Tannhäuser Gate catalog 2017 v6


ALMOND and HONEY flavoured protein BAR Europe/ Europa (Chocolate coating) BARRABARRE DE proteica protéinée conarôme sabor aAMANDE ALMENDRAS et MIEL y MIEL (Recubrimiento (enrobage de chocolat) chocolate) ALMOND and HONEY flavoured protein BAR Poids net / Net (Chocolate weight/ coating) Peso neto: 43 g BARRA DE proteica con sabor a ALMENDRAS y MIEL ANALYSE NUTRITIONNELLE MOYENNE (Recubrimiento / AVERAGE de chocolate) NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS/ ANÁLISIS NUTRICIONAL MEDIO Poids net Par / Net barre/ weight/ per bar/ Peso Por neto: barrita 43 g Par / Per/ Por 100g Énergie/Energy/ Energía 160 kcal 372 kcal ANALYSE NUTRITIONNELLE MOYENNE / AVERAGE 670 kJ NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS/ 1558 kJ ANÁLISIS Matières grasses/Fat/ Grasas 5.6 g NUTRICIONAL MEDIO 13 g acide gras saturés/saturated/ Par barre/ per 1.9 bar/ Por barrita Par / Per/ Por 100g Énergie/Energy/ saturadas Energía 160 kcal g 372 4 kcal g Glucides/Carbohydrate/ Hidratos 670 13 kJ g 1558 30 kJ g Matières de carbono sucres/sugars/ grasses/Fat/ azúcares Grasas 5.61 g 13 2 g acide polyols/polyols/poliolos gras saturés/saturated/ 1.99 g 21 g Fibres saturadas alimentaires/Dietary fibre/ 4g g 49 g Glucides/Carbohydrate/ Fibra Protéines/Protein/ alimentaria Proteínas Hidratos 13 15 g 30 g de carbono sucres/sugars/ azúcares 1 g 35 2 g Sel/ polyols/polyols/poliolos salt/ Sal 0.35 9 g 21 1 g Fibres Potassium/ alimentaires/Dietary Potasio fibre/ 95 4gmg 221 9 gmg Fibra Protéines/Protein/ alimentaria Proteínas 15 INGRÉDIENTS: g 35 g Soja extrudé (protéines de soja, amidon de tapioca, sel), édulcorants: E965 et E955, agent de charge: Sel/ salt/ Sal 0.35 g 1 g E1200, protéines de soja, morceaux d'amandes rôties (6%), glycérine, beurre d'amandes (6%), gélatine Potassium/ Potasio 95 mg 221 mg hydrolysée, flocon d'avoine, proteine de lait, pépites de chocolat (édulcorants:E966 et E950, chocolat, beurre de cacao, émulsifiant: E322, vanille), gélifiant: E414, huile de colza, emulsifian: E322, arômes INGRÉDIENTS: (0.75%), sel, eau, mélange de tocophérols. Soja extrudé (protéines de soja, amidon de tapioca, sel), édulcorants: E965 et E955, agent de charge: E1200, Couverture protéines au chocolat: de soja, édulcorants:E965 morceaux d'amandes et E955, rôties huile (6%), de palmiste, glycérine, protéine beurrede d'amandes lait, poudre (6%), de cacao, gélatine hydrolysée, dextrine de maïs, floconémulsifiant: d'avoine, E322, proteine arômes. de lait, pépites de chocolat (édulcorants:E966 et E950, chocolat, beurre de cacao, émulsifiant: E322, vanille), gélifiant: E414, huile de colza, emulsifian: E322, arômes (0.75%), Traces de sel, produits eau, mélange à bases de de tocophérols. cacahuètes, de noix, de graines, d'oeufs et de blé. Couverture INGREDIENTS: au chocolat: édulcorants:E965 et E955, huile de palmiste, protéine de lait, poudre de cacao, dextrine Soy nuggets de maïs, (soyémulsifiant: proteins, tapioca E322, arômes. starch, salt), sweeteners: E965 and E955, bulking agent: E1200, soy proteins, diced roasted almonds (6%), glycerin, almond butter (6%), hydrolysed gelatine, rolled oats, milk protein, Traces de chocolate produits chips à bases (sweeteners: de cacahuètes, E966 and de noix, E950, de chocolate, graines, cocoa d'oeufs butter), et de blé. emulsifier: E322, vanilla), gelling agent: E414, colza oil, emulsifier: E322, flavour, salt, water, mixed tocopherols. INGREDIENTS: Soy nuggets (soy proteins, tapioca starch, salt), sweeteners: E965 and E955, bulking agent: E1200, soy Chocolate flavoured coating: Sweeteners:E965 and E955, palm kernel oil, milk protein, cocoa powder, proteins, diced roasted almonds (6%), glycerin, almond butter (6%), hydrolysed gelatine, rolled oats, milk corn dextrin, emulsifier: E322, flavours. protein, chocolate chips (sweeteners: E966 and E950, chocolate, cocoa butter), emulsifier: E322, vanilla), gelling Traces agent: of peanuts, E414, colza others oil, nuts, emulsifier: seeds, E322, eggs flavour, and wheat-based salt, water, products. mixed tocopherols. Chocolate flavoured coating: Sweeteners:E965 and E955, palm kernel oil, milk protein, cocoa powder, corn dextrin, emulsifier: E322, flavours. Traces of peanuts, others nuts, seeds, eggs and wheat-based products. DURÉE DE VIE / SHELF LIFE/ VIDA ÚTIL: 20 mois / 20 months / 20 Meses Les informations et les données ci-haut mentionnées sont, au mieux de notre connaissance, exactes et ne sont fournies qu’à titre indicatif. The information herein is believed to be acurate. However no warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of this data. La información y los datos precedentes son correctos a nuestro saber y entender. Sin embargo no se ofrecen garantías expresas o implícitas sobre la exactitud DURÉE de DE los datos VIE / SHELF LIFE/ VIDA ÚTIL: 20 mois / 20 months / 20 Meses 6 Dernière revision/ Last update/Última actualización: Mai/ May 2015 Les informations et les données ci-haut mentionnées sont, au mieux de notre connaissance, exactes et ne sont fournies qu’à titre indicatif. FG-16-054 V01

wheat gluten, sugar, wheat Date malt, glucose, salt), humectant 11-7-2016 (glycerol), gelatine hydrolysate, cocoa butter, coconut List wheat of ingredients: soy 2,5%, crisps palm gluten, (soy fat, sugar, skimmed wheat protein, tapioca milk malt, powder, glucose, starch, flavours, salt), salt), milk emulsifier humectant chocolate (soy (glycerol), with lecithin), gelatine sweetener sweetener hydrolysate, 20% (maltitol, (sucralose). cocoa butter, coconut 2,5%, palm fat, skimmed Provisional milk powder, specification. flavours, emulsifier Not suitable (soy lecithin), for declaration sweetener (sucralose). cocoa butter, whole milk soy crisps powder, (soy cocoa protein, mass, tapioca emulsifier starch, (soy salt), lecithin), milk chocolate flavours), with bulking sweetener agent 20% (polydextrose), (maltitol, cocoa rice crisps butter, (rice whole flour, milk Additional wheat powder, gluten, information cocoa sugar, Description mass, wheat on packaging emulsifier malt, glucose, is (soy required lecithin), salt), (2011/1169/EC): humectant St coconut flavours), (glycerol), crisp bulking With agent sweeteners Additional information packaging is required (2011/1169/EC): With sweeteners gelatine (polydextrose), hydrolysate, rice cocoa crisps butter, (rice coconut flour, List List wheat 2,5%, of palm of gluten, ingredients: fat, ingredients: sugar, skimmed wheat milk malt, powder, glucose, flavours, salt), emulsifier humectant (soy (glycerol), lecithin), gelatine sweetener hydrolysate, (sucralose). cocoa butter, coconut Please 2,5%, palm note fat, that skimmed conform Development milk directive powder, 2011/1169/EC codeflavours, 14484MA emulsifier the allergens 3(soy in lecithin), the ingredients sweetener list (sucralose). need to be emphasised soy Please soy Additional through crisps note a typeset (soy that protein, conform crisps information that (soy protein, on clearly tapioca directive tapioca packaging distinguishes starch, 2011/1169/EC starch, required salt), (e.g. milk salt), milk (2011/1169/EC): font, chocolate the style, allergens colour) with in sweetener the chocolate with sweetener With from ingredients sweeteners the 20% rest (maltitol, list of the need ingredient cocoa to be emphasised butter, list. whole milk through powder, typeset cocoa that mass, clearly emulsifier distinguishes (soy lecithin), (e.g. font, flavours), style, colour) bulking it from agent the 20% (polydextrose), rest (maltitol, of the ingredient cocoa rice crisps butter, list. (rice whole flour, milk Additional powder, information cocoa Datemass, on packaging emulsifier is (soy required lecithin), 11-7-2016 (2011/1169/EC): flavours), bulking With agent sweeteners (polydextrose), rice crisps (rice flour, Please wheat gluten, wheat gluten, note that sugar, sugar, conform wheat wheat directive malt, glucose, malt, glucose, 2011/1169/EC salt), humectant salt), humectant the allergens (glycerol), (glycerol), in the ingredients gelatine hydrolysate, gelatine hydrolysate, list need to cocoa cocoa be emphasised butter, coconut 2,5%, palm fat, skimmed milk powder, flavours, emulsifier (soy lecithin), sweetener (sucralose). butter, coconut Please through 2,5%, palm note a typeset fat, that skimmed conform that clearly milk directive distinguishes powder, 2011/1169/EC flavours, (e.g. emulsifier font, the style, allergens (soy colour) in lecithin), the from ingredients sweetener the rest list of (sucralose). the need ingredient to be emphasised list. through a typeset that clearly distinguishes (e.g. font, style, colour) it from the rest of the ingredient list. Additional Additional Nutritional information information Value (according on packaging on packaging EU directive is required is required 2008/100/EC (2011/1169/EC): (2011/1169/EC): and 2011/1169/EC): With sweeteners Nutritional Value (according EU directive 2008/100/EC and 2011/1169/EC): With sweeteners of ingredients: Please note that conform directive 2011/1169/EC === Per 100 g the === allergens ==== Per in serving the ingredients ==== list need to be emphasised Please through note a typeset that conform that clearly directive distinguishes 2011/1169/EC === Per (e.g. 100 font, the === style, allergens ==== colour) Per in the it from ingredients the rest list of the need ingredient to be emphasised list. crisps (soy through Nutritional protein, typeset Value tapioca that (according starch, clearly distinguishes EU salt), directive milk chocolate 2008/100/EC (e.g. font, with style, and sweetener colour) 2011/1169/EC): 45 serving g ==== 45 it from 20% the (maltitol, rest of the cocoa ingredient butter, list. whole powder, Nutritional cocoa mass, Value emulsifier (according(soy EU directive lecithin), 2008/100/EC flavours), bulking and 2011/1169/EC): agent (polydextrose), rice crisps (rice flour, ============== Per 100 g ================= Per serving at gluten, Energy sugar, (kJ) wheat malt, glucose, salt), ============== humectant (glycerol), gelatine hydrolysate, cocoa butter, coconut , palm fat, skimmed milk powder, flavours, === 1585 Per emulsifier 100 kJ ================= g === (soy ==== 713 lecithin), Per 45 serving g kJ sweetener ==== Energy Energy (kcal) (kJ) 380 1585 kcal kJ 713 171 kJ (sucralose). 45 g kcal Energy Fat (kcal) 380 kcal 171 kcal Nutritional Value (according EU directive 2008/100/EC and 2011/1169/EC): itional information Fat Product ============== 15,6 Nutritional on Value packaging (according is required EU directive 15,6 specification g ================= 7,0 g (2011/1169/EC): 2008/100/EC and With 2011/1169/EC): Energy Saturated (kJ) fatty acids Product sweeteners ============== 9,3 1585 specification g 7,0 kJ ================= 4,2 713 gkJ Carbohydrates Saturated fatty acids === 9,3 Per 100 g === ==== 4,2 Per serving ==== Carbohydrates Energy (kJ) (kcal) Provisional Provisional 32,2 === 32,2 1585 380 Per specification. specification. g 100 kJ kcal === ==== Not Not 713 14,5 14,5 171 Per suitable suitable serving kJ g ==== se note that conform directive 2011/1169/EC the allergens in the 45 ingredients g kcal for for declaration declaration Energy Fat Sugars list need to be emphasised Sugars (kcal) Provisional 380 4,6 4,6 15,6 specification. kcal g 171 2,1 2,1 7,0 45 Not suitable kcal g for declaration ugh a typeset Fat Polyols Polyols Saturated that clearly fatty acids distinguishes Description Description (e.g. 15,6 17,0 9,3 font, gstyle, colour) it from the rest of the ingredient list. ============== 17,0 St St coconut coconut 7,0 7,7 ================= 7,7 4,2 crisp crisp Product specification g Fiber Fiber Carbohydrates Saturated fatty acids Description Energy (kJ) ============== 9,3 13,8 32,2 g 1585 kJ ================= 4,2 6,2 13,8 713 6,2 14,5 St coconut g kJ crisp Carbohydrates Protein Energy Sugars (kcal) (kJ) Development Development 32,2 27,6 380 1585 4,6 code code g kcal kJ 14484MA 14484MA 713 14,5 12,4 2,1 3 171 kJ g Protein Provisional 27,6 specification. Not 12,4 suitable kcal for declaration Salt Energy Sugars Fat Salt Polyols (kcal) Development 380 4,6 1,01 17,0 15,6 kcal g 1,01 code 171 2,1 0,45 7,0 0,45 7,7 14484MA kcal g Fat Fiber Polyols Date Date Saturated fatty acids 15,6 17,0 13,8 9,3 g 11-7-2016 11-7-2016 3 Description ============== ============== St ================= ================= coconut 7,0 7,7 6,2 4,2 crisp g Fiber Protein ritional Carbohydrates Value Saturated (according fatty acids Date EU directive 2008/100/EC 9,3 13,8 27,6 32,2 g and 2011/1169/EC): 4,2 6,2 12,4 11-7-2016 14,5 g Carbohydrates Protein Salt Sugars Development 32,2 27,6 1,01 4,6 code g 14484MA 14,5 12,4 0,45 2,1 3 g Salt Sugars Polyols === Per 4,6 1,01 ============== 17,0 100 g === g ================= Presence ==== Per 2,1 0,45 7,7 serving ==== g Presence Label warning: or absence of Polyols 17,0 ============== ================= Fiber Label warning: or absence of Date allergens allergens 11-7-2016 13,8 g 45 7,7 6,2 g g Conform Fiber Protein 13,8 27,6 g 6,2 12,4 Conform Product Presence contains EC g Protein Salt Product contains EC or 1169/2011 1169/2011 absence more than annex more than annex of 10 allergens II 10 II g/100 g polyols: 27,6 12,4 Salt Label Excessive warning: consumption can ============== lead g/100 to 1,01 laxative polyols: effects. g 1,01 ================= 0,45 g Product: Excessive consumption can lead to 0,45 rgy (kJ) 1585 ============== laxative effects. Product: Presence ============== kJ 713 ================= Label Conform warning: EC or absence 1169/2011 of allergens annex II ================= kJ + Present in the supplied product (according to recipe) rgy (kcal) Product Present contains in more the supplied than 38010 g/100 product kcal g polyols: (according 171 to recipe) - Absent in the supplied product (according to recipe) kcal Conform Excessive Product: Absent contains EC consumption 1169/2011 in more the supplied than annex can 15,6 10 lead product II g/100 to laxative gg (according polyols: effects. 7,0 to recipe) ? May contain the mentioned substance through carry-over gfrom raw materials turated Excessive Label + fatty acids May consumption can warning: Present contain the mentioned supplied 9,3lead to product substance laxative g effects. (according through 4,2 carry-over to recipe) gfrom raw materials ohydrates Product: Label - warning: Absent in the supplied 32,2 product g (according 14,5 to recipe) g gars + Product ? Milk Present and Milk contains and May products in more the products contain thereof supplied thereof than 4,6 mentioned (including 10 g/100 product glactose) g polyols: (according 2,1 to recipe) (including substance through carry-over g from raw materials lyols -Product Eggs Excessive Absent contains and products consumption in more the supplied thereof than can 17,0 10 lead product g/100 to laxative g (according polyols: effects. 7,7 to recipe) Eggs and products thereof g r ? + Excessive Soybeans May consumption contain and products the can mentioned thereof 13,8 lead to substance laxative g effects. through Soybeans and products thereof 6,2 carry-over g from raw materials + Cereals containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof. ein Cereals containing gluten 27,6 (wheat, rye, g barley, oats, 12,4 spelt, kamut) and g products thereof. - Fish Milk and and products products thereof thereof (including lactose) Fish and products thereof + - Milk Crustaceans Eggs and and products products and products thereof thereof 1,01 (including thereof g lactose) 0,45 g Crustaceans -+ Eggs Nuts Soybeans (walnut, Nuts (walnut, and products and pecan, products pecan, thereof almond, almond, ============== thereof cashew, hazelnut, cashew, hazelnut, ================= macadamia, brazilnut, pistachio) and products thereof macadamia, brazilnut, pistachio) and products thereof + - Soybeans Peanuts Cereals and containing Peanuts and and products products gluten thereof thereof (wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof. + - Cereals Sesame Fish and Sesame containing and products and products gluten thereof thereof (wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof. - Fish Sulfite Sulfite Crustaceans and (E220 (E220 products - E228) E228) and thereof products thereof 1/ 3 1/ - Crustaceans Celery Celery Nuts (walnut, and and - VSI products products and - Gildenstraat pecan, products thereof thereof almond, thereof 36 - 4143 cashew, HS Leerdam hazelnut, - The Netherlands macadamia, - Tel: brazilnut, +31 345 638 pistachio) 585 - Fax: and +31 345 products 618 782 thereof - el warning: - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - - Nuts Lupin Lupin Peanuts (walnut, and products and products and pecan, products thereof thereof almond, thereof cashew, hazelnut, macadamia, brazilnut, pistachio) and products thereof Product specification - Peanuts Mustard and Mustard Sesame and products and thereof products thereof thereof 1/ 3 uct contains - Sesame Molluscs Molluscs Sulfite more (E220 than and and products 10 g/100 thereof - VSI products - Gildenstraat - E228) thereof g polyols: 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - 1/ 3 essive consumption - Sulfite Celery (E220 and can - products E228) Provisional specification. Not suitable for declaration lead to thereof laxative effects. - Celery and - VSI products - Gildenstraat thereof 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - and products thereof - Lupin and products thereof Description St coconut crisp and thereof - Mustard and products thereof 1/ 3 - Molluscs and and products thereof Development thereof code 14484MA 3 1/ Allergen information - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - Allergen information - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - Date 11-7-2016 Allergen information is based on recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product Allergen information is based on recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product will be manufactured in a production facility that is working with a big variety of different raw will be manufactured in production facility that is working with big variety of different raw materials inclusive wheat-, gluten-, milk-, egg-, soy-, nut-, peanut- and sesameseed products. materials Allergen information inclusive wheat-, gluten-, milk-, egg-, soy-, nut-, peanut- and sesameseed products. Allergen information Shelf life: This Allergen bar has information a shelf life is based of .. months. recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product Allergen information is based on recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product will be manufactured in a production facility that is working with a big variety of different raw Storage materials will be manufactured conditions: inclusive wheat-, in a gluten-, production milk-, facility egg-, soy-, that nut-, is working peanut- with and a sesameseed big variety products. of different raw The materials product inclusive should be wheat-, stored and gluten-, transported milk-, egg-, at a temperature soy-, nut-, range peanut- of 15°C. and sesameseed to 22°C. away products. from direct sunlight, extremes of heat change, odor & humidity. Additional information: - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - 1/ 3 7

wheat gluten, sugar, wheat<br />

Date<br />

malt, glucose, salt), humectant<br />

11-7-2016<br />

(glycerol), gelatine hydrolysate, cocoa butter, coconut<br />

List wheat of ingredients:<br />

soy 2,5%, crisps palm<br />

gluten,<br />

(soy fat,<br />

sugar,<br />

skimmed<br />

wheat<br />

protein, tapioca milk<br />

malt,<br />

powder,<br />

glucose,<br />

starch, flavours,<br />

salt),<br />

salt), milk emulsifier<br />

humectant<br />

chocolate (soy<br />

(glycerol),<br />

with lecithin),<br />

gelatine<br />

sweetener sweetener<br />

hydrolysate,<br />

20% (maltitol, (sucralose).<br />

cocoa butter, coconut<br />

2,5%, palm fat, skimmed Provisional milk powder, specification. flavours, emulsifier Not suitable (soy lecithin), for declaration sweetener (sucralose).<br />

cocoa butter, whole<br />

milk soy crisps powder, (soy cocoa protein, mass, tapioca emulsifier starch, (soy salt), lecithin), milk chocolate flavours), with bulking sweetener agent 20% (polydextrose), (maltitol, cocoa rice crisps butter, (rice whole flour,<br />

milk<br />

Additional wheat powder, gluten, information<br />

cocoa sugar,<br />

Description mass, wheat on packaging<br />

emulsifier malt, glucose, is<br />

(soy<br />

required<br />

lecithin), salt), (2011/1169/EC): humectant<br />

St coconut flavours), (glycerol),<br />

crisp bulking<br />

With<br />

agent<br />

sweeteners<br />

Additional information packaging is required (2011/1169/EC): With sweeteners<br />

gelatine (polydextrose), hydrolysate, rice cocoa crisps butter, (rice coconut flour,<br />

List<br />

List wheat 2,5%, of palm<br />

of gluten, ingredients: fat,<br />

ingredients: sugar, skimmed wheat milk malt, powder, glucose, flavours, salt), emulsifier humectant (soy (glycerol), lecithin), gelatine sweetener hydrolysate, (sucralose). cocoa butter, coconut<br />

Please<br />

2,5%, palm<br />

note<br />

fat,<br />

that<br />

skimmed<br />

conform<br />

Development milk<br />

directive<br />

powder,<br />

2011/1169/EC<br />

codeflavours, 14484MA emulsifier<br />

the allergens<br />

3(soy in<br />

lecithin),<br />

the ingredients<br />

sweetener<br />

list<br />

(sucralose).<br />

need to be emphasised<br />

soy Please<br />

soy<br />

Additional through crisps note<br />

a typeset (soy that protein, conform<br />

crisps<br />

information that<br />

(soy protein,<br />

on clearly tapioca directive<br />

tapioca<br />

packaging distinguishes starch, 2011/1169/EC<br />

starch, required salt), (e.g. milk<br />

salt), milk<br />

(2011/1169/EC): font, chocolate the<br />

style,<br />

allergens<br />

colour) with in sweetener the<br />

chocolate with sweetener<br />

With from<br />

ingredients<br />

sweeteners the 20% rest (maltitol, list<br />

of the<br />

need<br />

ingredient cocoa to be emphasised<br />

butter, list. whole<br />

milk through powder, typeset cocoa that mass, clearly emulsifier distinguishes (soy lecithin), (e.g. font, flavours), style, colour) bulking it from agent the 20% (polydextrose), rest (maltitol, of the ingredient cocoa rice crisps butter, list. (rice whole flour,<br />

milk Additional powder, information cocoa Datemass, on packaging emulsifier is (soy required lecithin), 11-7-2016<br />

(2011/1169/EC): flavours), bulking With agent sweeteners (polydextrose), rice crisps (rice flour,<br />

Please wheat gluten,<br />

wheat gluten,<br />

note that sugar,<br />

sugar,<br />

conform wheat<br />

wheat<br />

directive malt, glucose,<br />

malt, glucose,<br />

2011/1169/EC salt), humectant<br />

salt), humectant<br />

the allergens (glycerol),<br />

(glycerol),<br />

in the ingredients gelatine hydrolysate,<br />

gelatine hydrolysate,<br />

list need to cocoa<br />

cocoa<br />

be emphasised butter, coconut<br />

2,5%, palm fat, skimmed milk powder, flavours, emulsifier (soy lecithin), sweetener (sucralose). butter, coconut<br />

Please through<br />

2,5%, palm note a typeset<br />

fat, that skimmed conform that clearly<br />

milk directive distinguishes<br />

powder, 2011/1169/EC flavours,<br />

(e.g.<br />

emulsifier<br />

font, the style, allergens (soy<br />

colour) in lecithin), the from ingredients sweetener<br />

the rest list of<br />

(sucralose).<br />

the need ingredient to be emphasised list.<br />

through a typeset that clearly distinguishes (e.g. font, style, colour) it from the rest of the ingredient list.<br />

Additional<br />

Additional<br />

Nutritional information<br />

information<br />

Value (according on packaging<br />

on packaging<br />

EU directive is required<br />

is required<br />

2008/100/EC (2011/1169/EC):<br />

(2011/1169/EC):<br />

and 2011/1169/EC):<br />

With sweeteners<br />

Nutritional Value (according EU directive 2008/100/EC and 2011/1169/EC):<br />

With sweeteners<br />

of ingredients:<br />

Please note that conform directive 2011/1169/EC === Per 100 g the === allergens ==== Per in serving the ingredients ==== list need to be emphasised<br />

Please through note a typeset that conform that clearly directive distinguishes 2011/1169/EC === Per (e.g. 100 font, the === style, allergens ==== colour) Per in the it from ingredients the rest list of the need ingredient to be emphasised list.<br />

crisps (soy through Nutritional protein, typeset Value tapioca that (according starch, clearly distinguishes EU salt), directive milk chocolate 2008/100/EC (e.g. font, with style, and sweetener colour) 2011/1169/EC):<br />

45<br />

serving<br />

g<br />

====<br />

45 it from 20% the (maltitol, rest of the cocoa ingredient butter, list. whole<br />

powder, Nutritional cocoa mass, Value emulsifier (according(soy EU directive lecithin), 2008/100/EC flavours), bulking and 2011/1169/EC):<br />

agent (polydextrose), rice crisps (rice flour,<br />

============== Per 100 g =================<br />

Per serving at gluten, Energy sugar, (kJ) wheat malt, glucose, salt), ============== humectant (glycerol), gelatine hydrolysate, cocoa butter, coconut<br />

, palm fat, skimmed milk powder, flavours, ===<br />

1585<br />

Per emulsifier 100<br />

kJ<br />

=================<br />

g === (soy ====<br />

713<br />

lecithin), Per 45 serving g kJ<br />

sweetener ====<br />

Energy<br />

Energy<br />

(kcal)<br />

(kJ)<br />

380<br />

1585<br />

kcal<br />

kJ 713<br />

171<br />

kJ (sucralose).<br />

45 g<br />

kcal<br />

Energy<br />

Fat<br />

(kcal) 380 kcal 171 kcal<br />

Nutritional Value (according EU directive 2008/100/EC and 2011/1169/EC):<br />

itional information Fat Product<br />

============== 15,6<br />

Nutritional on Value packaging (according is required EU directive 15,6 specification<br />

g =================<br />

7,0 g<br />

(2011/1169/EC): 2008/100/EC and With 2011/1169/EC):<br />

Energy Saturated (kJ) fatty acids Product sweeteners<br />

==============<br />

9,3 1585<br />

specification<br />

g<br />

7,0<br />

kJ =================<br />

4,2 713 gkJ<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Saturated fatty acids === 9,3 Per 100 g === ==== 4,2 Per serving ====<br />

Carbohydrates Energy (kJ) (kcal) Provisional<br />

Provisional 32,2<br />

=== 32,2 1585 380<br />

Per specification.<br />

specification. g<br />

100 kJ kcal === ==== Not<br />

Not<br />

713<br />

14,5<br />

14,5<br />

171<br />

Per suitable<br />

suitable<br />

serving kJ<br />

g<br />

====<br />

se note that conform directive 2011/1169/EC the allergens in the 45 ingredients g<br />

kcal for<br />

for<br />

declaration<br />

declaration<br />

Energy Fat Sugars list need to be emphasised<br />

Sugars (kcal) Provisional 380<br />

4,6<br />

4,6<br />

15,6 specification. kcal<br />

g 171<br />

2,1 2,1<br />

7,0<br />

45<br />

Not suitable kcal<br />

g<br />

for declaration<br />

ugh a typeset Fat<br />

Polyols<br />

Polyols<br />

Saturated that clearly fatty acids distinguishes Description<br />

Description<br />

(e.g. 15,6<br />

17,0 9,3 font, gstyle, colour) it from the rest of the ingredient list.<br />

============== 17,0 St<br />

St<br />

coconut<br />

coconut<br />

7,0<br />

7,7<br />

=================<br />

7,7<br />

4,2 crisp<br />

crisp<br />

Product specification<br />

g<br />

Fiber Fiber<br />

Carbohydrates Saturated fatty acids Description<br />

Energy (kJ) ============== 9,3<br />

13,8 32,2 g 1585 kJ =================<br />

4,2<br />

6,2<br />

13,8 713 6,2<br />

14,5 St coconut g<br />

kJ<br />

crisp<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

Protein<br />

Energy Sugars<br />

(kcal) (kJ)<br />

Development<br />

Development 32,2<br />

27,6<br />

380 1585<br />

4,6 code<br />

code<br />

g<br />

kcal kJ 14484MA<br />

14484MA<br />

713 14,5<br />

12,4 2,1 3<br />

171 kJ<br />

g<br />

Protein Provisional 27,6 specification. Not 12,4 suitable<br />

kcal<br />

for declaration<br />

Salt<br />

Energy Sugars<br />

Fat Salt<br />

Polyols<br />

(kcal) Development 380 4,6<br />

1,01 17,0<br />

15,6 kcal g<br />

1,01 code 171 2,1<br />

0,45<br />

7,0 0,45<br />

7,7 14484MA kcal<br />

g<br />

Fat<br />

Fiber Polyols<br />

Date<br />

Date<br />

Saturated fatty acids 15,6 17,0 13,8<br />

9,3 g 11-7-2016<br />

11-7-2016<br />

3<br />

Description<br />

==============<br />

============== St<br />

=================<br />

=================<br />

coconut 7,0 7,7 6,2<br />

4,2 crisp<br />

g<br />

Fiber Protein<br />

ritional Carbohydrates Value Saturated (according fatty acids Date<br />

EU directive 2008/100/EC 9,3 13,8 27,6<br />

32,2 g and 2011/1169/EC):<br />

4,2 6,2 12,4 11-7-2016<br />

14,5 g<br />

Carbohydrates Protein Salt<br />

Sugars Development<br />

32,2 27,6 1,01<br />

4,6 code<br />

g 14484MA<br />

14,5 12,4 0,45<br />

2,1 3<br />

g<br />

Salt Sugars Polyols === Per 4,6 1,01 ==============<br />

17,0 100 g === g =================<br />

Presence ==== Per 2,1 0,45<br />

7,7 serving ====<br />

g<br />

Presence Label warning: or absence of Polyols 17,0 ============== =================<br />

Fiber Label warning:<br />

or absence of Date allergens<br />

allergens<br />

11-7-2016<br />

13,8 g 45<br />

7,7 6,2 g<br />

g<br />

Conform Fiber Protein 13,8 27,6 g 6,2 12,4 Conform Product Presence contains EC g<br />

Protein Salt Product contains<br />

EC or 1169/2011<br />

1169/2011 absence more than annex<br />

more than<br />

annex of 10 allergens II<br />

10<br />

II g/100 g polyols:<br />

27,6 12,4 Salt<br />

Label Excessive warning: consumption can ============== lead<br />

g/100<br />

to 1,01 laxative polyols:<br />

effects. g<br />

1,01 =================<br />

0,45 g<br />

Product: Excessive consumption can lead to 0,45 rgy (kJ) 1585 ============== laxative effects.<br />

Product:<br />

Presence ============== kJ 713 =================<br />

Label Conform warning: EC or absence 1169/2011 of allergens annex II<br />

=================<br />

kJ<br />

+ Present in the supplied product (according to recipe)<br />

rgy (kcal) Product Present contains in more the supplied than 38010 g/100 product kcal g polyols: (according 171 to recipe)<br />

- Absent in the supplied product (according to recipe)<br />

kcal<br />

Conform Excessive Product: Absent contains EC consumption 1169/2011 in more the supplied than annex can 15,6 10 lead product II g/100 to laxative gg (according polyols: effects. 7,0 to recipe)<br />

? May contain the mentioned substance through carry-over gfrom raw materials<br />

turated Excessive<br />

Label + fatty acids May consumption can<br />

warning: Present contain the mentioned supplied 9,3lead to product substance laxative g effects. (according through 4,2 carry-over to recipe) gfrom raw materials<br />

ohydrates Product: Label - warning: Absent in the supplied 32,2 product g (according 14,5 to recipe) g<br />

gars + Product ? Milk Present and<br />

Milk contains and May products in<br />

more the<br />

products contain thereof supplied<br />

thereof than 4,6 mentioned (including<br />

10 g/100 product<br />

glactose)<br />

g polyols:<br />

(according<br />

2,1 to recipe)<br />

(including substance through carry-over g from raw materials<br />

lyols -Product Eggs<br />

Excessive Absent contains and products<br />

consumption in more the supplied thereof than can 17,0 10 lead product g/100 to laxative g (according polyols: effects. 7,7 to recipe)<br />

Eggs and products thereof<br />

g<br />

r ? + Excessive Soybeans May consumption contain and products the can mentioned thereof<br />

13,8 lead to substance laxative g effects.<br />

through Soybeans and products thereof<br />

6,2 carry-over<br />

g<br />

from raw materials<br />

+ Cereals containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof.<br />

ein Cereals containing gluten 27,6 (wheat, rye, g barley, oats, 12,4 spelt, kamut) and g products thereof.<br />

- Fish Milk and and products products thereof thereof (including lactose)<br />

Fish and products thereof<br />

+ - Milk Crustaceans Eggs and and products products and products thereof thereof 1,01 (including thereof g lactose) 0,45 g<br />

Crustaceans -+ Eggs Nuts Soybeans (walnut,<br />

Nuts (walnut, and products and pecan, products<br />

pecan, thereof almond,<br />

almond, ============== thereof cashew, hazelnut,<br />

cashew, hazelnut, =================<br />

macadamia, brazilnut, pistachio) and products thereof<br />

macadamia, brazilnut, pistachio) and products thereof<br />

+ - Soybeans Peanuts Cereals and containing<br />

Peanuts and and products<br />

products gluten thereof<br />

thereof<br />

(wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof.<br />

+ - Cereals Sesame Fish and<br />

Sesame containing and products<br />

and products gluten thereof<br />

thereof<br />

(wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut) and products thereof.<br />

- Fish Sulfite<br />

Sulfite Crustaceans and (E220<br />

(E220 products - E228)<br />

E228) and thereof products thereof<br />

1/ 3<br />

1/ - Crustaceans Celery<br />

Celery Nuts (walnut, and<br />

and - VSI products<br />

products and - Gildenstraat pecan, products thereof<br />

thereof almond, thereof 36 - 4143 cashew, HS Leerdam hazelnut, - The Netherlands macadamia, - Tel: brazilnut, +31 345 638 pistachio) 585 - Fax: and +31 345 products 618 782 thereof -<br />

el warning: - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 -<br />

- Nuts Lupin<br />

Lupin Peanuts (walnut, and products<br />

and products and pecan, products<br />

thereof<br />

thereof<br />

almond, thereof<br />

cashew, hazelnut, macadamia, brazilnut, pistachio) and products thereof<br />

Product specification<br />

- Peanuts Mustard and<br />

Mustard Sesame and products<br />

and thereof<br />

products thereof<br />

thereof<br />

1/ 3<br />

uct contains - Sesame Molluscs<br />

Molluscs Sulfite more (E220 than and<br />

and products<br />

10 g/100 thereof<br />

- VSI products - Gildenstraat - E228) thereof g polyols:<br />

36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 - 1/ 3<br />

essive consumption - Sulfite<br />

Celery (E220<br />

and can -<br />

products E228) Provisional specification. Not suitable for declaration<br />

lead to thereof laxative effects.<br />

- Celery and - VSI products - Gildenstraat thereof 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 -<br />

and products thereof<br />

- Lupin and products thereof<br />

Description<br />

St coconut crisp<br />

and thereof<br />

- Mustard and products thereof<br />

1/ 3<br />

- Molluscs and and products thereof<br />

Development thereof<br />

code<br />

14484MA<br />

3<br />

1/ Allergen information - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 -<br />

Allergen information - VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 -<br />

Date<br />

11-7-2016<br />

Allergen information is based on recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product<br />

Allergen information is based on recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product<br />

will be manufactured in a production facility that is working with a big variety of different raw<br />

will be manufactured in production facility that is working with big variety of different raw<br />

materials inclusive wheat-, gluten-, milk-, egg-, soy-, nut-, peanut- and sesameseed products.<br />

materials Allergen information<br />

inclusive wheat-, gluten-, milk-, egg-, soy-, nut-, peanut- and sesameseed products.<br />

Allergen information<br />

Shelf life:<br />

This Allergen bar has information a shelf life is based of .. months.<br />

recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product<br />

Allergen information is based on recipe and ingredient composition. Please note that this product<br />

will be manufactured in a production facility that is working with a big variety of different raw<br />

Storage materials will be manufactured conditions:<br />

inclusive wheat-, in a gluten-, production milk-, facility egg-, soy-, that nut-, is working peanut- with and a sesameseed big variety products. of different raw<br />

The materials product inclusive should be wheat-, stored and gluten-, transported milk-, egg-, at a temperature soy-, nut-, range peanut- of 15°C. and sesameseed to 22°C. away products.<br />

from direct<br />

sunlight, extremes of heat change, odor & humidity.<br />

Additional information:<br />

- VSI - Gildenstraat 36 - 4143 HS Leerdam - The Netherlands - Tel: +31 345 638 585 - Fax: +31 345 618 782 -<br />

1/ 3<br />


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