Jarný Piknik (Číslo 7)

JARNÝ PIKNIK, VYDANIE ČÍSLO 7 Časopis Piknik je nezávislý časopis tvorený mladými ľuďmi pre mladých ľudí, najmä z Banskej Štiavnice. V tomto vydaní nájdete: recenzie, fotografie, tipy na piknikové miesta, extra prílohu s najdlhším playlistom na svete a mnoho ďalšieho. Cover design: Karma Hasbach Linky: Playlist na Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/33PZPE2fPKstdA0twCLRUb?si=ksX_KQRwQ_ytb5BFDHaU8Q Zdroje obrázkov: google images instagram.com/realhonestguide vlastné obrázky Ďalšie číslo vychádza 15.6.2020 Príspevky posielajte na casopispiknik@gmail.com

Časopis Piknik je nezávislý časopis tvorený mladými ľuďmi pre mladých ľudí, najmä z Banskej Štiavnice. V tomto vydaní nájdete: recenzie, fotografie, tipy na piknikové miesta, extra prílohu s najdlhším playlistom na svete a mnoho ďalšieho.

Cover design: Karma Hasbach


Playlist na Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/33PZPE2fPKstdA0twCLRUb?si=ksX_KQRwQ_ytb5BFDHaU8Q
Zdroje obrázkov:
google images
vlastné obrázky
Ďalšie číslo vychádza 15.6.2020
Príspevky posielajte na casopispiknik@gmail.com


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Číslo 7

Koncept, tvorba, výber a edícia obsahu:

Karma Hasbach

Bea Gaálová

Dominika Machová

Marec 2020

Milí čitatelia a priatelia Pikniku,

Aj napriek neľahkej situácii, v ktorej sa všetci nachádzame vo

chvíli, keď píšem tento list pre Vás, sme sa pokúsili

zozbierať čo najviac svetla a zdielať ho s vami touto formou.

Hoci sa nás na tomto čísle podielal rekordne najnižší počet

redaktorov, verím, že sa nám podarilo vytvoriť zaujímavý a

osviežujúci obsah, ktorý sa Vám bude páčiť. Piknik je

záležitosť spojená s teplým počasím a sám vznikol na jar.

Preto je toto ročné obdobie pre Piknik veľmi dôležité.

Oslavujme teda spolu príchod jary týmto číslom!

Ďakujeme Vám všetkým, že ste si toto vydanie rozklikli a

dúfame, že si ho užijete.

Karma Hasbach a tím Pikniku


Ut og stjæle hester

Dominika Machová

(Nórsko/​Šv​édsko/Dánsko, 2019, 122 min., dráma)

PRODUKCIA​: (Nórsko) 4½ Fiksjon AS v koprodukcii s

Helgeland Film, Zentropa, Zentropa Sweden, Nordisk

Film, Film i Väst. Producenti: Turid Øversveen,

Håkon Øverås. Executive producers: Lene Korslund,

Karin Julsrud, Axel Helgeland, Anders Kjærhauge,

Håvard Gjerstad, Knut Ola Evensen. Koproducenti:

Marie Gade Dennesen, Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne.

TVORCOVIA​: Režisér, scenárista: Hans Petter Moland,

adaptované z románu od Pera Pettersona. Kamera:

Rasmus Vidbæk. Strih: Jens Christian Fodstad,

Nicolaj Monberg. Hudba: Kaspar Kaae.

HERECKÉ OBSADENIE​: Stellan Skarsgård, Bjørn Floberg,

Tobias Santelmann, Jon Ranes, Danica Curcic...

OCENENIA​: Strieborný medveď za najlepší mimoriadny

umelecký počin – Berlinale 2019.

– Je to život, veci sa dejú. – Lars je Lars. – Tak

si vyzeral keď som mal 15, a potom si sa mi vyparil

zo života. – Niečo sa vo mne mení. – Ty sám

rozhodneš, kedy ťa to zabolí. – Poďme kradnúť kone. –

Nie je zvláštne, že niečo také malé ožije

a jednoducho odletí?– Môj otec bol praktický človek.

– Aká strašná myšlienka, aby niekto iný bol hrdinom

tvojho vlastného života. – Bolo to pokojné leto. –

Toto je moje prvá filmová ​recenzia. Knihu som

nečítala, no to bol zámer.

Film som videla v utorok 11. februára, bol

premietaný v kine ​Akademik​, v rámci festivalu

severskej kinematografie SCANDI.

Prísun primnohých podrobných informácií, ktoré

poskytla predchádzajúca veta nie je tento krát

chybou začiatočníka. (Áno, aj toto bol úmysel.)

Dokonca táto zmienka nebude ani nemiestne osobná,

keďže tento deň, keď sa behom jedinej hodiny zmenil

stav počasia toľko krát, koľko tomu obvykle nebýva

ani behom celého týždňa, zažilo v Štiavnici aj mnoho

z Vás.

Preto som si ako prvé všimla brilantné použitie

tohto javu, ktorého dôležitosť by bolo v príbehu,

tak hlboko ukotvenom v severskej prírode, náročné

skôr opomenúť. Napriek tomu, že počasiu boli

pridelené vo filmografii tak často využívané úlohy

(hlavne slúžilo na oddelenie časových rovín), bolo

jeho zobrazenie niečím unikátne. Nové nebolo ani

jeho zužitkovanie v rámci tradičnej metafory

striedania ročných období ako zobrazenie dlhého

života, v tomto prípade hlavného hrdinu a brata jeho

kamaráta z detstva – Larsa, s ktorým sa po rokoch

opäť stretáva v zimnom prostredí nórskeho vidieku.

67-ročný vdovec Trond sem prichádza na sklonku roku

1999 hľadať samotu a oslobodenie sa od myšlienok na

minulosť, no nachádza pravý opak. Veľká väčšina

spomienok patrí letu 1948 strávenému v nórskych

lesoch s otcom, s ktorým sa mal, rovnako ako so

svojou detskou nevinnosťou, čoskoro rozlúčiť. Trond

mal vtedy pätnásť rokov a jeho kamarát Jon, s ktorým

chodieval „kradnúť“ kone, mal sedemnásť. Obom toto

leto zmenilo celý ich ďalší život, a ako sa ukáže,

mnoho udalostí tohto leta zostalo nevyjasnených aj

po viac ako pol storočí.

67-ročného Tronda zobrazil, aj našim kruhom (kinám)

známy, ​Stellan Skarsgård​, zatiaľ čo toho 15-ročného

si zahral pomerne neznámy herec, ​Jon Ranes​. Nielen

oni dvaja, ale aj ostatní herci sa výborne

popasovali s neľahkou úlohou zobrazenia

rozpadajúceho sa vnútra ich mĺkvych postáv.

Nostalgiu tiahnucu sa celým filmom sprevádza, a aj

podčiarkuje, výborná hudba*, no majstrovsky sú

využité aj jej kontrasty s úplným tichom, prípadne s

osamotenými zvukmi prírody.

Niekomu sa môže tento film javiť rozvláčny. Menujem

veci, ktoré môžu spôsobiť tento pocit; Dej je

rozprávaný pomerne pomaly, sever je príliš ďaleko,

príroda bola obdarovaná priveľkou rolou a jej

zobrazenie je často surrealistické.

Skutočne, film trvajúci len o niečo viac ako 2

hodiny, mi prišiel oveľa dlhší, toto ale úspešne

zachraňoval suchý severský humor vkliesnený do

pridlhých obrazov, rovnako ako uvedomenie si, že

príbeh, ​Dickensovské rozvrávanie pripomína celkom


Na záver – môjho pokusu o recenziu – chcem ešte

povedať, že ak sa Vám v blízkej budúcnosti nepodarí

tento severský počin vidieť, prečítajte si zatiaľ

knižnú predlohu alebo navštívte v ktorýkoľvek

utorok kino ​Akademik​, pretože napriek tomu, že

premietanie SCANDI série filmov na tento rok sa už

asi skončilo, utorky patria filmšmekrom!


Karma Hasbach

“I've seen seasons come and go, from winter sun to summer snow.”

Dominika Machová, Karma Hasbach


V Štiavnici? Takmer kdekoľvek.

Tento rok začíname novú sezónu

Pikniku piknikom. O mieste jeho

konanie ste mohli rozhodnúť aj

Vy, a teraz sme pre Vás spísali

kategorizovaný list miest,

z ktorých ste si mohli vybrať,

no aj mnoho ďalších;

● na Malej/Veľkej Vodárenskej

- relatívne súkromie a výhľad

● na Červenej Studni - priemerné súkromie,blízkosť


● na Ottergrunde - veľké súkromie, výborný výhľad,

mierne horší prístup

● na Klingeri - nenáročný prístup

● na ktoromkoľvek inom tajchu

● na Námestí - blízkosť obchodu, prístupnosť

● pod Starým/ Novým zámkom - relatívna blízkosť


● v Botanickej záhrade - súkromie, relatívna

blízkosť obchodu

● na/pod Glanzenbergom - veľa súkromia, výborný


● na/pod (Hornorovnianskou) Kalváriou - výborný


● na ​Plochej soche ​Jozefa Vanča a Sebastiána

Komáčeka - dobre prístupné miesto

● na Paradajze/Rosniarkach/Tanáde - výhľad,

súkromie, horší prístup

● na lavičke na Ulici Daniela Licharda - výborný

výhľad, dobre prístupné miesto

● na múriku na Dolnej Ružovej - výhľad, blízkosť


● na Trojičnom vrchu - veľa súkromia, výborný výhľad

● v antolskom zámockom parku - dobre prístupné


● na lúke na Kolpašskej - alternatívny výhľad, z

inej strany

Subjektívne aj objektívne sfarbené body: červená –

súkromie (čím tmavšia bodka, tým je ho viac), modrá

– výhľad (čím tmavšia bodka, tým je krajší), zelená

– vzdialenosť od najbližšieho obchodu (čím tmavšia

bodka, tým bližší), sivá – náročnosť prístupu

s piknikovým nákladom (čím tmavšia bodka, tým väčšia



Piknik, časopis, ale aj ten na deke, si vyžaduje

ľudí, ktorí prinesú to čo majú radi dúfajúc, že

z toho budú mať radosť iní.

Čo radi prinášate na piknik Vy?

Pozn. editora: Sezónu Pikniku sme plánovali začať Piknikom, kvôli

momentálnej situácii sme túto akciu zrušili.

Dominika Machová


Inšpirované knihou od Olivie Laing: Mesto osamelosti

(O umení byť sám)

Pri čítaní tejto knihy si nevyhnutne uvedomíte

osamelosť, ktorá je vlastná všetkým ľuďom. Uvedomuje

si ale niekto osamelosť miest? A sú osamelejšie

počas súčasnej krízy, keď je v nich len hŕstka

tvoriaca stále obyvateľstvo alebo v čase turistickej

špičky, keď sú tu naraz tisícky tých, ktorí sa sem

už neplánujú nikdy vrátiť? Pravdou zostáva, že

turistické centrá si nemôžu dopriať dobrovoľnú

karanténu tak často ako my.



New York a Las Vegas.


Karma Hasbach


Ak sledujete pop kultúru na sociálnych sieťach,

pravdepodobne ste už počuli termín “canceled”, alebo

zrušený . Používa sa, keď nejaká celebrita urobí

niečo, kvôli čomu si už viac nezaslúži obdiv svojich

sledovateľov ani širšej verejnosti. Ako skvelý

príklad môžeme použiť kauzu #MeToo, pri ktorej bolo

viacero popredných osobností obvinených zo

sexuálneho zneužitia a kvôli tlaku sociálnych médií

a internetu prakticky vylúčených z ďaľších fimových

produkcií. Mnohí youtuberi, influenceri či speváci

boli dokonca “zrušení”, potom, ako na verejnosti

povedali niečo rasistické či homofóbne. Aj keď je

slovo “canceled” dnes už na internete používané

možno až príliš často, ide podľa mňa o veľmi

pozitívny trend. Zvyšuje totiž dôraz na fakt, že

celebrity budú žiť v blahobyte a obdive len dovtedy,

kým ich budeme obdivovať či zarábať im našim obdivom

peniaze, a to dnes nezávisí len od ich tvorby či

imidžu, ale aj ich verejného vystupovania, názorov a

hodnôt. Na Slovensku však takýto prístup chýba.

Možno je to preto, že scéna showbiznisu je u nás

stále dosť malá, a preto si “nemôžeme dovoliť” z nej

nikoho vylúčiť. Alebo skutočnosť, že keby sme sa

pozreli bližšie, ​zrušených by bolo asi 90% našich

celebrít. Každopádne verím, že je načase, aby sme

podobnú metódu hodnotenia a overovania celebrít

začali aplikovať. Koľko hudobníkov, hercov či

moderátorov by ďalej obsadzovali v seriáloch či

hrali v rádiách, keby sme zrušili všetkých, ktorí sa

prejavili ako rasisti, sexisti či homofóbovia, či

všetkých, ktorí si nechali zaplatiť od

zkorumpovaných politikov? Veľa.

Kým však ale vo večernom programe jednej z

nasledovanejších televíznych staníc môže biela

slovenka pokojne tancovať s blackface-om, kým bude

na slovenskom rozhlase stále hrať desať rokov stará

skladba speváčky, ktorá za 500 eur zaspievala na

stretnutí fašisickej strany, a kým budú hlavným

zdrojom zábavy vo všetkých “vtipných” programoch aj

naďalej (na prvý pohľad nevinné) vtipy o svokrách a

manželkách, ktoré len strpčujú mužom život, máme ku

kultúre, ktorá dáva celebritám zodpovednosť za svoje

konanie, ešte veľmi ďaleko.

Ďakujeme, že ste si prečítali siedme vydanie


Ďalšie číslo vychádza 15.6.2020

Príspevky posielajte na casopispiknik@gmail.com

Dominika Machová


Vyjadrenie protestu piesňou sa nezačalo, a ani

neskončilo, v 60.rokoch v Amerike, rozhodne nebolo

žánrovo homogénne, a nezastávalo vždy rovnaké


S delbou spoločnosti, a možno ešte skôr, prišiel


- protest, -u ​muž. r.​​prejav​, vyslovenie al. písomné

prejavenie nesúhlasu, ​námietka​, ​nesúhlas​,

protestovanie: skrytý, ​nesmelý​, ​ostrý​p.;

Protestné piesne odsudzovali vojnu, no aj do vojny

ľudí poháňali, kládli systému odpor, aj

podporovali nové vlády.

Vznikali pod vplyvom doby, no aj sa viezli na jej

vlne. Snažili sa ale vždy o jej zmenu.

Boli výstupom umelcovho osobného hnevu voči problému

dotýkajúceho sa životov širokej verejnosti,

ktorej potom slúžili na odľahčenie vyrovnávania

sa s týmto problémom.

Zaoberali sa súčasnosťou, jej utopickou podobou, no

niekedy na jej zobrazenie používali aj príklady

z minulosti.

Toľko k rôznorodosti tohto playlistu,

k ospravedlneniu jeho veľkých žánrových skokov (moje

obľúbené skoky sú: od Debussyho ku Kollárovcom alebo

od piesne ​“Ezzay?“ k ​“We exist“​) a k ospravedlneniu

jeho rozsiahlosti (naozaj som sa limitovala a toto

je minimum Dylana, ktorého som schopná). Prirodzenej

rozmanitosti som (teda) snáď nebránila, percentuálne

to, ale bezpodmienečne vychádza v prospech

niektorých rokov, tém a krajín, v ktorých alebo

kedy, sa jednoducho tvorilo viac hudby tohto typu.

Tento sprievodný dokument je neprakticky dlhý a plný

jednoducho vyhľadateľných informácií; texty,

preklady (v prípade piesne v inom jazyku, ako je

slovenský, český alebo anglický, je uvedený anglický

preklad) + trojica v zátvorke (rok/obdobie,

tvorca/krajina, téma), no napriek tomu si myslím, že

môže slúžiť rovnako, ako akýkoľvek iný návod

priložený k čomukoľvek, a že teda informácie získané

rýchlym prebehnutím textu, budú dostatočné

k dokončeniu tej (viac ako) sedemhodinovej


+ Malá politická vsuvka od Pikniku: Ak neberieme do

úvahy merumôsme roky, ​jar ​(a tak ani toto číslo

Pikniku) nemá s protestom takmer nič spoločné. Na

druhej strane sa po výsledkoch nedávnych volieb, keď

väčšina ​protestovala vhodením volebného lístka za

protest, tento príspevok ukázal byť na mieste.


“​Li departirs de la douce contree​“ ​(13. storočie,

francúzsky trubadúr, križiacke výpravy)


(preklad v modernej angličtine)


Departure from the sweet land where lives my

beauteous one has put me into great sadness; I am

constrained to leave the one I have loved the most in

order to serve the Lord God my creator, and yet I

belong completely to Love, since I leave it all my

heart and my thoughts: if my body goes to serve Our

Lord, I have not forgotten true love on this account.

Love, this is too hard a parting, when I am forced to

leave the best lady who ever existed or who was ever

born; in her is all beauty and worth, and none should

marvel if I weep at this; when my body goes to fulfil

its destiny, see how my noble heart has already begun

its return journey, musing and longing after my lady.

Lady, in whom is my death and my life, I depart from

you more grief-stricken than I say; henceforth you

have my heart in your power: keep it, or you have

betrayed me. God, where shall I go? Shall I utter

loud laments or cries when I am constrained to divide

myself from my noble heart and leave it with the one

who has never left me part of hers?

Love justly thanks the false lover for the profit it

receives from him, but I obtain no pity; it trusts

the flatterer and the fraud, but I trust entirely to

noble service; my loyalty, I know this well, deprives

me of the joy which I have rightly deserved; it


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chardon_de_Croisilles


Preklad prevzatý z:



greatly grieves me that I ever set eyes on her, when

on her account true love so defies me.

Sweet lady, whom my heart does not forget, for God’s

sake please do not forget me! Never will I ever seek

another love; for God’s sake, I beseech you, do not

seek another lover! But if I learn that you are

mocking me, I shall not die entirely, but only half;

however you will not make an enemy of me if loyalty

is not my enemy.

At the moment of departure, sweet lady, I beg you,

whatever a flatterer may say to you, do not forget

me, and towards you I in turn will never behave


“​The Cutty Wren​“ (14.storočie?, anglická tradičná

pieseň, Sedliacka rebélia 1381)


(text Chumbawamba)


“O where are you going?” said Milder to Maulder

“O we may not tell you,” said Festle to Foes

“We're off to the woods,” said John the Red Nose

“What will you do there?” said Milder to Maulder

“O we may not tell you,” said Festle to Foes

“We'll hunt the Cutty Wren,” said John the Red Nose

“How will you shoot her?” said Milder to Maulder

“O we may not tell you,” said Festle to Foes

“With bows and with arrows,” said John the Red Nose


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutty_Wren


Text prevzatý z: ​https://genius.com/Chumbawamba-the-cutty-wren-lyrics

“That will not do then,” said Milder to Maulder

“O what will do then?” said Festle to Foes

“Big guns and big cannons,” said John the Red Nose

“How will you bring her home?” said Milder to Maulder

“O we may not tell you,” said Festle to Foes

“On four strong men's shoulders,” said John the Red


“That will not do then,” said Milder to Maulder

“O what will do then?” said Festle to Foes

“Big carts and big waggons,” said John the Red Nose

“How will you cut her up?” said Milder to Maulder

“O we may not tell you,” said Festle to Foes

“With knives and with forks,” said John the Red Nose

“That will not do then,” said Milder to Maulder

“O what will do then?” said Festle to Foes

“Big hatches and cleavers,” said John the Red Nose

“Who'll get the spare ribs?” said Milder to Maulder

“O we may not tell you,” said Festle to Foes

“We'll give them all to the poor,” said John the Red



“​Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott​“ ​(1529, Martin Luther,

chválospev, obdobie reformácie)


(anglický preklad)


A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never


Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills


For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;

His craft and pow'r are great, and, armed with cruel


On earth is not his equal.

And though this world, with devils filled, should

threaten to undo us,

We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to

triumph through us;

The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;

His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly pow'rs, no

thanks to them, abideth;

The Spirit and the gifts are ours through

Him Who with us sideth;

Let goods and kindred go, this mortal

life also;

The body they may​kill: God's truth

abideth still,

His kingdom is forever.

“​Es ist ein Schnitter, der heißt Tod​“ (17. storočie,

nemecká tradičná pieseň, 30. ročná vojna )



Obrázok a viac o piesni na: ​https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Es_ist_ein_Schnitter​,



Preklad prevzatý z:



Viac na: ​https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Es_ist_ein_Schnitter

(anglický preklad)


There is a reaper who is called Death,

who has power from the highest god;

today he whets his knife

so that it will cut much better.

Soon he will begin to cut

and we can only suffer.

Beware, fair little flower!

What today is yet green and fresh

will be cut down tomorrow:

the noble narcissus,

ornament of the field,

many fair hyacinths,

the Turkish posies...

Beware, fair little flower!

Many hundreds of thousands uncounted

that only fall to the scythe,

you roses, you lilies -

you, too, he will obliterate.

The crown imperials as well

he will not spare.

Beware, fair little flower!

The sky-blue veronica,

the tulips yellow and white,

the silver campanula,

and golden centaury ...

all will sink to the earth -

what will become of them?

Beware, fair little flower!

You lovely lavender, rosemary,

you colorful little roses,

you proud irises,

you ruffled basil,

you delicate violets,

soon you will be called;

Beware, fair little flower!

And yet! Death, come here - I do not fear you,


Preklad prevzatý z: ​https://lyricstranslate.com/en/schnitter-tod-grim-reaper.html

for all that; hasten here in one step.

Were I only wounded,

I would [still] be transported

to the celestial Garden

that we all await.

[So] rejoice, fair little flower.

“​The Lowlands of Holland​“ ​(17. storočie, škótska

ľudová pieseň, anglicko-holandský konflikt na

Západoindických ostrovoch)



(text The Corries)

The love that I have chosen I therewith be content

The salt sea shall be frozen before that I repent

Repent it shall I never until the day I dee

But the lowlands of Holland has twined my love and


My love lies in the salt sea and I am on the side

It's enough to break a young thing's heart that

lately was a bride.

But lately was a bonny bride with pleasure in her


But the lowlands of Holland has twined my love and


My love he built a bonny ship and set her on the sea

With seven score good mariners to bear her company.

But there's three score of them is sunk and three

score dead at sea

And the lowlands of Holland has twined my love and


My love has built another (or: a nether) ship and set

her on the sea

And nane but twenty mariners all for to bring her


But the weary wind began to rise, the sea began to


And my love then and his bonny ship turned with the

shins about.


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowlands_of_Holland


​Text prevzatý z: ​https://www.flashlyrics.com/lyrics/the-corries/lowlands-o-holland-49

There shall nae a quiff come on my head nor comb come

in my hair

There shall neither coal nor candlelight shine in my

bower mair.

And neither will I marry until the day I dee

For I never had a love but one and he's drowned in

the sea.

Oh hold your tongue my daughter dear, be still and be


There's men enough in Galloway, you need not sore


Oh there's men enough in Galloway, alas there's none

for me

For I never had a love but one and he's drowned in

the sea.

"​Diggers' Song​" ​(17.storočie, anglická pieseň,


pozemkové zákony)


(text Chumbawamba)

You noble diggers all stand up now, stand up now

You noble diggers all stand up now

The wasteland to maintain sin [unknown] cavaliers by


Your digging does maintain and persons all defame

Stand up now, stand up now

Your houses they pull down stand up now, stand up now

Your houses they pull down, stand up now

Your houses they pull down to fright your men in town

But the gentry must come down and the poor shall wear

the crown

Stand up now diggers all

With spades and hoes and plows stand up now, stand up


With spades and hoes and plows, stand up now

Your freedom to uphold sin [unknown] cavaliers are



Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diggers%27_Song


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Chumbawamba-the-diggers-song-lyrics

To kill you if they could and rights from you to hold

Stand up now diggers all

The gentry are all round stand up now, stand up now

The gentry are all round stand up now

The gentry are all round on each side the are found

Their wisdom so profound to cheat us of our ground

Stand up now stand up now

The lawyers they conjoin stand up now stand up now

The lawyers they conjoin stand up now

To rescue they advise, such fury they devise, the

devil in them lies

And hath blinded both their eyes

Stand up now, stand up now

The clergy they come in stand up now, stand up now

The clergy they come in stand up now

The clergy they come in and say it is a sin

That we should now begin our freedom for to win

Stand up now diggers all

'Gainst lawyers and 'gainst priests stand up now

stand up now

'Gainst lawyers and 'gainst priests stand up now

For tyrants they are both, even flat against their


To grant us they are loathe free meat and drink and


Stand up now diggers all

The club is all their law, stand up now stand up now

The club is all their law, stand up now

The club is all their law, to keep all men in awe

That they no vision saw to maintain such a law

Stand up now diggers all.

"​The Ballad of the Tea Party​" ​(1774, americká pieseň,


Bostonské pitie čaju)

As near beauteous Boston lying

On the gently swelling flood,


Text z: ​http://www.protestsonglyrics.net/Historic_Songs/Ballad-the-Tea-Party.phtml

Without jack or pennant flying.

Three ill-fated tea-ships rode.

Just as glorious Sol was setting,

On the wharf a numerous crew,

Sons of Freedom, fear forgetting,

Suddenly appear'd in view.

Arm'd with hammers, axes, chisels,

Weapons new for warlike deed,

Toward the tax-d-tea freighted vessels

They came boldly and with speed.

O'er their heads in lofty mid sky.

Three bright angel forms were seen.

This was Hampden, that was Sydney,

With fair Liberty between.

"Soon," they cried, "your foes you'll banish,

Soon the triumph will be won,

Scarce the setting sun shall vanish

Ere the glorious deed is done!"

Quick as though the ships were boarded,

Hatches burst and chests display'd;

Axes, hammers, help afforded,

What a crash that eve was made.

Deep into the sea descended

Cursed weed of China's cost;

Thus at once our fears were ended!

British rights shall ne'er be lost!

Captains, once more hoist your streamers,

Spread your sails and plough the wave,

Tell your master they were dreamers

When they thought to cheat the brave!

"​Ça ira​" ​(18. storočie, francúzska revolučná pieseň,


Francúzska revolúcia)

(anglický preklad)


Text a obrázok z + viac o piesni: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%87a_Ira

Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine,

It'll be fine

The people on this day repeat over and


Ah ! It'll be fine, It'll be fine,

It'll be fine

In spite of the mutineers everything

shall succeed.

Our enemies, confounded, stay petrified

And we shall sing ​Alleluia

Ah ! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine

When ​Boileau​used to speak about the clergy

Like a prophet he predicted this.

By singing my little song

With pleasure, people shall say,

Ah ! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine.

According to the precepts of the Gospel

Of the lawmaker everything shall be accomplished

The one who puts on airs shall be brought down

The one who is humble shall be elevated

The true catechism shall instruct us

And the awful fanaticism shall be snuffed out.

At being obedient to Law

Every Frenchman shall train

Ah ! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine.

Pierrette and Margot sing the ​guinguette

Let us rejoice, good times will come !

The French people used to keep silent,

The aristocrat says, "​Mea culpa​!"

The clergy regrets its wealth,

Through justice, the nation will have it.

Thanks to the careful ​Lafayette​,

Everyone will calm down.

Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine

By the torches of the august assembly,

Ah ! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine

An armed people will always take care of themselves.

We'll know right from wrong,

The citizen will support the Good.

Ah ! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine

When the aristocrat shall protest,

The good citizen will laugh in his face,

Without troubling his soul,

And will always be the stronger.

Small ones and great ones all have the soul of a


During war none shall betray.

With heart all good French people will fight,

If he sees something fishy he shall speak with


Lafayette says "come if you will!"

Without fear for fire or flame,

The French always shall win!

"​Jefferson and Liberty​" ​(začiatok 19.storočia,

4.marec 1801 – Thomas Jefferson sa stal prezidentom)


The gloomy night before us flies,

The reign of terror now is o'er;

Its gags, inquisitors, and spies,

Its herds of harpies are no more!

Rejoice, Columbia's sons, rejoice!

To tyrants never bend your knee,

But join with heart, and soul, and voice,

For Jefferson and Liberty!

No lordling here, with gorging jaws

Shall wring from industry the food;

Nor fiery bigot's holy laws

Lay waste our fields and streets in blood!

Here strangers from a thousand shores

Compelled by tyranny to roam,

Shall find amidst abundant stores,


Text z: ​https://www.constitution.org/col/lyrics/jefferson_and_liberty.html

Viac o piesni: ​https://tunearch.org/wiki/Annotation:Jefferson_and_Liberty_(1)

A nobler and happier home.

Here Art shall lift her laurelled head,

Wealth, Industry, and Peace, divine;

And where dark, pathless forests spread,

Rich fields and lofty cities shine.

From Europe's wants and woes remote,

A friendly waste of waves between,

Here plenty cheers the humblest cot,

And smiles on every village green.

Here free as air, expanded space,

To every soul and sect shall be --

That sacred privilege of our race --

The worship of the Deity.

Let foes to freedom dread the name;

But should they touch the sacred tree,

Twice fifty thousands swords would flame

For Jefferson and liberty.

From Georgia to Lake Champlain,

From seas to Mississippi's shore,

Ye sons of freedom loud proclaim --

"The reign of terror is no more."

These gifts, great Liberty, are thine,

Then thousand more we owe to thee,

Immortal may their mem'ries shine,

Who fought and died for Liberty.

"​Mrs. McGrath​"​ (1807-1814, írska pieseň, Španielska


vojna za nezávislosť)


(text The Dubliners)

Ah, misses McGrath', the sergeant said

'Would you like to make a soldier out of your son Ted

With a scarlet coat and a big cocked hat

'Ah, misses McGrath', the sergeant said


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mrs._McGrath


​Text z: ​https://genius.com/The-dubliners-mrs-mcgrath-lyrics

'Would you like to make a soldier out of your son Ted

With a scarlet coat and a big cocked hat

And misses McGrath, wouldn't you like that?'

Wid yer toori al fol the diddle ah

Toori oori oori ah

Wid yer toori al fol the diddl eah

Toori oori oori ah

Well Mrs McGrath lived by the seashore

For the space of seven long years or more

Till she saw a big ship sailing into the bay

'Here's my son Ted, will ye clear the way?'

'Ah captain dear, and where have you been?

Have you been in the Mediterranean?

Will ye tell me the news of my son Ted?

Is the poor lad living now or is he dead?'

Ah, well up comes Ted without any legs

And in their place he had two wooden pegs

Well she kissed him a dozen times or two

Saying: 'Glory be to God, sure it couldn't be you'

'Ah then were ye drunk or were ye blind

That ye left yer two fine legs behind?

Or was it while walking on the sea

A big fish ate yer legs from the knees away?'

'Well I wasn't drunk and I wasn't blind

When I left my two fine legs behind

But a big cannonball on the fifth of May

Flow my two fine legs from the knees away'

'Ah Teddy me boy', the poor widow cried

'Yer two fine legs were yer mummy's pride

Them old stumps of a tree wouldn't do at all

Why didn't ye run for the big cannonball?'

'Well all foreign wars I do proclaim

Between Don John and the King of Spain

And by herrings I'll make them rue the time

That they shot the legs from a child of mine'

Ode "An die Freude" ​(1824, Ludwig van Beethoven,

text: Johann Christoph Friedrich von


Schiller,inšpirované ideálmi Francúzskej revolúcie)

(anglický preklad)

O friends, no more of these sounds!

Let us sing more cheerful songs,

More songs full of joy!



Joy, bright spark of divinity,

Daughter of Elysium,

Fire-inspired we tread

Within thy sanctuary.

Thy magic power re-unites

All that custom has divided,

All men become brothers,

Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

Whoever has created

An abiding friendship,

Or has won

A true and loving wife,

All who can call at least one soul theirs,

Join our song of praise;

But those who cannot must creep tearfully

Away from our circle.

All creatures drink of joy

At natures breast.

Just and unjust

Alike taste of her gift;

She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,

A tried friend to the end.

Even the worm can feel contentment,

And the cherub stands before God!

Gladly, like the heavenly bodies


Preklad + viac o piesni: ​https://www.liveabout.com/beethovens-ode-to-joy-lyrics-history-724410​,


Which He sent on their courses

Through the splendor of the firmament;

Thus, brothers, you should run your race,

Like a hero going to victory!

You millions, I embrace you.

This kiss is for all the world!

Brothers, above the starry canopy

There must dwell a loving father.

Do you fall in worship, you millions?

World, do you know your creator?

Seek Him in the heavens;

Above the stars must he dwell.

"​Get off the track!​" ​(1844,​Jesse Hutchinson Jr.,

venované vydavateľovi abolicionistických novín


Nathanielovi Rogersovi​)

Ho! the Car Emancipation,

Rides majestic thro' our nation,

Bearing on its Train, the story,

Liberty, A Nation's Glory.

Roll it along, Roll it along, Roll it


thro's the Nation Freedom's Car,


Roll it along, Roll it along,

Roll it along, thro' the Nation,

Freedom's Car. Emancipation.

First of all the train, and greater,

Speeds the dauntless Liberator

Onward cheered amid hosannas,

And the waving of Free Banners.

Roll it along! Spread your Banners

While the people shoud hosannas.

Men of various predilections,

Frightened, run in all directions;

Merchants, Editors, Physicians,


Text z: ​http://www.protestsonglyrics.net/Freedom_Songs/Get-Off-The-Track.phtml

Obrázok z: ​https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2008661453/

Viac na:



Lawyers​, Priests and Politicians.

Get out of the way! every station,

Clear the track of 'mancipation.

This song was originally posted on


Let the Minister and Churches

Leave behind sectarian lurches;

Jump on board the Car of Freedom

Ere it be too late to need them.

Sound the alarm! Pulpit's thunder!

Ere too late, you see your blunder.

Politicians gazed, astounded,

When at first our Bell resounded;

Freight trains are coming, tell these Foxes,

With our Votes and Ballot Boxes.

Jump for your lives! Politicians,

From your dangerous false positions.

Rail Roads to Emancipation

Cannot rest on clay foundation

And the tracks of "The Magician"

Are but Rail Roads to perdition.

Pull up the Rails! Emancipation

Cannot rest on such foundation

All true friends of Emancipation,

Haste to Freedom's Rail Road Station;

Quick into the Cars get seated,

All is ready, and completed.

Put on the Steam! All are crying.

And the Liberty Flags are flying.

This song was originally posted on


Now, again the Bell is tolling.

Soon you'll see the car wheels rolling:

Hinder not their destination,

Chartered for Emancipation.

Wood up the fire! keep it flashing,

While the Train goes onward dashing.

Hear the mighty car wheels humming!

Now look out! The Engine's Coming!

Church and Statesment! hear the thunder!

Clear the track! or you'll fall under.

Get of the track! all are singing.

While the Liberty Bell is ringing.

On triumphant, see them bearing,

Through sectarian rubbish tearing;

Th' Bell and Whistle and the Steaming,

Startles thousans from their dreaming.

Look out for the cars! while the Bell rings,

Ere the sound your funeral knell rings.

See the people run to meet us;

All the Depots thousands greet us;

All take seats with exultation,

In the Car Emancipation.

Huzza! Huzza! Emancipation

Soon will bless our happy nation.

Huzza!... Huzza!!... Huzza!!!...

"​Deșteaptă-te, române!​" ​(revolučné roky 1848 – 1849,

rumunská revolučná pieseň, rovnaký osud ako


revolučná pieseň ​"Nad Tatrou sa blýska" ​1844)

(anglický preklad)

Wake up, Romanian, from your deadly sleep

Into which you've been sunk by the barbaric tyrants

Now, or never, your fate renew,

To which your enemies will bow to.

Now or never let's give proof to the world

That in these veins still flows a Roman blood,

That in our chests we still maintain our pride in a


The victor in his battles, the name of Trajan!

Raise your broad forehead and look around you

Like fir trees, hundreds of thousands of heroes are

standing firm;

A voice they still wait for, to jump like wolves


Preklad + viac o piesni:


among the sheep,

Elders, men, youths, boys, from mountains to the


Watch on, shadows of highnesses, Mihai, Stefan,


The Romanian Nation, your great grandchildren,

With weapons in their arms, with your fire in their


"Life in freedom or death!" shout all.

You were vanquished by the evils of your envy

And by your blind disunity, at Milcov and the


But we, whose souls were pierced by holy liberty,

Swear that for ever in brotherhood will join.

A widowed mother from the time of Michael the Great

Claims from her sons today a helping hand,

Casting curses, with tears in her eyes, on whosoever,

In such great peril, a traitor would become.

Of thunder and of brimstone should they perish

Those who flee our glorious endeavor

When our land or our mother with tears in her heart,

Will ask us to cross through swords and blazing fire.

Didn't we have enough of the yatagan of the barbaric


Whose fatal wounds even today we still feel?

Now the knout is intruding our ancestral homes,

But we give witness before the Lord that alive, we do

not accept it

Didn't we have enough of the blinded despotism

Whose yoke, like cattle, for centuries we've carried?

Now let the cruel ones try, in their blind arrogance,

To take away our language, we'll give it only if

we're dead!

Romanians from the four corners, now or never

Unite in thought, unite in feeling

Proclaim to the wide world that the Danube is stolen

Through intrigue and coercion, sly machinations.

Priests, lead with your crucifixes! Because our army

is Christian,

The motto is Liberty and its goal is holy,

Better to die in battle, in full glory,

Than to once again be slaves upon our ancient ground!

"​When Johnny Comes Marching Home​" (1863, Patrick


Gilmore, Americká občianska vojna)

When Johnny comes marching home again,

Hurrah! Hurrah!

We'll give him a hearty welcome then

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The men will cheer and the boys will shout

The ladies they will all turn out

And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching


The old church bell will peal with joy

Hurrah! Hurrah!

To welcome home our darling boy,

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The village lads and lassies say

With roses they will strew the way,

And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching


Get ready for the Jubilee,

Hurrah! Hurrah!

We'll give the hero three times three,

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The laurel wreath is ready now

To place upon his loyal brow

And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching


Let love and friendship on that day,

Hurrah, hurrah!


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Johnny_Comes_Marching_Home

Text z:


Their choicest pleasures then display,

Hurrah, hurrah!

And let each one perform some part,

To fill with joy the warrior's heart,

And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching


"​Down in a Coal Mine​" ​(1872, ​Joseph Bryan Geoghegan,

zlé pracovné podmienky v uhoľných baniach v



I am a jovial collier ​ lad, and blithe as blithe can


For let the times be good or bad they're all the same

to me;

'Tis little of the world I know and care less for its


For where the dog star never glows, I wear away my


Down in a coal mine underneath the ground,

Where a gleam of sunshine never can be found;

Digging dusky diamonds all the season round,

Down in a coal mine underneath the ground.

My hands are horny hard and black, with working in

the vein,

And like the clothes upon my back my speech is rough

and plain;

Well if I stumble with my tongue, I've one excuse to


'Tis not the colliers heart that's wrong. 'Tis th'

head that goes astray.

At ev'ry shift be't soon or late, I haste my bread to


And anxiously my kindred wait and watch for my


For Death that levels all alike whate'er their rank

may be,


Text z + viac o piesni:


A mid the fire and damp may strike, and fling his

darts at me.

How little do the great ones care, who sit at home


What hidden dangers colliers dare, what hardships

they endure;

The very fires their manions boast to cheer

themselves and wives,

Mayhap were kindled at the cost, of jovial colliers


Then cheer up lads and make ye much, of ev'ry joy ye


But let your mirth be always such as best becomes a


How ever Fortune turns about we'll still be jovial


For what would England be without, the lads that look

for coals.

"​Kanonýr Jabůrek​" ​(1884, česká pieseň parodujúca

propagandu rakúskej armády tzv. ​kramářských písní,


bitka u Hradce Králové)

Tam u Královýho Hradce, lítaly tam koule prudce

z kanónů a flintiček do ubohých lidiček.

Kmáni, šarže, oficíři, kobyly i kanonýři

po zemí se válejí, rány je moc pálejí.

A u kanónu stál a pořád ládo-, ládo-, ládo-,

u kanónu stál a furt jen ládoval.

Vzdor hroznému dešti kulek feuerwerker Franz Jabůrek

s luntem u kanónu stál a pánvičku pucoval.

Po každém vždy vypálení bylo slyšet nadávání:

"Jabůrku, ty raubíři! Hele jak na nás míří!"

A u kanónu stál...

V tom ho zahlíd kronprinc Friedrich: "Herrje den Kerl

erschieß ich!"

A už hází, potvůrka, rachejtle na Jabůrka.

A hned prajzští kanonýři na Jabůrka všichni míří,

každý chce ho trefiti, princi se zavděčiti.

A u kanónu stál...


Text + viac o piesni na: ​https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanon%C3%BDr_Jab%C5%AFrek

Praskla puma velmi prudce, utrhla mu obě ruce;

on rychle boty sundal a nohama ládoval

Vtom jeden prajzskej frajvilik šrapnelem hlavu mu


ač už na to neviděl, na Prajzy přeci střílel.

Jabůrkovi letí hlava zrovna kolem jenerála

a křičí: "Já melduju, že salutovat nemohu."

A u kanónu stál...

Když však pum a kulek více trefilo ho do munice,

tu se teprv toho lek a s kanónem pryč utek.

A že zachránil ten kánon, do šlechtického stavu on

povýšen za ten skutek, Edler von den Jabůrek.

Děj mu Pán Bůh věčnou slávu, "von" má, ale žádnou


nedělá si z toho nic, bezhlavých "von" je prej víc.

A u kanónu stál...

"​Ach vojna, vojna​" (1885, Leoš Janáček – Mužské

zbory, proti-nemecké/rakúske cítenie, nezmyseľnosť



Ach vojna, vojna,

nesčasná vojna,

dyž na ňu jít musím,

dyž na ňu jít musím.

Sama královna,

a císařovna,

do Moravy psala,

do Moravy psala,

aby Janoška,

do vojny dostala,

do vojny dostala,

do vojny dostala.

U bílej vody,

Jánošek stojí,

hlavěnka ho bolí.

Jáníčku nestoj,


Viac na:



Text z: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S8NfJySqA8

koníčky nastrojm,

pojedeš do vojny.

Já nepojedu,

hlavěnka mě bolí.

Moja hlavěnka

všecka porubaná.

Moja galánka

všecka uplakaná,

všecka uplakaná,

všecka uplakaná.

Ach vojna, vojna,

nesčasná vojna,

dyž na ňu jít musím,

dyž na ňu jít musím.

Mám hezké děvče,

opustit je musím.

Mám hezké děvče,

opustit je musím.

"​Bella ciao​" (koniec 19. storočia – začiatok 20.

storočia, odpor žien proti ťažkým pracovným

podmienkam na ryžových poliach severného Talianska,

neskôr použitá v protifašistickom hnutí talianskych

partizánov v rokoch 1943-1945 (s pozmeneným textom –

tá je aj v playliste)) 25

(anglický preklad)

In the morning I got up

oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

(Goodbye beautiful)

In the morning I got up

To the paddy rice fields, I have to go.

And between insects and mosquitoes

oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

and between insects and mosquitoes

a hard work I have to work.

The boss is standing with his cane


Preklad textu + viac o piesni: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bella_ciao

oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

the boss is standing with his cane

and we work with our backs curved.

Oh my god, what a torment

oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

oh my god, what a torment

as I call you every morning.

And every hour that we pass here

oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

and every hour that we pass here

we lose our youth.

But the day will come when us all

oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

but the day will come when us all

will work in freedom.


"I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier"​(1915,

americká protivojnová pieseň, pred vstupom USA do



Ten million soldiers to the war have gone,

Who may never return again.

Ten million mothers’ hearts must break

For the ones who died in vain.

Head bowed down in sorrow

In her lonely years,

I heard a mother murmur thro’ her


“I didn’t raise my boy to be a


I brought him up to be my pride and joy,

Who dares to place a musket on his shoulder,

To shoot some other mother’s darling boy?

Let nations arbitrate their future troubles,

It’s time to lay the sword and gun away,

There’d be no war today,

If mothers all would say,

“I didn’t raise my boy to be a soldier.”

What victory can cheer a mother’s heart,

When she looks at her blighted home?

What victory can bring her back

All she cared to call her own.

Let each mother answer

In the years to be,

Remember that my boy belongs to me!

There’d be no war today,

If mothers all would say,

I didn’t raise my boy to be a soldier.


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Didn%27t_Raise_My_Boy_to_Be_a_Soldier

Text z: ​http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/4942

What victory can cheer a mother’s heart,

When she looks at her blighted home?

What victory can bring her back,

All she cared to call her own?

Let each mother answer in the year to be,

Remember that my boy belongs to me!

"Noël des enfants" ​(1915, Claude Debussy, dôsledky

1.svetovej vojny na najmladšej generácii vo




(anglický preklad)

Our houses are gone!

The enemy has taken everything,

even our little beds!

They burned the school and the schoolmaster.

They burned the church and the Lord Jesus!

And the poor old man who couldn't get away!

Our houses are gone!

The enemy has taken everything,

even our little beds!

Of course, Papa has gone to war.

Poor Mama died

before she saw all this.

What are we going to do?

Christmas! Little Christmas!

Don't go to their houses, never go there again.

Punish them!

Avenge the children of France!

The little Belgians, the little Serbs

and the little Poles, too!

If we've forgotten anyone, forgive us.

Christmas! Christmas! Above all, no toys.

Try to give us our daily bread again.

Our houses are gone!

The enemy has taken everything,


Viac na:



Preklad prevzatý z: ​https://www.lieder.net/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=4342

even our little beds!

They burned the school and the schoolmaster.

They burned the church and the Lord Jesus!

And the poor old man who couldn't get away!

Christmas, listen to us. Our wooden shoes are gone,

but grant victory to the children of France!

"Na Kráľovej holi"​​( ?, podľa legendy šumiacky vojak


bojujúci na ruskom fronte)

Na Kráľovej holi stojí strom zelený.

Vrch má naklonený, vrch má naklonený,

vrch má naklonený k tej šumiackej zemi.

Stojí mi tam stojí,

smutná neveselá,

šibenička moja, šibenička moja,

šibenička moja z kresaného dreva.

Odkážte, odpíšte tej mojej materi,

že mi svadba stojí, že mi svadba stojí,

že mi svadba stojí na Kráľovej holi.

Odkážte, odpíšte mojim kamarátom,

že už viac nepôjdem, že už viac nepôjdem,

že už viac nepôjdem na fraj za dievčaťom.

Na nebi hviezdičky sú moje družičky:

a guľa z kanóna, a guľa z kanóna,

a guľa z kanóna, to je moja žena.

"Canta di Matteotti" ​(1926, talianska anarchistická


pieseň, po zavraždení Giacoma Matteottiho )

(anglický preklad)

Or, if you listen to me,

I sing the crime of those convicts

who with great anger wanted to kill

the deputy Giacomo Matteotti.

There were many:


Text + viac o piesni: ​https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na_Kr%C3%A1%C4%BEovej_holi


Viac na:



Viola Rossi and Dumin,

the leader of the gang

Benito Mussolini.

After Matteotti found,

while he was going to Parliament,

came on a loaded car

from those ignoble of the black band.

In the middle of a wood

he was transported there

and those vile torturers

they said furiously:

"Because you have always hated fascism,

now you have to die here instantly"

and after having wrongly beaten him

stabbing him so many.

So, by the hand

of those vile traitors,

Matteotti died,

chief of workers.

"Homeless Blues" ​(1927, Bessie Smith, Veľká povodeň


v údolí rieky Mississippi)

Mississippi River, what a fix you left me in,

Old Mississippi River, what a fix you left me in,

Mudholes of water clear up to my chin.

House without a steeple didn't even have a door,

House without a steeple didn't even have a door,

Plain old two room shanty but it was my home sweet


on protestsonglyrics.net

Ma and pa got drownded, Mississippi you the blame,

My ma and pa got drownded, Mississippi you the blame,

Mississippi River, I can't stand to hear your name.

Homeless, yes, I'm homeless, might as well be dead,

Oh you know I'm homeless, homeless, might as well be



Text + viac o piesni:


Hungry and disgusted, no place to lay my head.

on protestsonglyrics.net

Wish I was an eagle, but I'm a plain old black crow,

Wish I was an eagle, but I'm a plain old black crow,

I'm gonna flap my wings and leave here, and never

come back no more.

"(What Did I Do to Be So) Black and Blue" ​(1929, ​Fats

Waller s textom Harryho Brooksa a Andyho Razafa:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwxbgfgc0KA​(v playli

ste verzia Louisa Armstronga, ktorá vynecháva veľkú


časť textu), rasizmus​)

Out in the street, shufflin' feet

Couples passin' two by two

While here am I, left high and dry

Black, and 'cause I'm black I'm blue

Browns and yellers, all have fellers

Gentlemen prefer them light

Wish I could fade, can't make the grade

Nothing but dark days in sight

Cold, empty bed, springs hard as lead

Pains in my head, feel like old Ned

What did I do to be so black and blue?

No joys for me, no company

Even the mouse ran from my house

All my life through I've been so black and blue

I'm white inside, it don't help my case

'Cause I can't hide, what is on my face, oh!

I'm so forlorn, life's just a thorn

My heart is torn, why was I born?

What did I do to be so black and blue?

'Cause you're black, folks think you lack

They laugh at you, and scorn you too

What did I do to be so black and blue?

When you are near, they laugh and sneer

Set you aside and you're denied

What did I do to be so black and blue?


Viac na:



How sad I am, each day I feel worse

My mark of Ham seems to be a curse, oh

How will it end? ain't got a friend

My only sin is my skin

"​Strange Fruit​"​(1937, Abel

Meeropol, rasizmus, lynčovanie



Southern trees bear a strange fruit

Blood on the leaves and blood at

the root

Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze

Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Pastoral scene of the gallant South

The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth

Scent of magnolias sweet and fresh

Then the sudden smell of burning flesh

Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck

For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck

For the sun to rot, for the tree to drop

Here is a strange and bitter crop

"​Jamie Foyers​" ​(1937-9, Ewan MacColl​,​Občianska vojna


v Španielsku)

Far distant, far distant, lies Foyers the brave,

No tombstone memorial shall hallow his grave

His bones they are scattered on the rude soil of


For young Jamie Foyers in battle was slain.

He's gane frae the shipyard that stands on the Clyde;

His hammer is silent, his tools laid aside,

To the wide Ebro river young Foyers has gane

To fecht by the side o' the people of Spain.


Viac na:



Text z: ​http://www.protestsonglyrics.net/Racism_Discrimination_Songs/Strange-Fruit.phtml


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Foyers

Text z: ​http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/folk-song-lyrics/Jamie_Foyers.htm

There wasna his equal at work or at play,

He was strang in the union till his dying day;

He was grand at the fitba', at the dance he was braw,

O, young Jamie Foyers was the floo'er o' them a'.

He came frae the shipyaird, took aff his working


O, I mind that time weel in the lang simmer days;

He said, "Fare ye well, lassie, I'll come back


But young Jamie Foyers in battle was slain.

In the ficht for Belchite he was aye to the fore,

He focht at Gandesa till he couldna fecht more;

He lay owre his machine-gun wi' a bullet in his brain

And young Jamie Foyers in battle was slain.

He lies by the Ebro in far away Spain,

He died so that freedom and justice might reign;

Remember young Foyers and others of worth

And don't let one fascist be left on this earth.

"​Talking Union​" (1941, Pete Seeger,​​odborárske únie,


práva robotníkov)

Now, if you want higher wages let me tell you what to


You got to talk to the workers in the shop with you.

You got to build you a union, got to make it strong,

But if you all stick together, boys, it won't be


You get shorter hours, better working conditions,

Vacations with pay. Take your kids to the seashore.

It ain't quite this simple, so I better explain

Just why you got to ride on the union train.

'Cause if you wait for the boss to raise your pay,

We'll all be a-waitin' 'til Judgment Day.

We'll all be buried, gone to heaven,

St. Peter'll be the straw boss then.


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talking_Union

Text z: ​https://www.lyricfind.com/

Now you know you're underpaid but the boss says you


He speeds up the work 'til you're 'bout to faint.

You may be down and out, but you ain't beaten,

You can pass out a leaflet and call a meetin'.

Talk it over, speak your mind,

Decide to do somethin' about it.

Course, the boss may persuade some poor damn fool

To go to your meetin' and act like a stool.

But you can always tell a stool, though, that's a


He's got a yaller streak a-runnin' down his back.

He doesn't have to stool, he'll always get along

On what he takes out of blind men's cups.

You got a union now, and you're sittin' pretty,

Put some of the boys on the steering committee.

The boss won't listen when one guy squawks,

But he's got to listen when the union talks.

He'd better, be mighty lonely

Everybody decide to walk out on him.

Suppose they're working you so hard it's just


And they're paying you all starvation wages.

You go to the boss and the boss would yell,

"Before I raise your pay I'd see you all in hell."

Well, he's puffing a big seegar, feeling mighty slick

'Cause he thinks he's got your union licked.

Well, he looks out the window and what does he see

But a thousand pickets, and they all agree:

He's a bastard, unfair, slavedriver,

Bet he beats his wife!

Now, boys, you've come to the hardest time.

The boss will try to bust your picket line.

He'll call out the police, the National Guard,

They'll tell you it's a crime to have a union card.

They'll raid your meetin', they'll hit you on the


They'll call every one of you a goddam red,

Unpatriotic, Japanese spies, sabotaging national


But out at Ford, here's what they found,

And out at Vultee, here's what they found,

And out at Allis-Chalmers, here's what they found,

And down at Bethlehem, here's what they found:

That if you don't let red-baiting break you up,

And if you don't let stoolpigeons break you up,

And if you don't let vigilantes break you up,

And if you don't let race hatred break you up,

You'll win. What I mean, take it easy, but take it!

"​This Land Is Your Land​"​ (1945, ​Woody Guthrie​,


americký ideál rovnosti všetkých obyvateľov)

This land is your land, this

land is my land

From California to the New York


From the redwood forest to the

Gulf Stream waters;

This land was made for you and me.

As I was walking that ribbon of highway

I saw above me that endless skyway;

I saw below me that golden valley;

This land was made for you and me.

I've roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps

To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;

And all around me a voice was sounding;

This land was made for you and me.

When the sun came shining, and I was strolling,

And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds


As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting:

This land was made for you and me.


Obrázok + viac o piesni:


Text z: ​https://www.woodyguthrie.org/Lyrics/This_Land.htm

As I went walking I saw a sign there,

And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."

But on the other side it didn't say nothing.

That side was made for you and me.

In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,

By the relief office I seen my people;

As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking

Is this land made for you and me?

Nobody living can ever stop me,

As I go walking that freedom highway;

Nobody living can ever make me turn back

This land was made for you and me.

"​Le déserteur​" ​(1954, Boris Vian,​​Bitka o Dien Bien




(anglický preklad)

Mr President, I am writing you a letter

That you will read, perhaps

If you have the time

I came to receive

My military papers

To go to the war

Last Wednesday evening

Mr President

I don't want to do that

I am not on this earth

To kill these poor people

It's not to make you angry

I must say to you

My decision is made

I am going to desert

Since I was born

I saw my father die


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_D%C3%A9serteur


Preklad prevzvatý z: ​https://lyricstranslate.com/en/le-d%C3%A9serteur-deserter.html

I saw my brothers leave

And my children cry

My mother has suffered so much

That she is inside her tomb

And she mocks bombs

And she mocks their targets

When I was a prisoner

You stole my wife from me

You stole my soul from me

And all dear to me passed

Tomorrow in the early morning

I will close my door

In the nose of the dead years

I will go down these paths

I will beg for my life

On the roads of France

Of Brittany and Provence

And I will say to people

Refuse to obey

Refuse to do it

Don't go to war

Refuse to leave

If you must give your blood

Go to give yours

You are a good apostle

Mr President

If you chase me

Tell your policemen

That I am not armed

And that they can shoot

"​The H-Bomb's Thunder​" ​(1958, John Brunner,


Aldamastovský pochod)


Text + viac o piesni: ​https://unionsong.com/u576.html

Don't you hear the H-bomb's thunder

Echo like the crack of doom?

While they rend the skies asunder

Fall-out makes the earth a tomb

Do you want your homes to tumble

Rise in smoke towards the sky?

Will you let your cities crumble

Will you see your children die?


Men and women, stand together

Do not heed the men of war

Make your minds up now or never

Ban the bomb for evermore

Tell the leaders of the nations

Make the whole wide world take heed

Poison from the radiations

Strikes at every race and creed

Must you put mankind in danger

Murder folk in distant lands?

Will you bring death to a stranger

Have his blood upon your hands?

Shall we lay the world in ruin?

Only you can make the choice

Stop and think of what you're doing

Join the march and raise your voice

Time is short; we must be speedy

We can see the hungry filled

House the homeless, help the needy

Shall we blast, or shall we build ?


"​Masters of War​" ​(1963, Bob Dylan, Studená vojna)

Come you masters of war

You that build all the guns

You that build the death planes

You that build the big bombs

You that hide behind walls

You that hide behind desks


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masters_of_War

Text z: ​http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/masters-war-mono/

I just want you to know

I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin’

But build to destroy

You play with my world

Like it’s your little toy

You put a gun in my hand

And you hide from my eyes

And you turn and run farther

When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old

You lie and deceive

A world war can be won

You want me to believe

But I see through your eyes

And I see through your brain

Like I see through the water

That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers

For the others to fire

Then you set back and watch

When the death count gets higher

You hide in your mansion

As young people’s blood

Flows out of their bodies

And is buried in the mud

You’ve thrown the worst fear

That can ever be hurled

Fear to bring children

Into the world

For threatening my baby

Unborn and unnamed

You ain’t worth the blood

That runs in your veins

How much do I know

To talk out of turn

You might say that I’m young

You might say I’m unlearned

But there’s one thing I know

Though I’m younger than you

Even Jesus would never

Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question

Is your money that good

Will it buy you forgiveness

Do you think that it could

I think you will find

When your death takes its toll

All the money you made

Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die

And your death’ll come soon

I will follow your casket

In the pale afternoon

And I’ll watch while you’re lowered

Down to your deathbed

And I’ll stand o’er your grave

’Til I’m sure that you’re dead

"​Talkin’ World War III Blues​" ​(1963, Bob Dylan,


absurdita antikomunistickej hystérie)

Some time ago a crazy dream came to me

I dreamt I was walkin' into World War Three

I went to the doctor the very next day

To see what kinda words he could say

He said it was a bad dream

I wouldn't worry 'bout it none, though

They were my own dreams and they're only in my head

I said, "Hold it, Doc, a World War passed through my


He said, "Nurse, get your pad, this boy's insane"

He grabbed my arm, I said, "Ouch!"

As I landed on the psychiatric couch

He said, "Tell me about it"


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bob-dylan-talkin-world-war-iii-blues-lyrics

Well, the whole thing started at 3 o'clock fast

It was all over by quarter past

I was down in the sewer with some little lover

When I peeked out from a manhole cover

Wondering who turned the lights on

Well, I got up and walked around

And up and down the lonesome town

I stood a-wondering which way to go

I lit a cigarette on a parking meter and walked on

down the road

It was a normal day

Well, I rung the fallout shelter bell

And I leaned my head and I gave a yell

"Give me a string bean, I'm a hungry man"

A shotgun fired and away I ran

I don't blame them too much though

They didn't know me

Down at the corner by a hot-dog stand

I seen a man

I said, "Howdy friend, I guess there's just us two"

He screamed a bit and away he flew

Thought I was a Communist

Well, I spied me a girl and before she could leave

"Let's go and play Adam and Eve"

I took her by the hand and my heart it was thumpin'

When she said, "Hey man, you crazy or sumpin'

You see what happened last time they started"

Well, I seen a Cadillac window uptown

And there was nobody aroun'

I got into the driver's seat

And I drove down to 42nd Street

In my Cadillac. Good car to drive after a war

Well, I remember seein' some ad

So I turned on my Conelrad

But I didn't pay my Con Ed bill

So the radio didn't work so well

Turned on my record player—

It was Rock-a-day Johnny singin', "Tell Your Ma,

Tell Your Pa

Our Love's A-gonna Grow Ooh-wah, Ooh-wah"

I was feelin' kinda lonesome and blue

I needed somebody to talk to

So I called up the operator of time

Just to hear a voice of some kind

"When you hear the beep it will be three o'clock"

She said that for over an hour

And I hung up

Well, the doctor interrupted me just about then

Sayin', "Hey I've been havin' the same old dreams

But mine was a little different you see

I dreamt that the only person left after the war was


I didn't see you around"

Well, now time passed and now it seems

Everybody's having them dreams

Everybody sees themselves

Walkin' around with no one else

Half of the people can be part right all of the time

Some of the people can be all right part of the time

But all of the people can't be all right all of the


I think Abraham Lincoln said that

"I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours"

I said that

"​Universal Soldier​" ​(1964, Buffy Sainte-Marie,

feudálne myslenie a individuálna zodpovednosť


všetkých strán za vojnu)

He's five-foot-two and he's six-feet-four

He fights with missiles and with spears

He's all of thirty-one and he's only seventeen

He's been a soldier for a thousand years


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Soldier_(song)

He's a catholic, a Hindu, an Atheist, a Jane

A Buddhist and a Baptist and Jew

And he knows he shouldn't kill

And he knows he always will kill

You'll for me my friend and me for you

And he's fighting for Canada, he's fighting for


He's fighting for the USA

And he's fighting for the Russians and he's fighting

for Japan

And he thinks we'll put an end to war this way

And he's fighting for democracy, he's fighting for

the reds

He says it's for the peace of all

He's the one who must decide who's to live and who's

to die

And he never sees the writing on the wall

But without him how would Hitler have condemned him

at Dachau

Without him Caesar would've stood alone

He's the one who gives his body as the weapon of the


And without him, all this killing can't go on

He's the universal soldier and he really is to blame

His orders come from far away no more

They come from him and you and me

And brothers, can't you see

This is not the way we put an end to war?

"​Only a Pawn in Their Game​" (1964, Bob Dylan, vražda


aktivistu za občianske práva Medgara Eversa)

A bullet from the back of a bush took Medgar Evers'


A finger fired the trigger to his name

A handle hid out in the dark

A hand set the spark

Two eyes took the aim

Behind a man's brain


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bob-dylan-only-a-pawn-in-their-game-lyrics

But he can't be blamed

He's only a pawn in their game

A South politician preaches to the poor white man

"You got more than blacks, don't complain

You're better than them, you been born with white

skin" they explain

And the Negro's name

Is used it is plain

For the politician's gain

As he rises to fame

And the poor white remains

On the caboose of the train

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game

The deputy sheriffs, the soldiers, the governors get


And the marshals and cops get the same

But the poor white man's used in the hands of them

all like a tool

He's taught in his school

From the start by the rule

That the laws are with him

To protect his white skin

To keep up his hate

So he never thinks straight

'Bout the shape that he's in

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game

From the poverty shacks, he looks from the cracks to

the tracks

And the hoof beats pound in his brain

And he's taught how to walk in a pack

Shoot in the back

With his fist in a clinch

To hang and to lynch

To hide 'neath the hood

To kill with no pain

Like a dog on a chain

He ain't got no name

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game

Today, Medgar Evers was buried from the bullet he


They lowered him down as a king

But when the shadowy sun sets on the one

That fired the gun

He'll see by his grave

On the stone that remains

Carved next to his name

His epitaph plain

Only a pawn in their game

"​The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll​" (1964, Bob

Dylan, zavraždenie 51-ročnej afroameričanky Hattie


Carroll – rasovo stále segregované oblasti Ameriky)

William Zanzinger killed poor Hattie Carroll

With a cane that he twirled around his diamond ring


At a Baltimore hotel society gath’rin’

And the cops were called in and his weapon took from


As they rode him in custody down to the station

And booked William Zanzinger for first-degree murder

But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all


Take the rag away from your face

Now ain’t the time for your tears

William Zanzinger, who at twenty-four years

Owns a tobacco farm of six hundred acres

With rich wealthy parents who provide and protect him

And high office relations in the politics of Maryland

Reacted to his deed with a shrug of his shoulders

And swear words and sneering, and his tongue it was


In a matter of minutes on bail was out walking

But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lonesome_Death_of_Hattie_Carroll

Text z: ​http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/lonesome-death-hattie-carroll/


Take the rag away from your face

Now ain’t the time for your tears

Hattie Carroll was a maid of the kitchen

She was fifty-one years old and gave birth to ten


Who carried the dishes and took out the garbage

And never sat once at the head of the table

And didn’t even talk to the people at the table

Who just cleaned up all the food from the table

And emptied the ashtrays on a whole other level

Got killed by a blow, lay slain by a cane

That sailed through the air and came down through the


Doomed and determined to destroy all the gentle

And she never done nothing to William Zanzinger

But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all


Take the rag away from your face

Now ain’t the time for your tears

In the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his


To show that all’s equal and that the courts are on

the level

And that the strings in the books ain’t pulled and


And that even the nobles get properly handled

Once that the cops have chased after and caught ’em

And that the ladder of law has no top and no bottom

Stared at the person who killed for no reason

Who just happened to be feelin’ that way without


And he spoke through his cloak, most deep and


And handed out strongly, for penalty and repentance

William Zanzinger with a six-month sentence

Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize

all fears

Bury the rag deep in your face

For now’s the time for your tears

"​A Change Is Gonna Come​"​(1964, ​Sam Cooke​, rasizmus v



I was born by the river in a little tent

Oh and just like the river I've been running ev'r


It's been a long time, a long time coming

But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

It's been too hard living, but I'm afraid to die

'Cause I don't know what's up there, beyond the sky

It's been a long, a long time coming

But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

I go to the movie and I go downtown

Somebody keep tellin' me don't hang around

It's been a long, a long time coming

But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

Then I go to my brother

And I say brother help me please

But he winds up knockin' me

Back down on my knees, oh

There have been times that I thought I couldn't last

for long

But now I think I'm able to carry on

It's been a long, a long time coming

But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will


"The War Drags on" ​(1966, Donovan, Vietnam)

Let me tell you the story of a soldier named Dan

Went out to fight the good fight in South Vietnam

Went out to fight for peace, liberty and all

Went out to fight for equality, hope, let's go

And the war drags on

Found himself involved in a sea of blood and bones

Millions without faces, without hope and without


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Change_Is_Gonna_Come

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Sam-cooke-a-change-is-gonna-come-lyrics


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Donovan-the-war-drags-on-lyrics


And the guns, they grew louder as they made dust out

of bones

That the flesh had long since left just as the people

left their homes

And the war drags on

They're just there to try and make the people free

But the way that they're doing it, it don't seem like

that to me

Just more blood-letting and misery and tears

That this poor country's known for the last twenty


And the war drags on

Last night poor Dan had a nightmare, it seems

One kept occurrin' and re-occurrin' in his dreams

Cities full of people burn and scream and shoutin'


And right there over head a great orange mushroom


And there's no more war

For there's no, no more world

And the tears come streaming down

Yes, I lie crying on the ground

"​For What It's Worth (Stop, Hey What's That Sound)​"

(1966, ​Buffalo Springfield​, nepokoje a konflikty


"mladých" a polície v Holywoode)

There's something happening here

But what it is ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there

Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop

Children, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

There's battle lines being drawn

Nobody's right if everybody's wrong


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_What_It%27s_Worth

Text z: ​https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/buffalospringfield/forwhatitsworth.html

Young people speaking' their minds

Getting so much resistance from behind

It's time we stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

What a field day for the heat

A thousand people in the street

Singing songs and carrying signs

Mostly saying, "hooray for our side"

It's time we stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

Step out of line, the men come and take you away

We better stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

We better stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

We better stop

Now, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

We better stop

Children, what's that sound?

Everybody look - what's going down?

"Welterusten, meneer de president"​​(1966, ​Boudewijn


de Groot​,Vietnam + prezident ​Lyndon B. Johnson​)


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welterusten_meneer_de_president


(anglický preklad)

Good night, Mr. President.

Sleep comfortably in your beautiful White House.

Don't think too much about all the distant coasts,

where your boys are sitting, lonely and far from


Don't think about the forty-six who were killed,

the casualties of the last bombing.

And forget the fourth of the Ten Commandments

that you, as a good Christian, certainly know.

Don't think about all the young soldiers at the front


dying alone during the tropical nights afar.

Keep letting those weak pacifists talk.

Sleep comfortably, Mr. President.

Dream of the victory and triumph,

Dream of your beautiful, peaceful ideals

that have never been achieved through bloody killing.

Dream that you will be successful this time.

Don't think of all those people who have perished --

all the women, all the children who have been


Dream that you will pull it off,

and don't believe a word from those who oppose you!

Bayonets with bloody hilts

Stand on guard far away from here -- at your command

For the honor and glory of the "Free West"

Sleep comfortably, Mr. President.


Preklad prevzatý z:


Don't scream too loudly when in your dreams

all of the innocent victims appear,

whose lives were taken there on the battlefield.

And you ask how long this must continue.

But by now you well know that there are people

who are sick and tired of the violence,

who have not forgotten about the blood and the


and for whom a human life still holds value.

Don't dream too much about all those who have died,

Instead, dream of victory and strength!

Don't think about the wishes for peace.

Good night, Mr. President.

"​Alice's Restaurant Massacree​" ​(1967, Arlo Guthrie,

kontroverzná lotéria na žrebovanie vojakov


odvádzaných do vietnamskej vojny)

This song is called "Alice's Restaurant

"It's about Alice, and the

Restaurant, but "Alice's

Restaurant" is not the name of the


That's just the name of the song

That's why I call the song "Alice's


You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant

You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant

Walk right in, it's around the back

Just a half a mile from the railroad track

You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice%27s_Restaurant

Text a obrázok z: ​https://genius.com/Arlo-guthrie-alices-restaurant-massacree-lyrics

Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, two years

ago, on Thanksgiving,

When my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the


But Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, she lives

in the church nearby the

Restaurant, in the bell tower with her husband Ray

and Facha, the dog

And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a

lot of room downstairs

Where the pews used to be, and havin' all that room

(seein' as how they took

Out all the pews), they decided that they didn't have

to take out their

Garbage for a long time.

We got up here and found all the garbage in there and

we decided that it'd

be a friendly gesture for us to take the garbage down

to the city dump

So we took the half-a-ton of garbage, put it in the

back of a red VW

Microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of

destruction, and headed

On toward the city dump. Well, we got there and there

was a big sign and a

Chain across the dump sayin', "this dump is closed on

Thanksgiving, " and

We'd never heard of a dump closed on Thanksgiving

before, and with tears in

our eyes, we drove off into the sunset lookin' for

another place to put the garbage

We didn't find one till we came to a side road, and

off the side of the side

road was another fifteen-foot cliff, and at the

bottom of the cliff was

another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big

pile was better than

two little piles, and rather than bring that one up,

we decided to throw

ours down. That's what we did

drove back to the church, had a Thanksgiving dinner

that couldn't be beat,

went to sleep, and didn't get up until the next

morning, when we got a phone

call from Officer Obie. He said, "kid, we found your

name on a envelope at

the bottom of a half a ton of garbage and I just

wanted to know if you had

any information about it"

And I said, "yes sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a

lie. I put that envelope

Under that garbage." After speakin' to Obie for about

forty-five minutes on

The telephone, we finally arrived at the truth of the

matter and he said

That we had to go down and pick up the garbage, and

also had to go down and

Speak to him at the Police Officer Station. So we got

in the red VW microbus

With the shovels and rakes and implements of

destruction and headed on

Toward the Police Officer Station

Now, friends, there was only one of two things that

Obie could've done at

The Police Officer Station, and the first was that he

could've given us a

Medal for bein' so brave and honest on the telephone

(which wasn't very

Likely, and we didn't expect it), and the other thing

was that he could've

Bawled us out and told us never to be seen drivin'

garbage around in the

Vicinity again, which is what we expected

But when we got to the Police Officer Station, there

was a third possibility

That we hadn't even counted upon, and we was both

immediately arrested,

Handcuffed, and I said, "Obie, I can't pick up the

garbage with these here

Handcuffs on." He said "shut up kid, and get in the

back of the patrol car"

And that's what we did, sat in the back of the patrol

car, and drove to

The quote scene of the crime unquote

I want to tell you 'bout the town of Stockbridge,

Massachusetts, where this is

Happenin'. They got three stop signs, two police

officers, and one police

Car, but when we got to the scene of the crime, there

was five police

Officers and three police cars, bein' the biggest

crime of the last fifty

Years and everybody wanted to get in the newspaper

story about it

And they was usin' up all kinds of cop equipment that

they had hangin'

Around the Police Officer Station. They was takin'

plaster tire tracks,

Footprints, dog-smellin' prints and they took

twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored

Glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a

paragraph on the back of

Each one explainin' what each one was, to be used as

evidence against us

Took pictures of the approach, the getaway, the

northwest corner, the

Southwest corner

And that's not to mention the aerial photography!

After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said

he was gonna put us in a cell

He said "kid, I'm gonna put you in a cell

I want your wallet and your belt"

I said, "Obie, I can understand your wantin' my

wallet, so I don't have any

Money to spend in the cell, but what do you want my

belt for?" and he said

"Kid, we don't want any hangin's

I said, "Obie, did you think I was gonna

Hang myself for litterin'?"

Obie said he was makin' sure, and, friends, Obie was,

'cause he took out the

Toilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head

and drown, and he took

Out the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars,

roll the toilet paper out

The window, slide down the roll and have an escape.

Obie was makin' sure

It was about four or five hours later that Alice

(remember Alice?

There's a song about Alice)

Alice came by and, with a few nasty words to Obie on


Side, bailed us out of jail, and we went back to the

church, had another

Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat, and didn't

get up until the next

Morning, when we all had to go to court. We walked

in, sat down, Obie came

In with the twenty-seven 8 times 10 colored glossy

pictures with the circles and

Arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, sat


Man came in, said, "All rise!" We all stood up, and

Obie stood up with the

Twenty-seven 8 times 10 colored glossy pictures, and

the judge walked in, sat

Down, with a seein' eye dog and he sat down. We sat


Obie looked at the seein' eye dog then at the

twenty-seven 8 x 10

Colored glossy pictures with the circles and arrows

and a paragraph on the

Back of each one and looked at the seein' eye dog and

then at

The twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy pictures with

the circles and arrows

And a paragraph on the back of each on and began to


Because Obie came to the realization that it was a

typical case of American

Blind justice, and there wasn't nothin' he could do

about it, and the judge

Wasn't gonna look at the twenty-seven 8 by 10 colored

glossy pictures with

The circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of

each one explainin'

What each one was, to be used as evidence against us

And we was fined fifty dollars and had to pick up the

garbage in the snow

But that's not what I'm here to tell you about

I'm here to talk about the draft

They got a buildin' down in New York City called

Whitehall Street, where you

Walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected,

infected, neglected and selected!

I went down and got my physical examination one day,

and I walked in, sat

Down (got good and drunk the night before, so I

looked and felt my best when

I went in that morning, 'cause I wanted to look like

the All-American Kid

From New York City. I wanted to feel like I wanted to

be the

All-american Kid from New York), and I walked in, sat

down, I was hung down

Brung down, hung up and all kinds of mean, nasty,

ugly things

And I walked in, I sat down, they gave me a piece of

paper that said "Kid

See the psychiatrist in room 604"

I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I

want to kill! I want to see

Blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth! Eat

dead, burnt bodies! I

Mean Kill. Kill!"

And I started jumpin' up and down, yellin' "KILL!

Kill!" and he started

Jumpin' up and down with me, and we was both jumpin'

up and down, yellin'

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" and the sergeant came over,

pinned a medal on me

Sent me down the hall, said "You're our boy". Didn't

feel too good about it

Proceeded down the hall, gettin' more injections,

inspections, detections

Neglections, and all kinds of stuff that they was

doin' to me at the thing

There, and I was there for two hours three hours four

hours I was

There for a long time goin' through all kinds of

mean, nasty, ugly things

And I was just havin' a tough time there, and they

was inspectin',

Injectin', every single part of me, and they was

leavin' no part untouched!

Proceeded through, and I finally came to see the very

last man. I walked in,

Sat down, after a whole big thing there. I walked up,

and I said, "what do

You want?" He said, "kid, we only got one question,

have you ever been


And I proceeded to tell him the story of Alice's

Restaurant Massacree with

Full orchestration and five-part harmony and stuff

like that, and other phenomenon

He stopped me right there and said, "kid, have you

ever been to court?" And

I proceeded to tell him the story of the twenty-seven

8 x 10 colored glossy

Pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph

on the back of each one

He stopped me right there and said, "kid, I want you

to go over and sit down

On that bench that says 'Group W'"

And I walked over to the bench there, and there's

Group W is where they

Put you if you may not be moral enough to join the

army after committin'

Your special crime

There was all kinds of mean, nasty, ugly-lookin'

people on the bench there

There was mother-rapers father-stabbers


Father-rapers sittin' right there on the bench next

to me! And they was mean

And nasty and ugly and horrible and crime fightin'

guys were sittin' there

On the bench, and the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one

the meanest

Father-raper of them all was comin' over to me, and

he was mean and

Ugly and nasty and horrible and all kinds of things,

and he sat down next to

Me. He said, "Kid, what'd you get?"

I said, "I didn't get nothin'. I had to pay fifty

dollars and pick up the garbage."

He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?" and I

said, "litterin'"

And they all moved away from me on the bench there,

with the hairy eyeball

And all kinds of mean, nasty things, till I said,

"And creatin' a nuisance"

And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a

great time on the

Bench talkin' about crime, mother-stabbin',

father-rapin', all kinds

Of groovy things that we was talkin' about on the

bench, and everything was fine

We was smokin' cigarettes and all kinds of things,

until the sergeant came

Over, had some paper in his hand, held it up and said









And he talked for forty-five minutes and nobody

understood a word that he


But we had fun fillin' out the forms and playin' with

the pencils on the

Bench there

I filled out the Massacree with the four-part

harmony. Wrote it down there

Just like it was and everything was fine. And I put

down my pencil, and I

Turned over the piece of paper, and there on the

other side in

The middle of the other side away from everything

else on the other

Side in parentheses capital letters quotated read

The following words "kid, have you rehabilitated


I went over to the sergeant. Said, "Sergeant, you got

a lot of god-damned

Gall to ask me if I've rehabilitated myself! I mean I

mean I

Mean that you send I'm sittin' here on the bench I

mean I'm

Sittin' here on the Group W bench, 'cause you want to

know if I'm moral

Enough to join the army, burn women, kids, houses and

villages after bein' a


He looked at me and said, "kid, we don't like your

kind! We're gonna send

Your fingerprints off to Washington"!

And, friends, somewhere in Washington, enshrined in

some little folder, is a

Study in black and white of my fingerprints

And the only reason I'm singin' you the song now is

'cause you may know

Somebody in a similar situation

Or you may be in a similar situation, and if you're

in a situation like

That, there's only one thing you can do

Walk into the shrink wherever you are, just walk in,

say, "Shrink, you

Can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant", and

walk out

You know, if one person, just one person, does it,

they may think he's

Really sick and they won't take him

And if two people do it, in harmony, they may think

they're both faggots and

They won't take either of them

And if three people do it! Can you imagine three

people walkin' in, singin'

A bar of "Alice's Restaurant" and walkin' out? They

may think it's an


And can you imagine fifty people a day? I said FIFTY

people a day

Walkin' in, singin' a bar of "Alice's Restaurant" and

walkin' out? Friends

They may think it's a Movement, and that's what it is

THE Alices's

Restaurant anti-massacre movement! And all you gotta

do to join is to

Sing it the next time it comes around on the guitar

With feelin'

You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant

You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant

Walk right in, it's around the back

Just a half a mile from the railroad track

You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant

"Yerushalayim Shel Zahav"​(1967, ​Naomi Shemer​, po


výročí nezávislosti Jeruzalema)


(anglický preklad)


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_of_Gold


Preklad prevzatý z: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_of_Gold

The mountain air is clear as wine

And the scent of pines

Is carried on the breeze of twilight

With the sound of bells.

And in the slumber of tree and stone

Captured in her dream

The city that sits solitary

And in its midst is a wall.

Jerusalem of gold

And of copper, and of light

Behold I am a violin for all your songs.

How the cisterns have dried

The market-place is empty

And no one frequents the Temple Mount

In the Old City.

And in the caves in the mountain

Winds are howling

And no one descends to the Dead Sea

By way of Jericho.

But as I come to sing to you today,

And to adorn crowns to you (i.e. to tell your praise)

I am the smallest of the youngest of your children

(i.e. the least worthy of doing so)

And of the last poet (i.e. of all the poets born).

For your name scorches the lips

Like the kiss of a seraph

If I forget thee, Jerusalem,

Which is all gold...

We have returned to the cisterns

To the market and to the market-place

A ram's horn calls out on the Temple Mount

In the Old City.

And in the caves in the mountain

Thousands of suns shine -

We will once again descend to the Dead Sea

By way of Jericho!


"​The Unknown Soldier​"​(1968, the Doors, Vietnam)

Wait until the war is over

And we're both a little older

The unknown soldier

Breakfast where the news is read

Television children fed

Unborn living, living dead

Bullet strikes the helmet's head

And it's all over

For the unknown soldier

It's all over

For the unknown soldier





Make a grave for the unknown soldier

Nestled in your hollow shoulder

The unknown soldier

Breakfast where the news is read

Television children fed

Bullet strikes the helmet's head

And it's all over

The war is over

It's all over

War is over

It's all over, baby

All over, baby

Oh, over, yeah


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unknown_Soldier_(song)

Text z: ​https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/doors/theunknownsoldier.html

All over, baby

Woo, ha-ha

All over

All over, baby

Oh, whoa-yeah

All over

All over


"​Modlitba pro Martu​"​(1968, ​Marta Kubišová​, Vpád


vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy do Česko-Slovenska)

Ať mír dál zůstává s touto krajinou.

Zloba, závist, zášt, strach a svár,

Ty ať pominou, ať už pominou.

Teď když tvá ztracená vláda věcí tvých

Zpět se k tobě navrátí, lide, navrátí.

Z oblohy mrak zvolna odplouvá

A každý sklízí setbu svou.

Modlitba má ta ať promlouvá k srdcím,

Která zloby čas nespálil

Jak květy mráz, jak mráz.

Ať mír dál zůstává s touto krajinou.

Zloba, závist, zášt, strach a svár,

Ty ať pominou, ať už pominou.

Teď když tvá ztracená vláda věcí tvých

Zpět se k tobě navrátí, lide, navrátí.


"​Volunteers​" ​(1969, Jefferson Airplane, Vietnam)

Look what's happening out in the streets

Got a revolution

Got to revolution

Hey I'm dancing down the streets


Viac na: ​https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modlitba_pro_Martu

Text z: ​https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Marta-Kubisova-Modlitba-pro-Martu-lyrics.html


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteers_(song)

Text z: ​https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jeffersonairplane/volunteers.html

Got a revolution

Got to revolution

Ain't it amazing all the people I meet

Got a revolution

Got to revolution

One generation got old

One generation got soul

This generation got no destination to hold

Pick up the cry

Hey now it's time for you and me

Got a revolution

Got to revolution

Come on now we're marching to the sea

Got a revolution

Got to revolution

Who will take it from you

We will and who are we

We are volunteers of America

"​Ticho​" ​(1969, ​Bohdan Mikolášek, okupácia

Československa a následný samovražebný protest ​Jána



Ticho a lidé proudí ulicí

a málo – málo kdo se smál.

Nehybný chodník smekl čepici

a ticho spěchá, spěchá dál.

To ticho seřazené v průvodu

a někdo tvářím vážnost dal

jak žízeň hnaná pro vodu

- to ticho spěchá, spěchá dál.

Ticho a lidé proudí ulicí

a každý úsměvu se vzdal.

Vždyť ticho je jen čára půlící

pak přijde výkřik

- přišel už výkřik a plamen plál.

Oheň světlo dým

a krátký život s ním


Viac na: ​https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohdan_Mikol%C3%A1%C5%A1ek

Text z: ​https://www.karaoketexty.cz/texty-pisni/mikolasek-bohdan/ticho-658074

hořely dlouho a hořet budou dál.

Plamen cizích vin

a já dobře vím

jako vy tu zprávu:

zemřel živý člověk

a mrtví zůstali žít.

Zůstali žít, ale každý snad už

aspoň trochu ví proč.

Proč každý, kdo ležel - vstal.

Ale já - já já se ptám také proč,

proč jen ten oheň tolik stál.

Proč lidé začnou myslet na život

až když jim před očima umírá.

To proč - to proč to proč to dotírá

proč jen ten oheň tolik stál.

Oheň, světlo, dým

a krátký život s ním

hořely dlouho a hořet budou dál.

Plamen cizích vin

a já dobře vím - jako vy tu zprávu:

zemřel živý člověk

a mrtví zůstali žít.

Ticho a lidé proudí ulicí

na Václavském náměstí

si každý kousek toho ticha vzal

a Národním muzeum

s očima vypálenýma municí

vidí, jak ticho spěchá dál.

Ať po té písni nikdo netleská,

ať každý v klidu to své ticho zatráví

to ticho, to ticho tiše mluvící

ať tiše dál vypráví....

"​Shir LaShalom​" ​(1969,​ ​Yaakov Rotblit,


Opotrebovávacia vojna)

(anglický preklad)


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shir_LaShalom

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Lahakat-hanachal-shir-lashalom-translation-transliteration-lyrics

Let the sun rise

Light up the morning

The purest of prayers

Will not bring us back

He whose candle was snuffed out

And was buried in the dust

Bitter crying won't wake him up

And won't bring him back

Nobody will bring us back

From a dead and darkened pit


Neither the victory cheer

Nor songs of praise will help

So just sing a song for peace

Don't whisper a prayer

Just sing a song for peace

In a loud shout

Allow the sun to penetrate

Through the flowers

Don't look back

Let go of those departed

Lift your eyes with hope

Not through the rifles' sights

Sing a song for love

And not for wars

Don't say the day will come

Bring on that day -

Because it is not a dream -

And in all the city squares

Cheer only for peace!

"​Bratříčku, zavírej vrátka​" ​(1969, Karel Kryl, Vpád


vojsk Varšavskej zmluvy do Česko-Slovenska)


Viac na:


Text z: ​https://hudba.zoznam.sk/karel-kryl/piesen/bratricku-zavirej-vratka/akordy/

Bratříčku nevzlykej to nejsou​​bubáci

vždyť už jsi velikej to jsou jen vojáci

přijeli v hranatých železných maringotkách

Se slzou na víčku hledíme na sebe:

Buď se mnou bratříčku

bojím se o tebe na cestách klikatých

bratříčku v polobotkách

Prší a venku se setmělo

tato noc nebude kratká

Beránka vlku se zachtělo rec: Bratříčku:

zavrel jsi vrátka ?

zavírej ​​vrátka!

Bratríčku nevzlykej neplýtvej slzami

nadávky polykej a šetři silami

Nesmíš mi vyčítat jestliže nedojdeme

Nauč se písničku není tak složitá opři se bratříčku

cesta je rozbitá

Budeme klopýtat zpátky už nemůžeme

"​Big Yellow Taxi​"​(1970, Joni Mitchell, ničenie


životného prostredia)

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique

And a swinging hot spot

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees

And put them in a tree museum

And they charged all the people

A dollar and a half to see 'em

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Yellow_Taxi

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Joni-mitchell-big-yellow-taxi-lyrics

They paved paradise

And they put up a parking lot

Hey farmer farmer

Put away that D.D.T. now

Give me spots on my apples

But leave me the birds and the bees


Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

Late last night

I heard the screen door slam

And a big yellow taxi

Took away my old man

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot


"​War Pigs“ ​(1970, Black Sabbath, Vietnam)

Generals gathered in their masses

Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction

Sorcerer of death's construction

In the fields, the bodies burning


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Pigs

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Black-sabbath-war-pigs-lyrics

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind

Poisoning their brainwashed minds

Oh lord, yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that role to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning

Ashes where their bodies burning

No more war pigs have the power

Hand of God has struck the hour

Day of judgement, God is calling

On their knees, the war pigs crawling

Begging mercy for their sins

Satan laughing, spreads his wings

Oh lord, yeah!


"​Machine Gun​"​(1970, Jimi Hendrix, Vietnam)

Machine gun

Tearing my body all apart

Machine gun

Tearing my body all apart

Evil man make me kill ya

Evil man make you kill me

Evil man make me kill you

Even though we're only families apart

Well I pick up my axe and fight lik a bomber

(you know what I mean)

Hey and your bullets keep knocking me down


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Gun_(Jimi_Hendrix_song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Jimi-hendrix-machine-gun-lyrics

Hey I pick up my axe and fight like a bomber now

Yeah but you still blast me down to the ground

The same way you shoot me down baby

You'll be going just the same

Three times the pain

And your own self to blame

Hey machine gun


I ain't afraid of your mess no more, babe

I ain't afraid no more

After a while your your cheap talk don't evern cause

me pain

So let your bullets fly like rain

'cause I know all the time you're wrong baby

And you'll be goin' just the same

Yeah machine gun

Tearing my family apart

Yeah yeah alright

Tearing my family apart

Don't you shoot him down

He's about to leave here

Don't you shoot him down

He's got to stay here

He ain't going nowhere

He's been shot down to the ground

Oh where he can't survive no no

Yeah that's what we don't wanna hear any more,


No bullets

At least here, huh huh

No guns, no bombs

Huh huh

No nothin', just let's all live and live

You know instead of killin'


“Imagine”​(1971, John Lennon, Vietnam)


Text z: ​https://genius.com/John-lennon-imagine-lyrics

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace, you

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one

"​Vomit Express​" ​(1971, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan,


proti homofóbii)

'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight


I'm going down on the Vomit


I'm going down with my

suitcase pain.

You can take an ancient vacation


Obrázok + viac na:



Text z: ​https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858847970/

fly over Florida's deep-blue end

rise up out of this mad-house nation

I'm going down with my oldest tender friend

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

We know each other now twenty years,

seen murders, and we wept tears

Now we're gonna take ourselves a little bit of free


Wandering round the southern poverty clime

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

Start flyin' with all the poor, old, sick ladies

Everybody [in the plane] [drowded] and drunk, and

they're crazy

Flyin' home to die in the wobbly air

All night long, they wanted the cheapest fare.

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the old midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

When we're down on the air field, I've never been


Except once walkin' around the air field in the

great, wet heat,

Walk out, smell that old mother-load of shit from the


Stomach growl [love], oh friends, beware.

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

Me and my friend, no we won't even drink,

And I won't eat meat, I won't fuck around

Gonna walk the streets alone, [cars] will blink and


Taxi's, buses and US gas all around.

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

Start [read] poetry at the university, meet kids,

look at their breasts, touch their hands, kiss their


seen from the heart, maybe the four buddhist normal


"Existence is suffering", it ends when you're dead --

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

Go out, walk up on the mountain, see the green rain

imagine that forest, finds, get lost,

sit cross-legged and meditate on old love pain,

watch every old love turn to gold.

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

See raindrops and the jungle rainbow, dancin' men;

brown legs walk around on the mud road

far from US smog, war, again

Sit down, empty mind, vomit my holy load

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

Come back to earth, walk the streets in sharp

Smoke some grass and eat me some cock

kiss the mouth of the sweetest boy I can see

who shows me his white teeth and brown skin joy

I'm going down to Puerto Rico

I'm going down on the midnight plane

I'm going down on the Vomit Express

I'm going down with my suitcase pain.

"​Plegaria a un labrador​" ​(1971, Victor Jara,


prezident Chile – Salvador Allende)

(anglický preklad)

Rise up and look at the mountain

from whence come wind, sun, and water.

You who drives the course of the river,

you who planted the flight of your soul.

Rise up and look at your hands,

to grow, hold it out to your brother.

Together we will go united in blood,

today is the time that can be tomorrow.

Free us from the one who rules us

in poverty.

Bring us your kingdom of justice

and equality.

Blow, like wind,

the flower of the ravine.

Clean, like fire,

the cannon of my rifle.

Your will be done, finally,

here on earth.

Give us your strength and your courage

to fight.

Blow, like wind,


Text z: ​https://lyricstranslate.com/en/plegaria-un-labrador-prayer-farmer.html

the flower of the ravine.

Clean, like fire,

the cannon of my rifle.

Rise up and look at your hands,

to grow, hold it out to your brother.

Together we will go united in blood,

now and at the hour of our death.


"​The Revolution Will Not Be Televised​"​(1971, ​Gil

Scott-Heron​, reakcia na skladbu ​"When the Revolution

Comes" ​od skupiny bojujúcej za práva Afro-američanov

Last Poets​, ktorá sa začína výrokom: "When the

revolution comes some of us will probably catch it


on TV..." )

You will not be able to stay home, brother

You will not be able to plug in, turn on and drop out

You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and


Skip out for beer during commercials

Because the revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox

In 4 parts without commercial interruption

The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon

Blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John Mitchell

General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat

Hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will be brought to you by the Schaefer

Award Theatre and

will not star Natalie Wood and Steve McQueen or

Bullwinkle and Julia

The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal


Viac: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Revolution_Will_Not_Be_Televised

Text z:



The revolution will not get rid of the nubs

The revolution will not make you look five pounds

Thinner, because The revolution will not be

televised, Brother

There will be no pictures of you and Willie Mays

Pushing that cart down the block on the dead run

Or trying to slide that color television into a

stolen ambulance

NBC will not predict the winner at 8:32or the count

from 29 districts

The revolution will not be televised

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down

Brothers in the instant replay

There will be no pictures of young being

Run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process

There will be no slow motion or still life of

Roy Wilkens strolling through Watts in a red, black


Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving

For just the right occasion

Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and

Hooterville Junction will no longer be so damned


and Women will not care if Dick finally gets down


Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people

will be in the street looking for a brighter day

The revolution will not be televised

There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock


and no pictures of hairy armed women Liberationists


Jackie Onassis blowing her nose

The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,

Francis Scott Key

nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash

Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution will not be right back after a message

About a whitetornado, white lightning, or white


You will not have to worry about a germ on your


a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet


The revolution will not go better with Coke

The revolution will not fight the germs that cause

bad breath

The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat

The revolution will not be televised

WILL not be televised, WILL NOT BE TELEVISED

The revolution will be no re-run brothers

The revolution will be live

"​Give Ireland Back to the Irish​" ​(1972, Wings, "

Krvavá nedeľa"​​30. januára toho istého roku, keď

britské jednotky v Severnom Írsku zastrelili trinásť


demonštrantov za občianske práva)

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Don't make them have to take it away

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Make Ireland Irish today

Great Britain, you are tremendous

And nobody knows like me

But really, what are you doin'

In the land across the sea?

Tell me, how would you like it

If on your way to work

You were stopped by Irish soldiers?

Would you lie down, do nothing

Would you give in or go berserk?

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Don't make them have to take it away


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Give_Ireland_Back_to_the_Irish

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Paul-mccartney-and-wings-give-ireland-back-to-the-irish-live-lyrics

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Make Ireland Irish today

Great Britain and all the people

Say that all people must be free

And meanwhile back in Ireland

There's a man who looks like me

And he dreams of god and country

And he's feeling really bad

And he's sitting in a prison

Say, should he lie down, do nothing

Should give in or go mad?

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Don't make them have to take it away

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Make Ireland Irish today

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Don't make them have to take it away

Give Ireland back to the Irish

Make Ireland Irish today (yeah, yeah)

"​Get Up, Stand Up​"​(1973, Bob Marley, The Wailers,


chudobné životné podmienky Haitanov)

[Intro: The Wailers]

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight

[Verse 1: Bob Marley]

Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth

I know you don't know what life is really worth

Is not all that glitters in gold and

Half the story has never been told

So now you see the light, aay

Stand up for your right. Come on

[Chorus: The Wailers and Bob Marley]


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Up,_Stand_Up

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bob-marley-and-the-wailers-get-up-stand-up-lyrics

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight

[Verse 2: Bob Marley]

Most people think great God will come from the sky

Take away everything, and make everybody feel high

But if you know what life is worth

You would look for yours on earth

And now you see the light

You stand up for your right, yeah

[Chorus: The Wailers]

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight

[Bridge: The Wailers and Bridge]

Get Up, Stand Up. Life is your right

So we can't give up the fight

Stand up for your right, Lord, Lord

Get Up, Stand Up. Keep on struggling on

Don't give up the fight

[Verse 3: Peter Tosh]

We're sick and tired of your ism and schism game

Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name, Lord

We know and we understand

Almighty God is a living man

You can fool some people sometimes

But you can't fool all the people all the time

So now we see the light

(What you gonna do?)

We going to stand up for our right

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

So you'd better...

[Chorus: The Wailers]

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight

Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right

Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight

"​Damn the Dam​" ​(1973, John Hanlon, enviromentálna

kampaň pre záchranu jazier Manapouri a Te Anau na


Novom Zélande)

Leaf falls to kiss the image of a mountain

the early morning mist has ceased to play

Birds dancing lightly on the branches by a fountain

Of a waterfall which dazzles with its spray

Tall and strong and aged, contented and serene

The kauri tree surveys this grand domain

For miles and miles around him, a sea of rolling


Tomorrow all this beauty won't remain

Damn the dam cried the fantail,

As he flew into as he flew into the sky,

To give power to the people

All this beauty has to die

Rain falls from above and splashes on the ground

Goes running down the mountain to the sea

And leaping over pebbles makes such a joyful sound

Such is Mother Nature's gift to me

I have grave reflection, reflection of a grave

Trees that once lived green now dead and brown

The homes of tiny animals and little birds as well

For the sake of man's progression have been drowned

Damn the dam cried the fantail,

As he flew into as he flew into the sky,

To give power to the people

All this beauty has to die

Damn the dam cried the fantail,

As he flew into as he flew into the sky,


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hanlon_(singer)

Text z: ​https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/john-hanlon/damn-the-dam-chords-1712118

Damn the dam cried the fantail,

As he flew into as he flew into the sky,

To give power to the people

All this beauty has to die

"E Depois do Adeus" ​(1974, Paulo de Carvalho,


Klinčeková revolúcia)


(anglický preklad)

I wanted to know who I was,

what I’m doing here

Who has abandoned me,

whom I forgot

I asked myself,

I wanted to know about us

But the sea

doesn’t bring me

your voice

In silence, my love,

in sadness at last

I feel you like a flower,

I feel you hurting me

I remember you,

leaving is dying

Like loving

is winning

and losing

You came as a flower

that I have picked


Viac na:






Preklad prevzatý z: ​https://lyricstranslate.com

You gave me your love,

I gave you nothing

In your body, my love,

I fell asleep

I’ve died in it a

nd after dying

I was reborn

And after love,

and after us

Saying goodbye,

staying alone

Your empty place,

your absence in me

Your peace

that I lost,

my sorrow

that I gained

Again you came as a flower

that I picked

And after love,

and after us

Saying goodbye,

staying alone

"​There Is a War​"​​(1974, Leonard Cohen,​​po zážitku z


Jomkipurskej vojny​)

There is a war between the rich and poor,

A war between the man and the woman.

There is a war between the ones who say there is a


And the ones who say there isn't.


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Leonard-cohen-there-is-a-war-lyrics

Why don't you come on back to the war, that's right,

get in it,

Why don't you come on back to the war, it's just


Well I live here with a woman and a child,

The situation makes me kind of nervous.

Yes, I rise up from her arms, she says "I guess you

call this love"

I call it service.

Why don't you come on back to the war, don't be a


Why don't you come on back to the war, before it

hurts us,

Why don't you come on back to the war, let's all get


You cannot stand what I've become,

You much prefer the gentleman I was before.

I was so easy to defeat, I was so easy to control,

I didn't even know there was a war.

Why don't you come on back to the war, don't be


Why don't you come on back to the war, you can still

get married.

There is a war between the rich and poor,

A war between the man and the woman.

There is a war between the left and right,

A war between the black and white,

A war between the odd and the even.

Why don't you come on back to the war, pick up your

tiny burden,

Why don't you come on back to the war, let's all get


Why don't you come on back to the war, can't you hear

me speaking?

"​Hurricane​"​ (1975, Bob Dylan, prípad Rubina


"Hurikána" Cartera)


Obrázok, viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_(Bob_Dylan_song)

Pistol shots ring out in the barroom


Enter Patty Valentine from the upper


She sees the bartender in a pool of


Cries out, "My God, they killed them all!"

Here comes the story of the Hurricane

The man the authorities came to blame

For somethin' that he never done

Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been

The champion of the world

Three bodies lyin' there does Patty see

And another man named Bello, movin' around


"I didn't do it, " he says, and he throws up his


"I was only robbin' the register, I hope you


I saw them leavin', " he says, and he stops

"One of us had better call up the cops."

And so Patty calls the cops

And they arrive on the scene with their red lights


In the hot New Jersey night

Meanwhile, far away in another part of town

Rubin Carter and a couple of friends are drivin'


Number one contender for the middleweight crown

Had no idea what kinda shit was about to go down

When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road

Just like the time before and the time before that

In Paterson that's just the way things go

If you're black you might as well not show up on the


'Less you want to draw the heat

Alfred Bello had a partner and he had a rap for the


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bob-dylan-hurricane-lyrics

Him and Arthur Dexter Bradley were just out prowlin'


He said, "I saw two men runnin' out, they looked like


They jumped into a white car with out-of-state


And Miss Patty Valentine just nodded her head

Cop said, "Wait a minute, boys, this one's not dead"

So they took him to the infirmary

And though this man could hardly see

They told him that he could identify the guilty men

Four in the mornin' and they haul Rubin in

Take him to the hospital and they bring him upstairs

The wounded man looks up through his one dyin' eye

Says, "Wha'd you bring him in here for? He ain't the


Yes, here's the story of the Hurricane

The man the authorities came to blame

For somethin' that he never done

Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been

The champion of the world

Four months later, the ghettos are in flame

Rubin's in South America, fightin' for his name

While Arthur Dexter Bradley's still in the robbery


And the cops are puttin' the screws to him, lookin'

for somebody to blame

"Remember that murder that happened in a bar?"

"Remember you said you saw the getaway car?"

"You think you'd like to play ball with the law?"

"Think it might-a been that fighter that you saw

runnin' that night?"

"Don't forget that you are white."

Arthur Dexter Bradley said, "I'm really not sure."

Cops said, "A poor boy like you could use a break

We got you for the motel job and we're talkin' to

your friend Bello

Now you don't wanta have to go back to jail, be a

nice fellow

You'll be doin' society a favor

That sonofabitch is brave and gettin' braver

We want to put his ass in stir

We want to pin this triple murder on him

He ain't no Gentleman Jim."

Rubin could take a man out with just one punch

But he never did like to talk about it all that much

It's my work, he'd say, and I do it for pay

And when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way

Up to some paradise

Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice

And ride a horse along a trail

But then they took him to the jailhouse

Where they try to turn a man into a mouse

All of Rubin's cards were marked in advance

The trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chance

The judge made Rubin's witnesses drunkards from the


To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary


And to the black folks he was just a crazy nigger

No one doubted that he pulled the trigger

And though they could not produce the gun

The D.A. said he was the one who did the deed

And the all-white jury agreed

Rubin Carter was falsely tried

The crime was murder "one, " guess who testified?

Bello and Bradley and they both baldly lied

And the newspapers, they all went along for the ride

How can the life of such a man

Be in the palm of some fool's hand?

To see him obviously framed

Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a


Where justice is a game

Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties

Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise

While Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell

An innocent man in a living hell

That's the story of the Hurricane

But it won't be over till they clear his name

And give him back the time he's done

Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been

The champion of the world

"​God Save the Queen" ​(1977, Sex Pistols, spomína

fašistický režim a Anglicko bez budúcnosti ,

strieborné jubileum Alžbety II. na


anglickom tróne)

God save the queen

The fascist regime

They made you a moron

A potential H bomb

God save the queen

She's not a human being

and There's no future

And England's dreaming

Don't be told what you want

Don't be told what you need

There's no future

No future

No future for you

God save the queen

We mean it man

We love our queen

God saves

God save the queen

'Cause tourists are money

And our figurehead

Is not what she seems

Oh God save history

God save your mad parade

Oh Lord God have mercy

All crimes are paid

Oh when there's no future

How can there be sin


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_Save_the_Queen_(Sex_Pistols_song)

Text a obrázok z: ​https://genius.com/Sex-pistols-god-save-the-queen-lyrics

We're the flowers

In the dustbin

We're the poison

In your human machine

We're the future

Your future

God save the queen

We mean it man

We love our queen

God saves

God save the queen

We mean it man

There's no future

In England's dreaming God save the queen

No future

No future

No future for you

No future

No future

No future for me

No future

No future

No future for you

"Magické noci" ​(1977, Plastic People of the Universe)


Magické noci počal čas

Kocha snad z toho vezme ďas

Magické noci počal čas

My žijeme v Praze to je tam

kde se jednou zjeví Duch sám

My žijeme v Praze to je tam

Magické noci počal čas

Kocha snad z toho vezme ďas

Magické noci počal čas


Text z:


My žijeme v Praze to je tam

kde se jednou zjeví Duch sám

My žijeme v Praze to je tam

"​Soweto Blues​"​(1977, Miriam Makeba, Povstanie v



The children got a letter from the master

It said: no more Xhosa, Sotho, no more Zulu.

Refusing to comply they sent an answer

That's when the policemen came to the rescue

Children were flying bullets dying

The mothers screaming and crying

The fathers were working in the cities

The evening news brought out all the publicity:

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Benikuphi ma madoda (where were the men)

Abantwana beshaywa (when the children were throwing


Ngezimbokodo Mabedubula abantwana (when the children

were being shot)

Benikhupi na (where were you?)

There was a full moon on the golden city

Looking at the door was the man without pity

Accusing everyone of conspiracy

Tightening the curfew charging people with walking

Yes, the border is where he was awaiting

Waiting for the children, frightened and running

A handful got away but all the others

Hurried their chain without any publicity

Soweto blues

Soweto blues


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soweto_Blues

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Miriam-makeba-soweto-blues-lyrics

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Mabedubula abantwana (when the children were being

shot) Benikhupi na (where were you?)

Soweto blues

Soweto blues

Soweto blues - abu yethu a mama

Soweto blues - they are killing all the children

Soweto blues - without any publicity

Soweto blues - oh, they are finishing the nation

Soweto blues - while calling it black on black

Soweto blues - but everybody knows they are behind it

Soweto Blues - without any publicity

Soweto blues - they are finishing the nation

Soweto blues - god, somebody, help!

Soweto blues - (abu yethu a mama)

Soweto blues

"​Mury​" ​(1978, Jacek Kaczmarski, proti totalitnému


komunistickému režimu aj opozícií)

(anglický preklad)

He was inspired and young, no one would count them

He lent them strength with his song, he sung that it

was almost dawning.

They lit thousands candles for him, smoke was rising

over their heads,

Singing it would be high time, that the wall should


They sang together with him:

Pull the teeth of bars from the walls!

Tear off the chains, break the whip!

And the walls will fall, will fall, will fall

And will bury the old world!


Preklad prevzatý z: ​https://lyricstranslate.com/en/mury-walls.html

Soon they knew the song by heart and just the melody

without the words

Carried the old meaning, shivers through hearts and


So they sung, clapped to the rhythm, their applause

sounding like gunshots,

And the chain was a burden, the dawn was dawdling...

And he still sung and played:

Pull the teeth of bars from the walls!

Tear off the chains, break the whip!

And the walls will fall, will fall, will fall

And will bury the old world!

And they saw their numbers, they felt their strength

and the time,

And singing that the dawn is near, they marched into

the streets;

They destroyed monuments and uprooted pavements —

This one is with us! This one is against us!

Who's alone is our worst enemy!

And the singer was also alone.

He looked at the steady march of the crowds,

Silent he listened to the thunder of their steps,

And the walls grew, grew, grew

The chain dangled at the feet...

He looks at the steady march of the crowds,

Silent he listens to the thunder of their steps,

And the walls are growing, growing, growing

The chain dangles at the feet...

"​Another Brick in the Wall​" ​part 2 ​(1979, Pink Floyd,


zastaralé praktiky v školstve)

We don't need no education

We dont need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Another_Brick_in_the_Wall

Text z: ​http://www.pink-floyd-lyrics.com/html/another-brick-in-the-wall-lyrics.html

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

We don't need no education

We dont need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

"Wrong, Do it again!"

"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any

pudding. How can you

have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"

"You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still


"​Hum Dekhenge​" ​(1979, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, proti režimu

Muhammada Zia-ul-Haqa, dôležitosť nadobudla

v protestoch proti Pervezovi Musharrafovi na


začiatku 21. storočia)


(anglický preklad)

We shall Witness

It is certain that we too, shall witness

the day that has been promised

of which has been written on the slate of eternity

When the enormous mountains of tyranny

blow away like cotton.

Under our feet- the feet of the oppressedwhen

the earth will pulsate deafeningly

and on the heads of our rulers

when lightning will strike.

From the abode of God

When icons of falsehood will be taken out,

When we- the faithful- who have been barred out of

sacred places


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hum_Dekhenge


Preklad prevzatý z: ​https://ghazala.wordpress.com/2008/01/08/hum-dekhenge/

will be seated on high cushions

When the crowns will be tossed,

When the thrones will be brought down.

Only The name will survive

Who cannot be seen but is also present

Who is the spectacle and the beholder, both

I am the Truth- the cry will rise,

Which is I, as well as you

And then God’s creation will rule

Which is I, as well as you

We shall Witness

It is certain that we too, shall witnes

"​Redemption Song​" ​(1980, Bob Marley, text inšpirovaný

prejavom panafrického rečníka Marcusa Garveya s


názvom "The Work That Has Been Done")

Old pirates, yes, they rob I

Sold I to the merchant ships

Minutes after they took I

From the bottomless pits

But my hand was made strong

By the hand of the Almighty

We forward in this generation


Won't you help to sing

These songs of freedom?

'Cause all I ever have

Redemption songs

Redemption songs

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery

None but our self can free our minds

Have no fear for atomic energy

'Cause none of them can stop the time

How long shall they kill our prophets

While we stand aside and look?


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redemption_Song

Text a obrázok z: ​https://genius.com/Bob-marley-and-the-wailers-redemption-song-lyrics

Some say it's just a part of it

We've got to fulfill di book

Won't you help to sing

These songs of freedom?

'Cause all I ever had

Redemption songs

Redemption songs

Redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our mind

Oh, have no fear for atomic energy

'Cause none of them can stop the time

How long shall dey kill our prophets

While we stand aside and look?

Some say it's just a part of it

We've got to fulfill di book

Won't you help to sing

These songs of freedom?

'Cause all I ever had

Redemption songs

All I ever had

Redemption songs

These songs of freedom

Songs of freedom

"​There Is No Depression In New Zealand​" ​(1981, Blam


Blam Blam, Muldoonova vláda, nezamestnanosť)

There is no depression in New Zealand

There are no sheep on our farms

There is no depression in New Zealand

We can all keep perfectly calm

But everybody's talking about World War Three

'Cause everybody's talking about World War Three


Viac na: ​https://nzhistory.govt.nz/media/photo/no-depression-in-new-zealand

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Blam-blam-blam-there-is-no-depression-in-new-zealand-lyrics

But we're as safe as safe can be

There's no unrest in this country

We have no dole queues

We have no drug addicts

We have no racism

We have no sexism

Sexism, no, no

There is no depression in New Zealand

There are no teeth in our heads

There is no depression in New Zealand

We sleep in a well made bed

Oh, but everybody's talking about World War Three

Yes, everybody's talking about World War Three

But we're as safe as safe can be

There's no unrest in this country

We have no SIS

We have no secrets

We have no rebellion

We have no Valium

Valium, no, no

There is no depression in New Zealand

There are no sheep on our farms

There is no depression in New Zealand

We can all keep perfectly calm

Perfectly calm

Perfectly calm

Perfectly calm

Perfectly calm

"​Vyletel vták​" ​(1981, Milan Lasica, Július

Satinský a Jaroslav Filip, predrevolučné pocity


v komunistickom Česko-Slovensku)​

Vyletel vták hore nad oblaky

a ja pod ním stojím ako taký

ako taký úbožiak

malý vtáčik nad oblakmi krúži


Text z: ​https://hudba.zoznam.sk/milan-lasica/piesen/vyletel-vtak/

a ja za ním poberať sa túžim

chcel by som byť ako vták

ako vták si nad oblakmi lietať

a uletieť do šíreho sveta

to by som chcel neviem jak.

lietať neviem lebo nemám krídel

vták bez krídel kto to kedy videl

Bože či som úbožiak.

Márnu nádej stále chovám v duchu

raz sa možno udržím vo vzduchu

potom budem lietať.

Potom budem lietať

potom budem lietať

ako vták

ako vták

Ako vták

"​Born in the U.S.A.​"​(1984, Bruce ​Springsteen​,


americkí veteráni z Vietnamu)

Born down in a dead man's town

The first kick I took was when I hit the ground

End up like a dog that's been beat too much

'Til you spend half your life just covering up

Born in the U.S.A

I was born in the U.S.A

I was born in the U.S.A

Born in the U.S.A

Got in a little hometown jam

So they put a rifle in my hand

Sent me off to a foreign land

To go and kill the yellow man

Born in the U.S.A

I was born in the U.S.A


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Born_in_the_U.S.A._(song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bruce-springsteen-born-in-the-usa-lyrics

I was born in the U.S.A

I was born in the U.S.A

Come back home to the refinery

Hiring man said "son if it was up to me"

Went down to see my V.A. man

He said "son, don't you understand"

I had a brother at Khe Sanh fighting off the Viet


They're still there, he's all gone

He had a woman he loved in Saigon

I got a picture of him in her arms now

Down in the shadow of the penitentiary

Out by the gas fires of the refinery

I'm ten years burning down the road

Nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go

Born in the U.S.A

I was born in the U.S.A

Born in the U.S.A

I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A

Born in the U.S.A

Born in the U.S.A

Born in the U.S.A

I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A

"​Bring Him Back Home (Nelson Mandela)​" ​(1986, Hugh


Masekela, proti politike apartheidu)

Bring Back Nelson Mandela.

Bring him back all to


I wont to see him walking

down the street in South Africa - Tomorrow.

Bring Back Nelson Mandela.

Bring him back all to


I wont to see him walking down the street

with Winnie Mandela.


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bring_Him_Back_Home_(Nelson_Mandela)

Text z: ​https://www.metrolyrics.com/mandela-bring-him-back-home-lyrics-hugh-masekela.html

"​Beds Are Burning​" (1987, ​Midnight Oil​, ničenie


životného prostredia)

Out where the river broke

The bloodwood and the desert oak

Holden wrecks and boiling diesels

Steam in forty-five degrees

The time has come to say fair's fair

To pay the rent, to pay our share

The time has come, a fact's a fact

It belongs to them, let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning?

How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

How can we dance when our earth is turning?

How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

The time has come to say fair's fair

To pay the rent now, to pay our share

Four wheels scare the cockatoos

From Kintore, east to Yuendemu

The Western Desert lives and breathes

In forty-five degrees

The time has come to say fair's fair

To pay the rent, to pay our share

The time has come, a fact's a fact

It belongs to them, let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning?

How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

How can we dance when our earth is turning?

How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

The time has come to say fair's fair

To pay the rent now, to pay our share

The time has come, a fact's a fact

It belongs to them, we're gonna give it back


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beds_Are_Burning

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Midnight-oil-beds-are-burning-lyrics

How can we dance when our earth is turning?

How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

"Lost Woman Song" ​(1990, Ani Difranco, interrupčné



I opened a bank account when I was nine years old

I closed it when I was eighteen

I gave them every penny that I'd saved and they gave

my blood and my urine a number

And now I'm sitting in this waiting room playing with

the toys

And I am here to exercise my freedom of choice

I passed their handheld signs

I went through their picket lines

They gathered when they saw me coming

They shouted when they saw me cross

I said, "why don't you go home?

Just leave me alone

I'm just another woman lost

You are like fish in the water who don't know that

they are wet

But as far as I can tell the world isn't perfect yet"

And his bored eyes were obscene

On his denim thighs a magazine

I wish he'd never come here with me

In fact I wish he'd never come near me

I wish his shoulder wasn't touching mine

I am growing older waiting in this line

But some of life's best lessons are learned at the

worst times

And under the fierce fluorescent she offered her hand

for me to hold

She offered stability and calm and I was crushing her


Through the pinch-pull wincing

My smile unconvincing

On that sterile battlefield that sees only casualties

Never heroes

My heart hit absolute zero

And lucille, your voice still sounds in me



Yeah mine was a relatively easy tragedy

The profile of our country looks a little less


But you know that picket line persisted and that

clinic's since been closed

They keep pounding their fists on reality hoping it

will break

But you know I don't think there's one of them that

leads a life free of mistakes

Yes I'm not going to sacrifice my freedom of choice

No you can't make me sacrifice my freedom of choice

No you can't make us sacrifice our freedom of choice

"Sľúbili sme si lásku"​(1989, Ivan Hoffman, Nežná



Videli sme tých, ktorí vystierali ruky,

mali ich prázdne a ešte bola tma,

po našich uliciach odvtedy prešli veky,

zobudili sme sa zo zlého sna.

Sľúbili sme si lásku, sľúbili vravieť pravdu len,

sľúbili sme si vydržať, sľúbili sme si nový deň.

Tí mladí za nás vystreli prázdne ruky,

za nás boli bití, za naše mlčanie,

po našich uliciach odvtedy prešli veky

a zaznelo zlému posledné zvonenie.

Sľúbili sme si lásku, sľúbili vravieť pravdu len,

sľúbili sme si vydržať, sľúbili sme si nový deň.

Vystrime s nimi všetci prázdne ruky,

a bude v nich naša budúcnosť,

na našich uliciach podajme si ruky,

neviery a strachu už ozaj bolo dosť.

Sľúbili sme si lásku, sľúbili vravieť pravdu len,

sľúbili sme si vydržať, sľúbili sme si nový deň

"​Monkey Gone to Heaven​" (​1989, Pixies, ničenie


životného prostredia)


Viac na: ​https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C4%BE%C3%BAbili_sme_si_l%C3%A1sku


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_Gone_to_Heaven

There was a guy

An under water guy who controlled the sea

Got killed by ten million pounds of sludge

From New York and New Jersey

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

The creature in the sky

Got sucked in a hole

Now there's a hole in the sky

And the ground's not cold

And if the ground's not cold

Everything is gonna burn

We'll all take turns, I'll get mine too

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

Rock me Jo

If man is five, if man is five, if man is five

Then the devil is six, then the devil is six

The devil is six, the devil is six and if the devil

is six

Then God is seven , then God is seven, the God is


This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

This monkey's gone to Heaven

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Pixies-monkey-gone-to-heaven-lyrics


"​Pravda víťazí​"​​(1989, Tublatanka, Nežná revolúcia)

Pravda víťazí!

Svet je smutne skutočný!

Prázdni ľudia chcú v ňom vládnuť,

Smejú sa nám do očí,

Žiadna pravda sa im nehodí.

Na dušu mu siahujú

Keď sa proti tomu bráni,

Nôž mu na krk dávajú -

Žiadna pravda sa im nehodí!

Aj tak ju nikdy nezabijú,

Tá nikdy nezomrie!

Žije aj keď ju práve nechcú,

A nikto pred ňou neutečie.

Pravda víťazí,

Pravde čas nevadí

Ani lesk všemocných


Pravda víťazí,

Ak u sám nezradíš.

Pravda vždy zvíťazí,


Topia pravdu vo víne,

A celý svet iba čaká

Že ich doba pominie:

Nikomu sa pravda nehodí!

Aj tak ju nikdy nezabijú,

Tá nikdy nezomrie!

Žije aj keď ju práve nechcú,

A nikto pred ňou neutečie.


Pravda víťazí,

Pravde čas nevadí

Ani lesk všemocných



Text z: ​https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Tublatanka/Pravda-v%C3%AD%C5%A5az%C3%AD

Pravda víťazí,

Ak u sám nezradíš.

Pravda vždy zvíťazí,


Pravda víťazí,

Pravde čas nevadí,

Pravda vždy zvíťazí,



"​Treaty​"​​(1991, Yothu Yindi, Aborigénci)

Well I heard it on the radio

And I saw it on the television

Back in 1988

All those talking politicians

Words are easy, words are cheap

Much cheaper than our priceless land

But promises can disappear

Just like writing in the sand

Treaty Yeh Treaty Now

Treaty Yeh Treaty Now

Nhima Djatpangarri nhima walangwalang -

Nhe Djatpayatpa nhima gaya nhe-

Matjini.... Yakarray - nhe Djat'pa nhe walang -

Gumurrtijararrk Gutjuk -

This land was never given up

This land was never bought and sold

The planting of the Union Jack

Never changed our law at all

Now two rivers run their course

Separated for so long

I'm dreaming of a brighter day

When the waters will be one

Treaty Yeh Treaty Now Treaty Yeh Treaty Now

Treaty Yeh Treaty Now Treaty Yeh Traty Now


Obrázok,viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_(song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Yothu-yindi-treaty-lyrics

Nhima djatpa nhe walang

gumurrtjararrk yawirriny Nhe gaya nhe matjini

Gaya nhe matjini Gaya gaya nhe gaya nhe

Matjini walangwalang Nhema djatpa nhe walang - Nhe

gumurrtjarrk nhe ya-

Promises - Disappear - Priceless land - Destiny -

Well I heard it on the Radio - And I saw it on the


But promises can be broken Just like writing in the


Treaty Yeh

Treaty Now ....

"​Zombie​" ​(1994, The Cranberries, bombardovanie IRA


vo Warringtone)

Another head hangs lowly

Child is slowly taken

And the violence, caused such silence

Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me

It's not my family

In your head, in your head, they are fighting

With their tanks, and their bombs

And their bombs, and their guns

In your head, in your head they are crying

In your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie, oh

Du, du, du, du

Du, du, du, du

Du, du, du, du

Du, du, du, du

Another mother's breaking

Heart is taking over


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_(song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/The-cranberries-zombie-lyrics

When the violence causes silence

We must be mistaken

It's the same old theme

Since nineteen-sixteen

In your head, in your head, they're still fighting

With their tanks, and their bombs

And their bombs, and their guns

In your head, in your head, they are dying

In your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

ie-ie oh

"​Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24​"​​(1996,

Savatage,Trans-Siberian Orchestra, vojnou zničené



(inštrumentálna pieseň –​skladba popisuje osamelého

violončelistu (Vedran Smailović), ktorý hrá zabudnutú

vianočnú koledu vo vojnou zničenom Sarajeve​)

"Animal Kingdom" ​(1998, Rhonda Smith & Prince, etické


zaobchádzanie so zvieratami, vegánstvo)

I saw a friend of mine 2day

In an ad sayin' what would do my body good

I told him he was wasting time I say

If God wanted milk in me

The breast I suck would have a line around the hood

No member of the animal kingdom nurses past maturity

No member of the animal kingdom ever did a thing 2 me

It's why I don't eat red meat or white fish

Don't give me no blue cheese

We're all members of the animal kingdom

Leave your brothers and sisters in the sea

Animal, animal kingdom


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_Eve/Sarajevo_12/24


Text z: ​https://www.lyricfind.com/

Who told us we should eat the swine?

U can bet your final money it damn sure wasn't no

friend of mine

What about the clams on the shore?

Souls in progress, here come the fisherman - soul no


No member of the animal kingdom nurses past maturity

(Nurses past, oh yeah)

No member of the animal kingdom ever did a thing 2 me

(Ever did a damn thing)

So I don't eat no red meat or white fish

Or funky, funky blue cheese

We're all members of the animal kingdom

Leave your brothers and sisters in the sea

Animal, animal kingdom

"Mathematics"​​(1999, ​Mos Def​, degradujúce štatistiky


o Afro-američanoch v USA)

Bucka-bucka-bucka-bucka-bucka-bucka, haha!

You know the deal: it's just me, yo

Beats by Su-Primo for all of my people, Negroes and


And even the gringos

Yo, check it

1 for Charlie Hustle, 2 for Steady Rock

3 for the forthcoming live future shock

It's 5 dimensions, 6 senses

7 firmaments of heaven and hell, 8 million stories to


9 planets faithfully keep in orbit with the probable


The universe expands length

The body of my text possess extra strength

Power-lift the powerless up out of this towering


My ink so hot it burn through the journal

I'm blacker than midnight on Broadway and Myrtle


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics_(Mos_Def_song)

Text z: ​https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/mosdef/mathematics.html

Hip-Hop passed all your tall social hurdles

Like the nationwide project-prison-industry complex

Working-class poor: better keep your alarm set

Streets too loud to ever hear freedom ring

Say evacuate your sleep, it's dangerous to dream

For ch-ching, cats get the "cha-pow!" You dead now

Killing fields need blood to graze the cash cow

It's a numbers game, but shit don't add up somehow

Like I got 16 to 32 bars to rock it

But only 15% of profits ever see my pockets like

69 billion in the last 20 years

Spent on national defense but folks still live in

fear like

Nearly half of America's largest cities is

one-quarter black

That's why they gave Ricky Ross all the crack

16 ounces to a pound, 20 more to a ki

A 5-minute sentence hearing and you're no longer free

40% of Americans own a cell phone

So they can hear everything that you say when you

ain't home

I guess Michael Jackson was right: you are not alone

Rock your hardhat, black, cause you in the Terrordome

Full of hard niggas, large niggas, dice-tumblers

Young teens and prison greens facing life numbers

Crack mothers, crack babies and AIDS patients

Young bloods can't spell but they could rock you in


This New Math is whipping motherfuckers' ass

You want to know how to rhyme you better learn how to


It's mathematics

[Chorus: scratched by DJ Premier:]

"The Mighty Mos Def"

"It's simple mathematics"

"Check it out"

"I revolve around science.."

"What are we talking about here?"

"The Mighty Mos Def"

"It's simple mathematics"

"Check it out"

"I revolve around science.."

"What are we talking about here?"

"Do your math, do your math"

"1, 2, 3, 4"

"What are we talking about here?"

[Mos Def:]

Yo, it's 1 universal law but 2 sides to every story

3 strikes and you biddin' for life, mandatory

4 MCs murdered in the last 4 years

I ain't trying to be the 5th when the millennium is


Yo it's 6 million ways to die, from the 7 deadly


8-year-olds getting found with 9mils

It's 10 PM, where your seeds at? What's the deal?

He on the hill pumping krills to keep they bellies


Light in the ass with heavy steel, sights on the

pretty shit in life

Young soldiers trying to earn their next stripe

When the average minimum wage is $5.15

You best believe you've got to find a new grind to

get cream

The white unemployment rate is nearly more than

triple for black

Some front-liners got their gun in your back

Bubbling crack, jewel theft and robbery to combat


And end up in the global jail economy

Stiffer stipulations attached to each sentence

Budget cutbacks but increased police presence

And even if you get out of prison still living

Join the other 5 million under state supervision

This is business: no faces, just lines and statistics

From your phone, your Zip Code to SSI digits

The system break man, child, and women into figures

2 columns for "who is" and "who ain't niggas"

Numbers is hard and real and they never have feelings

But you push too hard, even numbers got limits

Why did one straw break the camel's back?

Here's the secret

The million other straws underneath it

It's all mathematics (math)

"The Mighty Mos Def"

"It's simple mathematics"

"Check it out"

"I revolve around science.."

"What are we talking about here?"

"The Mighty Mos Def"

"It's simple mathematics"

"Check it out"

"I revolve around science.."

"What are we talking about here?"

"Do your math, do your math"

"1, 2, 3, 4"

"What are we talking about here?"

(Mathematics, mathematics, mathematics...)

"​Idioteque​"​(2000, Radiohead, paranoja dosahov

technológie – jadrový holokaust a globálne



Who's in a bunker?

Who's in a bunker?

Women and children first

And the children first

And the children

I'll laugh until my head comes off

I'll swallow till I burst

Until I burst

Until I

Who's in a bunker?

Who's in a bunker?

I have seen too much

I haven't seen enough

You haven't seen it

I'll laugh until my head comes off

Women and children first


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioteque

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Radiohead-idioteque-lyrics

And children first

And children

Here I'm alive

Everything all of the time

Here I'm alive

Everything all of the time

Ice age coming

Ice age coming

Let me hear both sides

Let me hear both sides

Let me hear both

Ice age coming

Ice age coming

Throw it in the fire

Throw it in the fire

Throw it on the

We're not scaremongering

This is really happening


We're not scaremongering

This is really happening


Mobiles squerking

Mobiles chirping

Take the money run

Take the money run

Take the money

Here I'm alive

Everything all of the time

Here I'm alive

Everything all of the time

Here I'm alive

Everything all of the time

Here I'm alive

Everything all of the time

The first of the

"​911​"​​(2001, Gorillaz a D12, Útoky z 11. septembra



There ain't no trouble in rock (rock)

On every block (block)

Late for School, Late for Work

But ahead of these cops (cops)

My credit is shock, in the detinate box (box)

Like, people take my life and that's pathetic as

Pac's (Pac's)

A waste of the talent, Say my boys is just no where

Placed on the planet, remain in poisonous warfare

Derelict Arabic terrorists in the air

Shit arrogant apparent to punish people by their


Nato barriers, Hate embarrassed

There is the faith to cherish

In your room face to face with race awareness

A race to us?? army bombin' your God is with you

Calm the war, we gotta start our pistol

Cause if you right and, know you right, then where's

your ritious ways

We sacrifice, snatch your life, many nights and days

Follow me into equality we might behave

And only christ can say the trife will reunite again

America Owns, Without a fucking care in my dome

Bearin' my bones, so far away staring at home

Stay at my zone, falling asleep late with my chrome

Feelin' hype from these rockets burning like

straightenin' in the cones

Stay at the streets, bullshit and plans to beef

Spray at your peeps for christmas, give a key to my


Real nigga's feel us and fear us

Gorillaz beat on they chest when

Dangerous lyricist, I hope that you hear us

The spirit of Bugz is still in me

God bless it the trinity

Cause my bullets they come in three's like trilogy's


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/911_(Gorillaz_and_D12_song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Gorillaz-and-d12-911-lyrics

Put the knife away, missles away strike and blaze

So much smoke you can't tell the difference between

night and day

Right away blow your life away, so light your haze

Hold tight grenede's so when it blows I'm slightly


Kuniva might be crazed unleashin' unlikely rage

The next time you hear a verse from me I might be






Everynight I talk to a black hawk, taking herion in


Watch my body hit the chalks

I'm too lazy, masculines got me crazy

Rape this old lady, while the bitch was having a baby

And I ain't never going home, Bizarre can for go

It's cold I'll be for cyphering, right from wrong

As I sit in my seat and remain calm

And close my eyes and wait for the bomb (Here it


I'm gettin' the fuck on, I'm aggrivated

I know I'll make it, I'm in a place full of hatred

Treatin' my life like a sacrred

Try to check me, I break your neck

Disrespect me you get injected

It's hectic with some bullshit that happen

You least expected

We just don't accept it nigga

I go ahead, lift my trigger

Get rid of bitches, pay you a visit, then get your

shit lit

I'm a nitwit with a big dick, and big balls

I don't miss shit

I hit all, whoever that did this

We Gonna Getch'all

Yo, yo

Now whether its Sadam or Bin Laden

that's been startin all this trouble for us

Creepin horrors doin show after show, sleepin on the

tour bus

We lost Aaliyah, lost our families, it takes no


You don't need us to say the world is fucked up

dawgs, we can see it

Now it seems the public needs this shit to calm its


'cause they findin out how you lied about your

twisted sins

They say we bad for you but shit our music is your


They can't deter you from the truth cause we're the

helping hand

We are one, and one is all

We are, We are, we are one

And one is all


"Final Straw"​(2003, R.E.M., Vojna v Iraku)

As I raise my head to broadcast my objection

As your latest triumph draws the final straw

Who died and lifted you up to perfection?

And what silenced me is written into law

I can't believe where circumstance has thrown me

And I turn my head away

If I look I'm not sure that I could face you

Not again, not today, not today

If hatred makes a play on me tomorrow

And forgiveness takes a back seat to revenge

There's a hurt down deep that has not been corrected

There's a voice in me that says you will not win

And if I ignore the voice inside

Raise a half glass to my home


Text z: ​https://genius.com/Rem-final-straw-lyrics

But it's there that I am most afraid

And forgetting doesn't hold

It doesn't hold

Now I don't believe and I never did

That two wrongs make a right

If the world were filled with the likes of you

Then I'm putting up a fight

Putting up a fight

Putting up a fight

Make it right

Make it right

Now love cannot be called into question

Forgiveness is the only hope I hold

And love, love will be my strongest weapon

I do believe that I am not alone

For this fear will not destroy me

And the tears that have been shed

It's knowing now where I am weakest

And the voice in my head

In my head

Then I raise my voice up higher

And I look you in the eye

And I offer love with one condition

With conviction, tell me why

Tell me why

Tell me why

Look me in the eye

Tell me why


"​Mosh​"​(2004, Eminem, ​George W. Bush​)

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States

of America

And to the Republic for which it stands

One nation under God


It feels so good to be back


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosh_(song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Eminem-mosh-lyrics

I scrutinize every word, memorize every line

I spit it once, refuel re-energize and rewind

I give sight to the blind, my insight through the


I exercise my right to express when I feel it's time

It's just all in your mind, what you interpret it as

I say to fight, you take it as I'm a whip someone's


If you don't understand, don't even bother to ask

A father who has grown up with a fatherless past

Who has blown up now to rap phenomenon that has

Or at least shows no difficulty multi-task

And in juggling both perhaps mastered his craft

Slash entrepreneur who has held onto few more rap


Who's had a few obstacles thrown his way through the

last half

Of his career typical manure moving past that

Mr. kisses ass crack, he's a class act

Rubber band man, yea he just snaps back

Come along follow me as I lead through the darkness

As I provide just enough spark that we need to


Carry on, give me hope, give me strength

Come with me and I won't steer you wrong

Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through

the fog

To the light at the end of the tunnel

We gonna fight, we gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we

gonna march

Through the swamp, we gonna mosh through the marsh

Take us right through the doors (c'mon)

All the people up top on the side and the middle

Come together lets all form and swamp just a little

Just let it gradually build from the front to the


All you can see is a sea of people some white and

some black

Don't matter what color, all that matters we gathered


To celebrate for the same cause don't matter the


If it rains let it rain, yea the wetter the better

They ain't gonna stop us they can't, we stronger now

more than ever

They tell us no we say yea, they tell us stop we say


Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell we gonna let em


Stomp, push, shove, mush, Fuck Bush, until they bring

our troops home (c'mon)

Come along follow me as I lead through the darkness

As I provide just enough spark that we need to


Carry on, give me hope, give me strength

Come with me and I won't steer you wrong

Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through

the fog

To the light at the end of the tunnel

We gonna fight, we gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we

gonna march

Through the swamp, we gonna mosh through the marsh

Take us right through the doors (c'mon)

Imagine it pouring, it's raining down on us

Mosh pits outside the oval office

Someone's tryna tell us something,

Maybe this is god just sayin' we're responsible

For this monster, this coward,

That we have empowered

This is bin Laden, look at his head noddin'

How could we allow something like this without

pumping our fists

Now this is our final hour

Let me be the voice in your strength and your choice

Let me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noise

Try to amplify the times it, and multiply by six

Teen million people, Are equal at this high pitch

Maybe we can reach Al-Queda through my speech

Let the president answer a higher anarchy

Strap him with an Ak-forty seven, let him go, fight

his own war

Let him impress daddy that way

No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to

fight on our own soil

No more psychological warfare, to trick us to

thinking that we ain't loyal

If we don't serve our own country, we're patronizing

a hero

Look in his eyes its all lies

The stars and stripes, they've been swiped, washed

out and wiped

And replaced with his own face, Mosh now or die

If I get sniped tonight you know why,

'Cause I told you to fight.

Come along follow me as I lead through the darkness

As I provide just enough spark that we need to


Carry on, give me hope, give me strength

Come with me and I won't steer you wrong

Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through

the fog

To the light at the end of the tunnel

We gonna fight, we gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we

gonna march

Through the swamp, we gonna mosh through the marsh

Take us right through the doors (c'mon)

And as we proceed,

To Mosh through this desert storm,

In these closing statements, if they should argue

Let us beg to differ

As we set aside our differences

And assemble our own army

To disarm this Weapon of Mass Destruction

That we call our President, for the present

And Mosh for the future of our next generation

To speak and be heard

Mr. President, Mr. Senator?

Do you guy's hear us? hear us? (Hailie)

"​When the President Talks to God​" ​(2005, Bright Eyes,


George W. Bush​)

When the President talks to God,

Are the conversations brief or long?

Does he ask to to rape our women's rights?

And send poor farm kids off to die?

Does God suggest an oil hike?

When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God,

Are the consonants all hard or soft?

Is he resolute on down the line?

Is every issue black or white?

Does what God say ever change his mind?

When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God,

Does he fake that drawl or merely nod?

Agree which convicts should be killed?

Where prisons should be built and filled?

Which voter fraud must be concealed?

When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God,

I wonder which one plays the better cop?

"We should find some jobs the ghetto's broke",

"No they're lazy George I say we don't,

Just give em' more liquor stores and dirty coke",

That's what God recommends.

When the President talks to God,

Do they drink near beer and go play golf?

While they pick which countries to invade,

Which Muslim souls still can be saved?

I guess God just calls a spade a spade,

When the President talks to God?

When the President talks to God,

Does he ever think that maybe He's not?

That that voice is just inside his head?

When he kneels next to the Presidential bed,


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_the_President_Talks_to_God

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bright-eyes-when-the-president-talks-to-god-lyrics

Does he ever smell his own bullshit?

When the President talks to God?

I doubt it.

"​Road to Joy​"​(2005, ​Bright Eyes​, nespravodlivosti



The sun came up with no conclusions

Flowers sleeping in their beds

The city's cemeteries humming

I'm wide awake, it's morning

I have my drugs, I have my woman

They keep away my loneliness

My parents they have their religion

But sleep in separate houses

I read the body count out of the paper

And now its written all over my face

No one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter

Sometimes that's just the most comfortable place

So I'm drinking, breathing, writing, singing

Everyday I'm on the clock

My mind races with all my longings

But can't keep up with what I got

So I hope I don't sound too ungrateful

What history gave modern man

A telephone to talk to strangers

Machine guns and a camera lens

So when you're asked to fight a war that's over


It's best to join the side that's gonna win

And no one knows how all of this started

But we're gonna make them certain how it's gonna end

Oh yeah we will

Well I could have been a famous singer

If I had someone else's voice


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_to_Joy

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Bright-eyes-road-to-joy-lyrics

But failure's always sounded better

Let's fuck it up boys, make some noise

The sun came up with no conclusions

Flowers sleeping in their beds

The city's cemeteries humming

I'm wide awake, it's morning

"​Holiday​" (2005, ​Green Day​, americký konzervatizmus,


George W. Bush​)

Hear the sound of the falling rain

Coming down like an Armageddon flame (hey!)

A shame

The ones who died without a name

Hear the dogs howlin' out of key

To a hymn called faith and misery (hey!)

And bleed, the company lost the war today

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

On holiday

Hear the drum pounding out of time

Another protester has crossed the line (hey!)

To find, the money's on the other side

Can I get another Amen (Amen!)

There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (hey!)

A gag, A plastic bag on a monument

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

On holiday

"The representative from California has the floor"

Sieg Heil to the president gasman

Bombs away is your punishment

Pulverize the Eiffel towers

Who criticize your government

Bang bang goes the broken glass and


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holiday_(Green_Day_song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Green-day-holiday-lyrics

Kill all the fags that don't agree

Trials by fire setting fire

Is not a way that's meant for me

Just cause

Just cause

Because we're outlaws yeah!

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

This is our lives on Holiday

"​The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power)​"​

(2006, ​The Flaming Lips, George W.



Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

If you could blow up the world with the flick of a


Would you do it?

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

If you could make everybody poor just so you could be


Would you do it?

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

If you could watch everybody work while you just lay

on your back

Would you do it?

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

If you could take all the love without giving any



Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Yeah_Yeah_Yeah_Song_(With_All_Your_Power)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/The-flaming-lips-the-yeah-yeah-yeah-song-with-all-your-power-lyrics

Would you do it?

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

And so we cannot know ourselves or what we'd really


With all your power

With all your power

With all your power

What would you do?

With all your power

With all your power

With all your power

What would you do?

If you could make your own money and then give it to


Would you do it?

No no no no no no no no no

If you knew all the answers and could give it to the


Would you do it?

No, no, no, no, no, no, are you crazy?

It's a very dangerous thing to do exactly what you


Because you cannot know yourself or what you'd really


With all your power

With all your power

With all your power

What would you do?

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ah (ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya)

Ah (ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya)

Ah (Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya)

Ah (ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya)

With all your power

With all your power

With all your power

What would you do?

With all your power

With all your power

With all your power

What would you do?

With all your power

With all your power

With all your power

What would you do?

"Let's Impeach the President" ​(2006, ​Neil Young​,


George W. Bush​)

Let's impeach the President for lying

And misleading our country into war

Abusing all the power that we gave him

And shipping all our money out the door

Who's the man who hired all the criminals

The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors

They bend the facts to fit with their new stories

Of why we have to send our men to war

Let's impeach the President for spying

On citizens inside their own homes

Breaking every law in the country

By tapping our computers and telephones

What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees

Would New Orleans have been safer that way

Sheltered by our government's protection

Or was someone just not home that day?


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Impeach_the_President

Text z: ​https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/neilyoung/letsimpeachthepresident.html

Flip - Flop

Flip - Flop

Flip - Flop

Flip - Flop

Let's impeach the president for hijacking

Our religion and using it to get elected

Dividing our country into colors

And still leaving black people neglected

Thank god he's cracking down on steroids

Since he sold his old baseball team

There's lots of people looking at big trouble

But of course our president is clean.

Thank God


“Ezay” ​(2012, ​Mohamed Mounir, Egyptská revolúcia​)


(anglický preklad)

How can you accept for me, when I deeply love your

name (I deeply love you)

and you are keeping me confused, and can't feel my

kindness, how?

I can't find a reason to love you, and my sincerity

doesn't even count How can I keep your head high when

you keep forcing me to bow my head down?

I am the oldest of your streets, your hopes from

those who have destroyed you

I am a child who got attached to you, and you led me

astray halfway

Had I loved you out of choice, my feelings would have

changed a long time ago


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Mounir


Preklad prevzatý z:


I swear by your name, to keep changing you till you

accept me the way I am

How can you accept for me, when I deeply love your

name (I deeply love you)

and you are keeping me confused, and can't feel my

kindness, how?

I can't find a reason to love you, and my sincerity

doesn't even count How can I keep your head high when

you keep forcing me to bow my head down?

How can you leave me this weak, why aren't you

standing by my side? When I have dedicated my entire

life to not catch a glimpse of fear in your eyes (to

protect you)

Over land and sea, how can I protect your back?

When I spend every night with a back that's bare and


I am the oldest of your streets, your hopes from

those who have destroyed you

I am a child who got attached to you, and you led me

astray halfway

Had I loved you out of choice, my feelings would have

changed a long time ago

I swear by your name, to keep changing you till you

accept me the way I am

How can you accept for me, when I deeply love your

name (I deeply love you)

and you are keeping me confused, and can't feel my

kindness, how?

I can't find a reason to love you, and my sincerity

doesn't even count How can I keep your head high when

you keep forcing me to bow my head down?


"​We Exist​" (2014, ​Arcade Fire​, LGBT práva)

They're walking around

Head full of sound

Acting like

We don't exist

They walk in the room

And stare right through you

Talking like

We don't exist

But we exist

Daddy it's true

I'm different from you

But tell me why they treat me like this?

If you turned away

What would I say?

Not the first betrayed by a kiss

Maybe it's true

They're staring at you

When you walk in the room

Tell 'em it's fine

Stare if you like

Just let us through

Just let us through

Na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na

They're down on their knees

Begging us please

Praying that we don't exist

Daddy it's fine

I'm used to 'em now


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Exist

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Arcade-fire-we-exist-lyrics

But tell me why they treat me like this?

It's cause we do it like this

Na na na na na na na

Na na na na na na na

Maybe it's true

They're staring at you

When you walk in the room

Tell 'em it's fine

Stare if you like

Just let us through

Just let us through

Let 'em stare! Let 'em stare!

If that's all they can do!

But I'd lose my heart

If I turned away from you

Oh Daddy don't turn away

You know that I'm so scared

But will you watch me drown?

You know we're going nowhere

We know that we're young

And no shit we're confused

But will you watch us drown?

What are you so afraid to lose?

Down on your knees

Begging us please

Praying that we don't exist

You're down on your knees

Begging us please

Praying that we don't exist

We exist!

We exist!

Down on your knees

Begging us please

Praying that we don't exist

You're down on your knees

Begging us please

Praying that we don't exist

We exist!

We exist!

We exist!

We exist! Na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na,

na na na na na na na

Maybe if you hang together

You can make the changes in our hearts

And if you hang together, you can change us

Just where should you start?

"​Make America Great Again​" ​(2016, Pussy Riot, Trump)


What do you want your world to

look like?

What do you want it to be?

Do you know that a wall has two


And nobody is free?

Did your mama come from Mexico

Papa come from Palestine

Sneaking all through Syria

Crossing all the border lines

Let other people in

Listen to your women

Stop killing black children

Make America Great Again

Let other people in

Listen to your women

Stop killing black children

Make America Great Again

Could you imagine a politician

Calling a woman a dog?

Do you wanna stay in the kitchen?

Is that where you belong?

How do you picture the perfect leader

Who do you want him to be

Has he promoted the use of torture and killing



Viac na: ​https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6815470/

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Pussy-riot-make-america-great-again-lyrics

Did your mama come from Mexico

Papa come from Palestine

Sneaking all through Syria

Crossing all the border lines

Let other people in

Listen to your women

Stop killing black children

Make America Great Again

Let other people in

Listen to your women

Stop killing black children

Make America Great Again

Did your mama come from Mexico

Papa come from Palestine

Sneaking all through Syria

Crossing all the border lines

Let other people in

Listen to your women

Stop killing black children

Make America Great Again

Let other people in

Listen to your women

Stop killing black children

Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again


“A Kindly Reminder” ​(2017, Passenger, Trump)

Well I heard all about your travel ban,

Just for countries that don't fit your business plan.

But how can you decide who cannot and who can?

You're the President now, not a businessman.

And I heard you say climate change isn't real.

That's not how the world's leading scientists feel.

So go bury your head in the sand if you will,

But the waters are rising 'round Capitol Hill.

With four years in front and only three weeks behind


You somehow already managed to upset China.


Viac na: ​https://passengermusic.com/news/passenger-a-kindly-reminder/

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Passenger-a-kindly-reminder-lyrics

And if I could offer a kindly reminder,

It's not okay to grab women by the vagina.

And maybe it's 'cause your hands are so small,

That's why you have to build such a big fucking wall.

Yeah you promised it wide, and you promised it tall,

Now you're wanting the Mexicans to pay for it all.

And you say that you'll make America great.

But I feel that we're in for a long fucking wait.

'Cause you're carving divides through every state,

And you're filling up hearts with fear and with hate.

Well I know this song won't change your thoughts.

We're more likely to see your tax reports​.

"​Čau ty tu​" ​(2017, Modré Hory, James P. Honey,


celkový pohľad na slovenskú spoločnosť)


Sme starí jak svet, v ktorom blues bolo mladé,

blues bolo všade. Daj mi pade!

Sme zápisky bláznov, čo sa desia tých,

čo hlásajú, že sú hlasom generácie. Srať na nich!

Bo my občas netušíme ani to,

či vôbec môžeme hovoriť sami za seba. Bro, platí to?

Desíme sa davov a hlúposti

a hlupákov v dave a hlupákov všade.

A ešte šedi v tom svete, kde blues už je staré.

A tak máme rap, čo šepká, keď treba kričať,

a kričí, keď by mal držať hubu.

Sme tak starí, že si pamätáme, že fičalo Fubu.

Bojíme sa tých, čo majú názor na všetko

a k tomu patenty na pravdu.

Vraj vyštudovali vysokú školu života

a ja pochybujem, či vôbec dokončili základku.

A vraj pravda je niekde uprostred.

Tak Roland, prosím, daj môj vokál trocha do strán,

lebo by som sa asi prepadol od srandy,

kebyže hentí ma majú brať vážne.

A svet vôkol furt tvrdí, že nie sme v kríze.

Akurát nerešpektujeme slobodu slova. H?

Lebo nemôžu na steny kresliť hákové kríže


Text z: ​https://hustleandfitness.bandcamp.com/track/au-ty-tu-feat-james-p-honey-2

a dôchodca suplujúci tajné služby si to zlízne.

A tak píšem, nech kričím, nech amplitúda skacká,

lebo je neprípustné označiť nácka za nácka!

A tak to tu hnedne, žumpa preteká,

a ja len ziapem žvásty, bo neviem viac.


Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

ktorá je aj pre mladých,

interkonekt, jeden svet,

rasizmom sa nikto nechváli.

Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

v ktorej propaganda, hoaxy sú len sranda,

ktorá nás má pobaviť

a len dvojito overené fakty sú pravda.

Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

ktorá sa na nenávisť nechytá,

ale na rozvážne múdro hej,

časovaná bomba netiká.

Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

v ktorej neni za päť minút dvanásť,

psi sú dole z reťazí, žereme menej mäsa a

nechceme sa uškvariť kvôli CO2.

A niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

kde rap má čo povedať a je bomba

a nielen random rým hrôza, nielen

motivačná próza a nielen póza, čo nemá obsah.

Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

kde tvoja sídlisková krčma crew

rozjíma nad pivom a pálenkou o porozumení

a nepodlizuje sa zlu.

Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,

kde si v prvom rade slobodný individuál

a až potom rasa, štát, prvok, ovca,

koliesko, súčiastka či dav.

A tuším sa mi nezdá, že keď spravíme v sebe niečo,

tak bude z toho niečo,

lebo keď nespravíme nič,

tak bude z toho nič.

A tuším sa mi nezdá ani to, že potom

jeden, druhý, tretí, štvrtý politik

ti s blahosklonným úsmevom

naští, naští, naští, naští, na tvoje sny.

(james p. honey)

nobody said it would be fair or light humoured -

distant flare, red mist on a red horizon.

this is scalping country.

nobody said it would be fair or light humoured - go

stare someplace else, you’re spoiling my shellfish

hors d'oeuvres.

parasite publicist. sorrow sings a sad song in the

feeble light of a wounded moon.

drizzle came on like a spangle of sequins streaking

down on growling window pane.

another day in the death of a slow colonial comedown.

motorway. allotment. library closure. popcorn


supermarket strip lights like police truncheons erect

at peaceful protests.

celebrity sightings and exciting cover stories of

displaced immigrant war victims drowning in

overloaded makeshift boats in frozen waters.

reflections of a flickering monitor screen on

varnished plywood.

notes towards an apology - a clutter of vignettes:

get a bunch of celebrities on a beach doing yoga,

beam it out and drag it over a whole season of

programming, a success spanning decades, accolades

they rain down.

finally you've found a thing you can be proud of take

some responsibility for your wellbeing.

stop listening to the radio or reading newspapers -

little more than hatred to be found - as diverse as a

divas walk in wardrobe.

slow motion close up of the shiny chevrons on the

shoulders of a soldier dead in this place of plenty.

this is scalping country.

nobody said it would be fair - distant flare red mist

on a horizon.

this is scalping country.



We’re from the good old world where blues was young

Blues was everywhere, blues was punk

We’re memoirs of the fools who fear voices

Claiming to be voices of a generation, giving no


Because sometimes we don’t even know

If we can speak for ourselves, bro.

We’re scared of masses in their stupidity

And the stupid in their masses when they’re bold

And of the greyness of that world where blues is old

And so we have rap that whispers when it needs to


And when it needs to shut up it shouts out loud

We’re so old we wore Fubu and were proud.

We fear those with an opinion and a knife

They have a patent for truth that sounds cool

They say they studied at the university of life

But I wonder if they ever finished grammar school.

And they say the truth is somewhere in the middle

So Roland, put my vocal a bit to the sides

Because I would probably die laughing

If they ever listened to my advice

And the world keeps saying it’s not bad at all

We just don’t respect their freedom of speech

Because they can’t draw a Swastika on the wall

And a pensioner exposing them pays the toll.

And so I write to scream, the amplitude flashes

Because they say you can’t call a fascist a fascist

And it’s all turning brown, the sewage overflows

And I'm just shouting my bullshit, I can’t do more.


Sometimes it seems we live

in a country for young men

Interconnected, one world

Where no one is proud to be a racist, when

Sometimes it seems we live in a country

Where the propaganda and the fake news

are just a joke meant to make us laugh

And only double checked facts are true

Sometimes it seems we live in a country

Where there’s no place for hate

But a lot of place for wisdom

No time bomb waiting to detonate

Sometimes it seems we live in a country

Where the clock is not at five minutes before The End

Where dogs are free to run and we eat less meat and

And we don’t want to die because of CO2 and

Sometimes it seems we live in a country

Where rap has a lot to say and is earnest

Not just a random mixture of rhymes, not just

A motivational pose and a pose without purpose

Sometimes it seems we live in a country

Where your local pub crew

Is talking about understanding

and not endorsing evil over the brew

Sometimes it seems we live in a country

Where you’re a free individual most of all

And the nation, the race, the sheep

The wheel, the mass mean little if at all

And I guess I’m not wrong to say that when

you create something within you create something


Because when we create nothing

Surely nothing will ever come out

And I guess I’m not wrong to say that in the end

With a smile on their faces

One, two, three, four politicians

WIll come and piss, piss, piss

…on your dreams.

"​Gotta Get a Grip​" / "​England Lost​"​(2017, ​Mick


Jagger​, Brexit)

Lost, lost, lost, lost

I went to see England, but England's lost

I went to see England, but England's lost

And everyone said we were all ripped off

I went to see England, but England lost

Lost, lost, lost

It wasn't much fun standin' in the rain


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotta_Get_a_Grip_(song)

Text z: ​https://genius.com/Mick-jagger-england-lost-lyrics

And we all yelled loud and we all complained

Wasn't much of a game

I got soaked

Didn't look home anyway

I went to see England, but England's lost

I went in the back, but they said, "Piss off"

I went to see England, but England's lost

I went to see England, but England

I went to see

I went


I lost a blunt, think I lost the pint

She can go home and smoke a joint, anyway

Do you wanna go?

I went to find England, it wasn't there

I went to find England, it wasn't there

I think I lost it in the back of my chair

I think I'm losing my imagination

I'm tired of talking about immigration

You can't get in and you can't get out

I guess that's what we're all about

True, preach

It's a déjà vu, I've seen it all before

Different season, same score

Everybody wants your head on a spike

But they were singin' your praises a day before

No new faces allowed in

They said it's gettin' overcrowded

They're still fightin' over houses

So I just pick it up, put it down and leave it where

I found it

Feel like Macaulay Culkin, I'm home alone

Come to my window and throw a stone

Because I never wanna talk on the phone

Same problems, growin' up in the danger zone

Nothing's changed, same story

Same dirty stains on your dirty laundry

Keep it in the streets, doin' all the work

And the men in the suits takin' all the coin

I went to find England, but

I went to find England, but

I went to find England, but

I went to find England, but England's lost

Lost, lost, lost, lost

Lost, lost, lost, lost

Had a girl in Lisbon, a girl in Rome

Now I'll have to stay at home

So lock the shallows, bolt the doors

Nothing's gonna be like Singapore

Don't know what's home

Lost, lost, lost, lost

They didn't turn up, the comments complain

No real person is matching their shame

They're much too young and much too hold

Growing much too hot and much too cold

That's what I thought

I went to find England

I went to find England

I went to find England

I went to find England, but England's lost

"​Krv na rukách​" ​(2018, Vec, situácia na Slovensku po


vražde novinára a jeho priateľky)

Fico máš na rukách krv,

mal by si nastaviť krk,

no ty sa chováš jak zmrd,

ale si trápny jak prd.

V preplnenom autobuse,

Gašpar, Gašpárek, fuj,

aj ty máš na rukách krv.

Kali máš na rukách krv

jak celá vaša banda,

bezcitné kurvy, že vám není hanba.


Viac na: ​https://www.tyzden.sk/kultura/46659/vec-krv-na-rukach/

Text z:



Hrať to divadlo pred trúchliacimi matkami,

milión v keši, ste sedláci a potkany.

Pondelok 26 2 bol, mrazivý budík,

keď ukradnutý štát zabíja vlastných ľudí.

Vláda je bez chrbta jak pojebaný Bugár,

samý zlodej, mafián a moci chtivý luhár,

skutok sa stal a všetci sme to videli,

otvor oči Robo a vytiahni hlavu z prdeli.

Si nechutný jak geňo tvojho fotra,

hovorím dosť, ty úchylácky potkan.

Hádžem kameňom aj keď nie som bez viny, prosím odpusť


neviem ináč, keď je to najcennejšie postúpané.

Vo chvíľach jak táto si neviem držať odstup,

máme krv na rukách všetci keď tieto veci len


Mám držať hubu a krok, sorry,

no robím rapovú hudbu, nerobím pop, olíž

si ukazovák a daj ho do vzduchu a zistíš odkiaľ fúka,

top vzory,

národ si zaslúži, čo zvolil.

A opakujem sa jak história, tá nás nevyškolila,

tak sa vkradnú pravde do domu v sprievode pištolí

a tí mizerní herci tam hore si zaslúžia vlastného



Lebo lož má krátke nohy, tá ich žiadne.

Raz príde o protézy a všetko to na nich padne.

No keď si ľahostajné, slepé, tak ti beda,

Slovensko zaslúžiš si trpieť, tak ti treba.

Vy - všetci máte na rukách krv,

My - všetci máme na rukách krv,

opakujem - všetci máme na rukách krv,

máme na rukách krv.

Jak môže mať ten čávo teflonové svedomie,

že jeho sa to netýka, on za to nemôže.

Celý štát na špičkách a on si to tam rysuje,

minister Futra jebe na to, ďalej cheatuje.


Už nemôžu na Radičovú, už len Soros,

no však keď to nevieš hrať ďalej, tak to polož.

Na klamstvách postavený dokonalý kolos,

aj keď sa tváriš že si na nočnej jak roboš.

Teším sa keď vás dáva do pozoru Tódová.

novina nemá ľahký život, bere čo to dá,

a keď má v rukách dôkaz, ktorý vás raz pochová,

môže len doma čakať, že kto ho tam odrovná.

Divoký západ na východe není nová vec,

viem to aj ja, vie to aj Vec zo Zlatých Moraviec.

Kto nemá lové, nemá zmysel, pôjde z poľa preč,

Trošková dala Ficovi, šak to je, bola vec!

Fico má na stole, milión na tlačovke,

iba blázon čakal, že nám Róbert povie jak to je,

keď sa motal v baniach, vtedy myslel tiež len na


nesralo ho, čo je nové v Handlovej.

Teraz to národ vie, keď rodiny kráčajú na pohreb

jak ťažko je, bojovať proti mlynom za svoj rap,

bang bang!

Treba ísť von vo svojom meste spolu ako kmeň,

zmorfovať do jednej päste, dať ju do vzduchu,

nech nás vidia, že dav vyhrá,

bez nás silia, všetci all for ján.

Jeho nestopol strach,

iba náš nezáujem, to bol vrah.

Chceme tie chyby prežívať zachvíľu odznova?

Nie, nie,

je nutné prejaviť svoj rešpekt,

každému jednému, čo stál špinám v ceste,

veriť tým všetkým, čo to súdia, že to spravia lepšie.

Pane Bože, dnes je ten deň!

Tento štát je továreň na strach

a mne sa fakt nechce zbytočne sa báť.

Štát kričí stáť, nechce dovoliť tam mráz,

vlastná vlasť nás učí všetkých iných neznášať.

Nemám čas ani chuť na to vaše divadlo,

nechcem tu byť hercom a nechcem tu byť divákom.

Kvôli vám tu kapú mladí,

ktorí mali ideály,

vypadnite od koryta,

hniť do basy, máte na rukách krv!

Kamaráti utekajú do cudziny a ja nie som iný,

musím bežať keď počujem tóny hymny,

ktorú ste si prisvojili, zneužili, znásilnili,

keď chobotnica omotá ťa, nepustí ťa nikdy.

Kamarát študoval v zahraničí,

nemal v piči,

vrátil sa sem, skanzen,

učiť deti v škole, blázen.

Lenže učiteľský plat, znamená nemať za čo žrať,

tak je radšej cyklokuriér.

To je choré,

k tomu dotlačia ťa tí kokoti hore, more,

keby mohli predajú aj slnko na oblohe,

mafiáni, farizeji, skurvysyni.

"​Despite Repeated Warnings​"​(2018, Paul McCartney,


popieranie klimatických zmien)


Text z: ​https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/song/despite-repeated-warnings/

Despite repeated warnings

Of dangers up ahead

The captain won’t be listening

To what’s been said

He feels that there’s a good chance

That we have been misled

And so the captain’s planning

To steam ahead

What can we do, what can we do

What can we do to stop this foolish plan going


What can we do, what can we do

This man is bound to lose his ship and his crew

Despite repeated warnings

From those who ought to know

He’s got his own agenda and so he’ll go

Those who shout the loudest

May not always be the smartest

But they have their proudest moments

Right before they fall

Red sky in the morning

Doesn’t ever seem to phase him

But a sailor’s warning signal

Should concern us all

How can we stop him

Grab the keys and lock him up

If we can do it

We can save the day

The engineer lives with

His wife and daughter Janet

But he misses them so

Although he’s working with

The best crew on the planet

They never want him to go

He had a premonition

He senses something’s wrong

And by his own admission

He knew it all along

The captain’s crazy

But he doesn’t let them know it

He’ll take us with him

If we don’t do something

Soon to slow it

How can we stop him

Grab the keys and lock him up

If we can do it

We can save the day

Below decks the engineer cries

The captain’s gonna leave us when the temperatures


The needle’s going up

The engine’s gonna blow

And we’re gonna be left down below

Down below

Yes we can do it

Yes we can do it now

Yes we can do it

Yes we can do it

Yes we can do it now

Yes we can do it

Yes we can do it now

Yes we can do it

Yes we can do it now

If life would work out

The way you plan it

That’d be so fine

For the wife and Janet

Sometimes you might

Have to battle through it

But that’s the way you learn

How you’ve got to do it

Yes we can do it whoa, whoa

Yes we can do it whoa, whoa

Yes we can do it whoa, whoa

Yes we can do it whoa, whoa

Despite repeated warnings

Of dangers up ahead

Well the captain wasn’t listening

To what was said

So we went to the captain

And we told him to turn around

But he laughs in our faces

Says that we are mistaken

So we gather around him

Now the ropes that have bound him

Prove that he should have listened

To the will of the people

It’s the will of the people

It’s the will of the people

"Glory to Hong Kong"​(2019, Thomas dgx yhl, protesty


v Hong Kongu)


(anglický preklad)

For all of our tears on our land,

Do you feel the rage in our cries?

Rise up and speak up! Our voice echoes.

Freedom shall shine upon us.

For all of our fear that lingers,

With faith, we shall never surrender.

With blood, tears, and sweat, we shall stride ahead

For this glorious liberal land.

When the stars no longer guide our path

In the fog, the horn of conscience summons us:

“Persevere! For we are as one, with poise, and be


Courage, wisdom are long with us.”

The dawn has come. Let us revive our Hong Kong.

Revolution of our time! For righteousness!

Democracy and liberty, wish them long last here,

For the glory of Hong Kong

+ Nezaradené bonusy


Viac na: ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glory_to_Hong_Kong


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