 14 p.<br />

Waller, R. (1987): An experimental ammonia gas treatment method for oxidised pyric mineral<br />

specimens. ICOM 8 th. triennial meeting, Preprints Sydney 1987.<br />

Wang, Y. & Cerling, T.E. (1994): A model of tooth and bone diagenesis: Implications for paleodiet<br />

reconstruction from stable isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol. 107,<br />

no. 3/4. pp. 281-289.<br />

Whetstone, K.N. (1983): Braincase of Mesozoic birds: In: New preparation of the “London”<br />

Archaeopteryx. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Vol. 2, no. 4. pp. 439-452.<br />

Whybrow, P.J. (1985): A history of fossil collecting and preparation techniques. Curator.Vol. 28,<br />

no. 1. pp. 5-26.<br />

Williams, R.S. (1994): The diphenylamine spot test for cellulose nitrate in museum objects. CCI<br />

Notes 17/2. 2 p.<br />

Wilson, R.L. (1965): Techniques and materials used in the preperation of vertebrate fossils. Curator.<br />

Vol. 13, no. 2. pp. 135-143.<br />

Wolberg, D.L. (1989): Glues and other stick’ums and patch’ums stabilizing compunds for<br />

strengthening Fossils. In: Feldmann, R.M., Chapman R.E. & Hannibal, J.T. (eds): Paleotechniques.<br />

The Paleontological Society Special Publication No. 4. pp. 249-259.<br />

Yoon, H.Y. & Brimblecombe, P. (2000): Contribution of dust at floor level to particle deposit<br />

within the Sainsbury centre for visual arts. Studies in Conservation. Vol. 45, no. 2. pp. 127-137.<br />


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