Mapovani KKP, svazekII_final


Executive Summary • In general, it is important to ensure good access to the Internet, cyber security, openness of data, tools for working with large volumes of data, 3D visualization, rapid prototyping, new digital solutions and services (e-commerce, digital content, Internet of Things, etc.) and to the support of sophisticated export services. – Access to finances • Educate financial institutions through targeted campaigns while also looking at how to provide access to finances especially to individual entrepreneurs and SMEs through the methods of financial engineering (loans, guarantees, shares, seed and pre-seed funds). CCI business entities in the CR have virtually no access to capital (this applies mainly to the sectors of digital games, digital content, music and film). Financial institutions in the Czech Republic do not yet provide venture capital to CCIs because they cannot appreciate the economic value of intellectual property. • Access to finances includes not only public-private funds, business angels, venture capital, but also Crowdfunding, sponsoring, donating and philanthropy. Support of business plans is implemented also through subsidies/ grants and loans, and grants are beginning to also bind to successful revenues through Crowdfunding. • Pay attention to projects aimed at facilitating the cooperation of CCI representatives and the private sector. It is necessary to consider also the possibility of establishing a special agency focused on new philanthropy, social investments and partnerships with the business sector through linking artists, cultural organizations, donors and supporters from the private sector, including the introduction of a new financial instrument for the cultural sector in the form of micro-credits, crowd-sourcing and co-operative financing. – Cooperation – platforms, networks, clusters • Support of networking and cooperation among all sub-industry segments and entities irrespective of their nature (commercial, public, non-profit, educational and research) and other non-industry segments and entities, including e.g. financial institutions, investors and other private and public organizations. The support of platforms, networks and clusters is particularly important because CCIs are fragmented and a large number of micro-enterprises and self-employed persons operate in them. Functional clusters increase the industry’s chances of getting more business opportunities and enhancing international competitiveness. 578

Executive Summary – Physical infrastructure • Provision of facilities of the existing, new and renovated physical infrastructure (multifunctional spaces, creative centres, dance and music houses, new circus centres, galleries, museums, theatres, concert halls), including their technical and technological equipment. • Providing preferential rents (i.e. ateliers, rehearsal rooms, residential areas, clubs, studios etc.). • Support of the creation, operation and equipment of places for work and meetings, such as shared offices and workshops (hubs, coworking centres, open workshops, creative incubators), which serve, among other things, for mutual communication, discussion and interconnectedness of individual sectors. – Export and internationalization • The drafting of export and internationalization (international cooperation) support is always closely linked with the support of domestic production and its presentation/distribution, because first it is necessary to ensure that there is something to offer abroad and that the industry representatives have sufficient skills and knowledge necessary to penetrate foreign markets or to be successful in international projects. • Increasing support of participation in foreign exhibitions, festivals, fairs and other events. • Establishment of special offices/agencies for export: specifically for the music industry in the form of a music export office, for the field of literature in the form of a literary centre 9 , or for the field of dance in the form of a dance house, as well as increasing funding for the existing offices, including, for example, the Czech Film Centre. • Increasing funding for the existing MoC programmes for the support of foreign activities (e.g. increasing the subsidy programme for foreign publishers issuing Czech titles) and the support of partial international activities (e.g. the participation of Czech architects in international competitions). 9. The establishment of a literary centre and a Czech music export office are the tasks of the Art Concept fot the Support of the Arts in 2015–2020. 579

Executive Summary<br />

– Physical infrastructure<br />

• Provision of facilities of the existing, new and renovated physical infrastructure<br />

(multifunctional spaces, creative centres, dance and music houses,<br />

new circus centres, galleries, museums, theatres, concert halls), including<br />

their technical and technological equipment.<br />

• Providing preferential rents (i.e. ateliers, rehearsal rooms, residential areas,<br />

clubs, studios etc.).<br />

• Support of the creation, operation and equipment of places for work and meetings,<br />

such as shared offices and workshops (hubs, coworking centres, open<br />

workshops, creative incubators), which serve, among other things, for mutual<br />

communication, discussion and interconnectedness of individual sectors.<br />

– Export and internationalization<br />

• The drafting of export and internationalization (international cooperation)<br />

support is always closely linked with the support of domestic production<br />

and its presentation/distribution, because first it is necessary to ensure that<br />

there is something to offer abroad and that the industry representatives have<br />

sufficient skills and knowledge necessary to penetrate foreign markets or to<br />

be successful in international projects.<br />

• Increasing support of participation in foreign exhibitions, festivals, fairs and<br />

other events.<br />

• Establishment of special offices/agencies for export: specifically for the music<br />

industry in the form of a music export office, for the field of literature in the<br />

form of a literary centre 9 , or for the field of dance in the form of a dance<br />

house, as well as increasing funding for the existing offices, including, for<br />

example, the Czech Film Centre.<br />

• Increasing funding for the existing MoC programmes for the support of foreign<br />

activities (e.g. increasing the subsidy programme for foreign publishers<br />

issuing Czech titles) and the support of partial international activities (e.g.<br />

the participation of Czech architects in international competitions).<br />

9. The establishment of a literary centre and a Czech music export office are the tasks of the Art Concept<br />

fot the Support of the Arts in 2015–2020.<br />


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