Mapovani KKP, svazekII_final


Executive Summary 4.1.1.A: Prepare the Strategy for the Support of Cultural and Creative Industries, a follow-up to the Concept for the Support of the Arts. In this context, prepare incentive and support programmes and projects to support a market of arts and related business activities. Since 2017 the agency for raising awareness of CCIs, for providing information and consultation about the possibilities of using programmes to support CCIs should be funded. Other programmes should be addressed using the OP RDE (Operational Programme Research, Development and Education) or the OP EIC (Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness), working with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS), the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT), the Ministry of Regional Development (MRD), the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and others. The Concept for the Support of the Arts for 2015–2020 8 includes a separate task no. 25: „Prepare the Strategy for the Support of Cultural and Creative Industries”, and also another important task no. 15 related to education: „Conclude Memorandum on Cooperation within Creative Education between the MoC and the MEYS, which will include the creation of a new programme to support creative education in the CR funded by both ministries.“ The concept also includes a number of other tasks that address some of the identified needs. They are, for example, the following tasks: – providing subsidies for creative scholarships, residencies and mobility programmes – increasing financing and optimizing models of public support, primarily for non-profit activities and their evaluation – strengthening capacities and professionalization – supporting festivals, fairs and other events – supporting exports (excluding support for participation in international fairs, exhibitions, festivals, etc., founding a Czech Music Export Office and a Czech Literary Centre) 8. 572

Executive Summary The scope of the Strategy, however, covers only certain sectors (theatre, music, dance, and visual arts, works based on the traditions of folk culture, new media art and literature). Other industries have also developed separate concepts. It concerns the film industry, museums and galleries, libraries, monuments, architecture, the digital content industry, and TV and radio. Nevrtheless there is no special strategic basis available for the industries of digital games and design. The importance of design, however, is pointed out in some current, more general strategies, e.g. in the Concept of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Support 2014–2020 and the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the CR. By the end of 2015 the research project Mapping CCIs in the CR will be completed, part of which and one of the major outcomes of which is also this publication. Together with Volume I it makes the so-called mapping document, which provides relatively comprehensive information on the condition, structure, terms, data, trends, needs and proposals of model projects of twelve cultural and creative industries. Based on a comparison of the situation of mapping in European countries it can be said that an important basis for the creation of the CCI support strategy has been developed. Theses of the CCI Support Strategy in the CR 1. Creating preconditions for favourable operation and development of CCIs In the CR there are already certain prerequisites to support CCIs, but some of them need to be further developed. 1.1. Raising awareness – Mapping CCIs Support for research and improving statistics through further mapping, analysing and statistical surveys for each sector, and also the whole in order to obtain robust data and knowledge of the CCI needs as the basis for their further development. – Strategic cooperation In order to create the CCI support strategy a task group should be established across ministries including also the representatives of CCIs. Given the horizontal nature of CCIs as many as possible relevant ministries and other institutions should participate in the preparation of the strategy, as well as representatives of the specific sectors, preferably through umbrella professional organizations. In the preparation (and subsequent implementation), emphasis should be placed on the inter-connectedness and continuity of all kinds of activities in terms of their market, non-profit, public, educational, and research natures, and on the co-operation of the state administration and administrations at the level of cities and regions. 573

Executive Summary<br />

4.1.1.A: Prepare the Strategy for the<br />

Support of Cultural and Creative Industries,<br />

a follow-up to the Concept for the Support<br />

of the Arts. In this context, prepare<br />

incentive and support programmes and<br />

projects to support a market of arts and<br />

related business activities.<br />

Since 2017 the agency for raising awareness<br />

of CCIs, for providing information and<br />

consultation about the possibilities of using<br />

programmes to support CCIs should be<br />

funded.<br />

Other programmes should be addressed<br />

using the OP RDE (Operational Programme<br />

Research, Development and Education)<br />

or the OP EIC (Operational Programme<br />

Enterprise and Innovations for<br />

Competitiveness), working with the Ministry<br />

of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS), the<br />

Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT), the<br />

Ministry of Regional Development (MRD),<br />

the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs<br />

(MoLSA) and others.<br />

The Concept for the Support of the Arts for 2015–2020 8 includes a separate task<br />

no. 25: „Prepare the Strategy for the Support of Cultural and Creative Industries”, and<br />

also another important task no. 15 related to education: „Conclude Memorandum<br />

on Cooperation within Creative Education between the MoC and the MEYS, which will<br />

include the creation of a new programme to support creative education in the CR<br />

funded by both ministries.“<br />

The concept also includes a number of other tasks that address some of the identified<br />

needs. They are, for example, the following tasks:<br />

– providing subsidies for creative scholarships, residencies and mobility programmes<br />

– increasing financing and optimizing models of public support, primarily for<br />

non-profit activities and their evaluation<br />

– strengthening capacities and professionalization<br />

– supporting festivals, fairs and other events<br />

– supporting exports (excluding support for participation in international fairs,<br />

exhibitions, festivals, etc., founding a Czech Music Export Office and a Czech<br />

Literary Centre)<br />

8.<br />


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