Maximilianus Hell (1720-1792) - Munin

Maximilianus Hell (1720-1792) - Munin

Maximilianus Hell (1720-1792) - Munin


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Dec. 1771 8.50″ LEXELL, Dec. 1771 8.55″ ±0.15″<br />

letter in Journal des Sç., (Cook/Green/Solander, Article in Handl. (Tahiti,California,HudsonBay,<br />

dated 17 Sep. 1771 Dymond/Wales,<strong>Hell</strong>) Stockh. “observations from Lapland”)<br />

15 Dec. 1771 8.50″ HORNSBY, 17 Dec. 1771 8.78″<br />

letters to Wargentin (Cajaneb./Vardø,Hudson Paper read at Royal Soc.(<strong>Hell</strong>,Rumovskii,Wales/<br />

and Boscovich Bay,California/Tahiti) Dymond,Chappe,Cook/Green/Solander)<br />

- 330 -<br />

HELL, 26 Dec. 1771 8.70″ ±0.01″<br />

letter to Weiss (“omnes Americanae”,Vardø)<br />

HELL, 27 Dec. 1771 8.70″<br />

letter to Fixlmillner (Tahiti,<strong>Hell</strong>)<br />

21 Jan. 1772 a 8.50″, b 8.60″ HELL, 1 Jan. 1772 8.70″ ±0.01″<br />

letter to Boscovich (a probable, b maximum) letter to Wargentin (Green,<strong>Hell</strong>)<br />

April 1772 8.50″ WARGENTIN, 7 April 1772 less than 8.5″<br />

Mémoire sur le passage… (Planman only in European North) letter to Lalande<br />

12 May 1772 minimum 8.50″<br />

letter to Wargentin<br />

Feb. 1773 a 8.50″, b 8.55″<br />

letter in Journal des Sçav. (a probable, b maximum)<br />

PLANMAN, June 1772 8.43″ ±0.06″<br />

Article in Handl.Stockh. (Cajaneb.only in North)<br />

HELL, July 1772 8.70″ ±0.01″<br />

De Parallaxi Solis… (<strong>Hell</strong>,Dymond/Wales,Green)<br />

LEXELL, 13 July 1772 minim. 8.60″<br />

letter to Wargentin<br />

LEXELL, autumn of 1772 8.63″ ±0.06″<br />

Disquisitio...Parallaxi Solis (all complete 1769<br />

observations,except Kola)<br />

PLANMAN, 28 Nov. 1772 a8.53″,b8.51″<br />

Animadversiones subitaneae ...(a Planman/Borch-<br />

grevink in Europ.North; b Planman only)<br />

PINGRÉ, early in 1773 8.80″<br />

Mémoire read at (Planm./<strong>Hell</strong>/Sajnovics/Rumov.<br />

Acad. des Scienc. in North,Cook/Solander in S.)<br />

HELL, summer/autumn of 1773 8.70″ ±0.03″<br />

Supplementum…de Parallaxi Solis<br />

PLANMAN, Dec. 1774 a8.40″, b8.50″<br />

Article in Handl.Stockh. (a probable, b max.)

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