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ЛЕСНЫЕ И ПОЛЕВЫЕ МЫШИ Молекулярно-генетические ... ЛЕСНЫЕ И ПОЛЕВЫЕ МЫШИ Молекулярно-генетические ...

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ecological genetics of animal species: Proc. Intern. Symp. Russia. Vladivostok,1995. P. 6.Hosoda Т., Suzuki H., Tsuchiiya К et al. Phylogenetic relationshipsamong the genus // Martes: Taxonomy, Ecology, Techniques and Management/ Eds G. Proulx, H.N. Bryant, P.M. Woodard. Edmonton: The ProvincialMuseum of Alberta, 1997. P. 3-14.Hosoda Т., Suzuki H., Iwasa M.A. et al. Genetic relationships within andbetween the Japanese marten Martes melampus and the sable M. zibellina, basedon variation of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA // Mammalstudy. 1999. V. 24. P. 25-33.Hsu T.S. A possible function of constitutive heterochromatin: The bodyquard hypothesis // Genetics. 1975. V. 79. P. 137-150.Irwin D.M., Kocher Т.О., Wilson A.C. Evolution of the cytochrome b geneof mammals//J. Mol. Evol. 1991. V. 32. P. 128-144.Iwasa M.A., Utsumi G, Nakata К et al. Geographic patterns of cytochromeb and Sry gene lineages in gray red—backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus(Mammalia, Rodentia) from Far East Asia including Sakhalin and Hokkaido// Zool. Sci. 2000. V. 17. P. 477-484.Jacobs L.J., Downs W.R. The evolution of murine rodents in Asia // Rodentand Lagomorph Families of Asian Origins and Diversification / EdsY. Tomida, C.K. Li, 1994. P. 149-156.Jeffreys A.J., Wilson V., Thein S.L. Hypervariable minisatellite region inhuman DNA// Nature. 1985. V. 314. P. 67-73.Johnson K.P., Sorenson M.D. Comparing molecular evolution in two mitochondrialprotein coding genes (cytochrome b and ND2) in the dabblingducks (Trbe: Anatini) // Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution. 1998. V. 10,N 1. P. 82-94.Jones R.N., Rees H. B-chromosomes. L.; N.Y. etc.: Acad Press., 1982.266 p.Kawamura Y. Quarternary rodent faunas in the Japanese Islands. Pt 2 //Mem. Faculty Sci. Kyoto Univ. Geol. Mineral. 1989. V. 54. P. 1-235.Kessler L. G, Aviso J. C, Daniel J. W. Magnitude of mtDNA differentiationamong vertebrate congeners // Gentlies. USA. 1983. V. 104. Suppl. 41.Kimura M. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of basesubstitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences // J. Mol.Evol. 1980. V. 16. P. 111-120.Kishino H, Hasegawa M. Estimation of the maximum likelihood estimateof the evolutionary tree topologies from DNA sequence data, and the branchingorder in Hominoidea // J. Mol. Evol. 1989. V. 29. P. 170-179.Kit S. Equilibrium sedimentation in density gradients of DNA preparationsfrom animal tissues //J. Mol. Biol. 1961. V. 3. P. 711-715.Kocher Т.О., Thomas W.K, Meyer A. et al. Dynamics of mitochondrialDNA evolution in animals: Amplyfication and sequencing with conservedprimers // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1989. V. 86. P. 6196-6200.194

ecological genetics of animal species: Proc. Intern. Symp. Russia. Vladivostok,1995. P. 6.Hosoda Т., Suzuki H., Tsuchiiya К et al. Phylogenetic relationshipsamong the genus // Martes: Taxonomy, Ecology, Techniques and Management/ Eds G. Proulx, H.N. Bryant, P.M. Woodard. Edmonton: The ProvincialMuseum of Alberta, 1997. P. 3-14.Hosoda Т., Suzuki H., Iwasa M.A. et al. Genetic relationships within andbetween the Japanese marten Martes melampus and the sable M. zibellina, basedon variation of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA // Mammalstudy. 1999. V. 24. P. 25-33.Hsu T.S. A possible function of constitutive heterochromatin: The bodyquard hypothesis // Genetics. 1975. V. 79. P. 137-150.Irwin D.M., Kocher Т.О., Wilson A.C. Evolution of the cytochrome b geneof mammals//J. Mol. Evol. 1991. V. 32. P. 128-144.Iwasa M.A., Utsumi G, Nakata К et al. Geographic patterns of cytochromeb and Sry gene lineages in gray red—backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus(Mammalia, Rodentia) from Far East Asia including Sakhalin and Hokkaido// Zool. Sci. 2000. V. 17. P. 477-484.Jacobs L.J., Downs W.R. The evolution of murine rodents in Asia // Rodentand Lagomorph Families of Asian Origins and Diversification / EdsY. Tomida, C.K. Li, 1994. P. 149-156.Jeffreys A.J., Wilson V., Thein S.L. Hypervariable minisatellite region inhuman DNA// Nature. 1985. V. 314. P. 67-73.Johnson K.P., Sorenson M.D. Comparing molecular evolution in two mitochondrialprotein coding genes (cytochrome b and ND2) in the dabblingducks (Trbe: Anatini) // Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution. 1998. V. 10,N 1. P. 82-94.Jones R.N., Rees H. B-chromosomes. L.; N.Y. etc.: Acad Press., 1982.266 p.Kawamura Y. Quarternary rodent faunas in the Japanese Islands. Pt 2 //Mem. Faculty Sci. Kyoto Univ. Geol. Mineral. 1989. V. 54. P. 1-235.Kessler L. G, Aviso J. C, Daniel J. W. Magnitude of mtDNA differentiationamong vertebrate congeners // Gentlies. USA. 1983. V. 104. Suppl. 41.Kimura M. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of basesubstitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences // J. Mol.Evol. 1980. V. 16. P. 111-120.Kishino H, Hasegawa M. Estimation of the maximum likelihood estimateof the evolutionary tree topologies from DNA sequence data, and the branchingorder in Hominoidea // J. Mol. Evol. 1989. V. 29. P. 170-179.Kit S. Equilibrium sedimentation in density gradients of DNA preparationsfrom animal tissues //J. Mol. Biol. 1961. V. 3. P. 711-715.Kocher Т.О., Thomas W.K, Meyer A. et al. Dynamics of mitochondrialDNA evolution in animals: Amplyfication and sequencing with conservedprimers // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1989. V. 86. P. 6196-6200.194

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