ЛЕСНЫЕ И ПОЛЕВЫЕ МЫШИ Молекулярно-генетические ...

ЛЕСНЫЕ И ПОЛЕВЫЕ МЫШИ Молекулярно-генетические ... ЛЕСНЫЕ И ПОЛЕВЫЕ МЫШИ Молекулярно-генетические ...

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Bellinvia E., Munclinger P., Flegr J. Application of the RAPD techniquefor a study of the phylogenetic relationships among eight species of the genusApodemus // Folia Zoologica. 1999. V. 48. P. 241-248.Bermingham E., Lamb Т., Avise J. C. Size polymorphism and heteroplasmyin the mitochondrial DNA of lower vertebrates // J. Heredity. 1986. V. 77.P. 249-252.Bogenhagen D., Clayton D. Number of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleicacid genomes in mouse L and human hela cells qualitative isolation of mitochondrialdeoxyribonucleic acid //J. Biol. Chem. 1974. V. 249. P. 799-812.Bonhomme F., Isrander D., Thaler L., Petter F. Electromorths and phylogenyin muroid rodents // Evolutionary Relationships Among Rodents / EdsW.P. Luckett, J. N.Y. Hartenberger. London, 1985. P. 671-683.Borisova O.K. Landscale and climate of the South-Central and South-Eastern Russia plain during the Pliocene // Abstr. USGS workshop, Herndon,Virginia, USA, 1993. P. 61.Boursot P., Yonekawa K., Bonhomme F. Heteroplasmy in mice with deletionof a large coding region of mitochondrial DNA // Mol. Uiol. Evol. 1987.V. 4. P. 46-55.Britten R.J., Kohne D.E. Repeated sequences in DNA // Science. 1968.V. 161. P. 529-540.Britton-Davidian J., Vahdati M., Benmehdi F. et al. Genetic differentiationin four Apodemus species from Southern Europe: A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis,A. agrarius and Ax mystacinus (Muridae, Rodentia) // Z. saugertierk. 1991.V. 56^P. 25-33.Brown G. G, Simpson M. V. Novel feature of animal mtDNA evolution asshown by sequences of two rat cytochrome oxidase subunit II genes // Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. 1982. V. 79. P. 3246-3250.Brown G.G, Prussick R., Desrolers L.L. A hypervariable site for deletioninsertion events in rat mitochondrial DNA and variation in the mtDNA —clones obtained from an individual // Genetics. 1983. V. 101. Suppl. P. 9—10.Brown S.D.M., Dover G.A. Conservation of sequences in related genomesin Apodemus constrains of the maintenance of satellite DNA sequences //Nucl. Acids Res. 1979. V. 6, N 7. P. 2423-2434.Brown S.D.M., Dover G.A. Conservation of segmental variants of satelliteDNA of Mus musculus in related species: Mus spretus // Nature. 1980. V. 285.P. 47-49.Brown S.D., Dover G Organization and evolutionary progress of a dispersedrepetitive family of sequences in wildly separated rodent genomes //J. Mol. Biol. 1981. V. 150, N 4. P. 441-466.Brown W.M., George M., Wilson Jr., Wilson A. C. Rapid evolution of animalmitochondrial DNA// Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 1979. V. 76. P. 1967-1971.Brown W.M., Prager E.M., Wang A.W., Wilson A. C. Mitochondrial DNAsequences of primates: tempo and mode of evolution // J. Mol. Evol. 1982.V. 18. P. 225-239.190

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