MSDS - Royal Purple

MSDS - Royal Purple

MSDS - Royal Purple


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<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Purple</strong>, Inc.Material Safety Data SheetI. Product Name: <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Purple</strong> ® Nitro Plus Racing Oil Date Issued/Revised: August 10, 2011Chemical Family: Syn thetic b ased lu b ricating oi lUse: Lu b ricant and corr osi on in h ib itorManufacturer: Roya l Purp le, Inc.Address: 1 <strong>Royal</strong> Purp le Lan e, P o rter, Texas 7 7 3 6 5 USAPhone: 2 8 1 - 3 5 4 - 8 6 0 0 Emergency Phone: 2 8 1 - 3 5 4 - 8 6 0 0 Fax: 2 8 1 - 3 5 4 - 7 6 0 024 Hour Emergency Numbers USA:800-424-9300 International: 703-527-3887 (collect calls accepted)II.Components:Base Oi l (s yn th etic) — S yn thetic additives with i so-p a raffinic d ilu en t s.Th e p r ecise composition of t h is oil i s p rop ri eta r y. A m or e c omplet e d i sc losu r e wi l l b e p ro vi d ed t o a p h ysician o rn u rse in the even t of a m ed ic al em er g en c y.All c ompon en ts o f this p rod u ct are li st ed on t h e U.S. TSC A i n v en t or y.Th is p r od u ct con tains n o h azard ou s substances within t h e d efinition o f O SH A Regu lation 2 9 CFR 1 9 1 0 .120 0 .Roya l Pu rp le c erti fies that t h i s p rod u ct h as b een eva lu ated for RCR A charact eristics a n d d oes n ot m eet t h e c rit eria of ah azard ou s wast e if d iscard ed i n its p u rchased fo rm.III.IV.Main Hazards / Health Effects:Eyes: M ay cause i rritation .Inhalation: Oil mist may lin e breathing passages with oi l makin g breathin g di ffi cult .Ingestion: M ay cause d i a r rh ea.Skin: M ay irritate th e skin after p ro lon g ed p eriod s of c on t act.First Aid:Eyes: Flu sh with water u n til all r esidual material i s g on e. If i r ritation p ersists, s eek m ed i cal h elp .Inhalation: Clear air p assage. If r espiratory d ifficult y c on t i n u es, s eek med i ca l h elp .Ingestion: Wash ou t mou th immed iately. D o n ot induce vo miting. Con sult p h ysician.Skin: Wash thorou gh ly with h and cleanser, f ollowed b y soap and water. Con t aminated clot h i n g sh ou ld b e d r y c lean edb ef or e r eu s e.V. Extinguishing Media:Suitable: Foam, d r y p o wd er, Halon ® , carb on d ioxi d e, sand, earth and water mist.Unsuitable: Water jet.Protective Equipment for Fire Fighting: Self -con tained b r eat h i n g apparatus.VI.VII.VIII.Accidental Release Measures:Personal Precautions: Wear gloves and p rotective overalls.Environmental Precautions: Do n ot allow it t o enter d rains.Spillage: Con tain spill and k eep f ro m en t erin g wat er wa ys. Ab s o rb on p o rou s mat erial. Larg e q u antities can b e p u mped.Handling and Storage:Handling: No special handlin g p recautions n ecessary.Storage: Do n ot st or e at elev ated temp eratures.Exposure Control / Personal Protection:Respiratory Protection: Hyd r o carb on absorb ing r espirat or i f misting.Hand Protection: Oil-p ro of g lov es f or h yp ers en sitive p er sons.Eye Protection: Glass es, if ap p lied t o p arts in moti on .Body Protection: Overa lls.IX.Physical and Chemical Properties:Physical State: LiquidColor: P u r p leOdor: Lu b e Oi lpH: Neu tra lBoiling Range / Point º F ( º C): 6 5 0 -800 (3 43 -4 27)Pour Point º F ( º C): 215 )Autoignition Temperature º F ( º C): >600 ( >315 )Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): NegligibleVapor Pressure (kPa): 0.87Flammability: Not f lammab l e at ambien t t emp.OAR Value: UNOxidizing Properties: Non eWater Solubility: EmulsifiableVapor Density: Gr ea t er th an ai r

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