ICA1516_External Newsletter I.pdf

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About<br />

Us<br />

Independent Clubs Association, HKUSU<br />

Executive Committee, Session 2015-2016<br />

President: Sze Kwun Yeung, Sam<br />

Internal Vice President: Li Ann Yin Wai<br />

<strong>External</strong> Vice President: Yao Leung Yu, Ken<br />

General Secretary: (Vacant)<br />

Financial Secretary: Chan Hiu Ying, Kenley<br />

Programme Secretary I: Lam Ka Yue, Crystal<br />

Programme Secretary II: (Vacant)<br />

Publications and Publicity Secretary: Lo Cheuk Ling, Echo




EMAIL Email<br />

icahkusu@hku.hk<br />

Address Facebook Website<br />

Room S, Level UG2, www.facebook. http://www.icahkusu.<br />

Union Building, HKU com/icahkusu hkusu.hku.hk<br />

The Independent Clubs Association, HKUSU is an administrative body<br />

that collaborates the effort of its fellow Independent Clubs. It is a<br />

mediating body between the 20 Independent Clubs and HKUSU.<br />

Besides, ICA is also responsible for the preparation of Registration Day,<br />

which aims at promoting the affiliated clubs to freshmen.<br />

Want to know more<br />

about our<br />

Independent Clubs?<br />

Here you go!



HKUSU<br />

P.3-6<br />

Buddhist Studies<br />

Society, HKUSU<br />

China Education<br />

Association, HKUSU<br />

P.13-16<br />

Christian Association,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.17-20<br />

Computer Society<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.25-26<br />

Gr<br />

01<br />

Astronomy Club,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.7-10<br />

Catholic Society,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.11-12<br />

China Study<br />

Society, HKUSU<br />

Christian Choir,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.21-24<br />

Golden Z Club<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.27-30<br />


,<br />

eenwoods, HKUSU<br />

P.31-32<br />

LifePlanet, HKUSU<br />

P.35-36<br />

Rotaract Club,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.39-40<br />

The Hong Kong<br />

Award for Young<br />

People, HKUSU<br />

P.45-46<br />

Weapons and Tactics<br />

Association, HKUSU<br />

P.49-50<br />

,<br />

nvestment Society,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.33-34<br />

Muslim Students’<br />

Association, HKUSU<br />

P.37-38<br />

Social Service<br />

Group, HKUSU<br />

P.41-44<br />

The Ramblers’ Club,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.47-48<br />

World University<br />

Service HKUB,<br />

HKUSU<br />

P.51-54<br />


A I E S E C - L C - H K U , H K U S U<br />

Activating Leadership<br />

since 1967<br />


L e a d i n g o n e l e g a c y b y e m p h a s i s i n g o n t h e<br />

" P U R P O S E i n E V E R Y e x p e r i e n c e " , a n d t h i s i s ,<br />

H I G H L I G H T S O F 1 4 1 5<br />

S E P / T e a m M e m b e r<br />

R e c r u i t m e n t<br />

6 0 0 + s t u d e n t s s i g n e d u p<br />

f o r o u r r e c r u i t m e n t t a l k !<br />

N O V / S t a n d o u t f r o m<br />

t h e C r o w d<br />

A I E S E C a l u m n u s f r o m E Y ,<br />

Q u a m A s s e t s h a r e d h o w<br />

a n e x c h a n g e j o u r n e y<br />

c h a n g e d t h e i r l i v e s t i l<br />

t o d a y .<br />

M A R / I n t e r n a t i o n a l<br />

L e a d e r s h i p S e m i n a r<br />

L e a d s e s s i o n s i n K o r e a<br />

a n d M o r o c c o d e l i v e r e d<br />

b y A I E S E C I n t e r n a t i o n a l<br />

c o r e t e a m .<br />

M A Y - A U G / G o G L O B A L<br />

W e s e n d 1 0 0 + H K U<br />

s t u d e n t s v o l u n t e e r i n g<br />

a b r o a d t o d r i v e p o s i t i v e<br />

s o c i e t a l i m p a c t .<br />

O C T / I M P A C T I n c .<br />

I n d u c t i o n c o n f e r e n c e<br />

t o k i c k o f f 1 1 0 + l i f e -<br />

c h a n g i n g t e a m<br />

e x p e r i e n c e s .<br />

J A N / W i n t e r C o n f e r e n c e s<br />

3 0 + m e m b e r s j o i n e d<br />

t h e L e a d e r s h i p<br />

w o r k s h o p s i n H o n g<br />

K o n g a n d T a i w a n .<br />

A P R / H o w w e L E A D t h e<br />

S t a r t - u p W o r l d<br />

S h a r i n g b y M i s s Y v e t t e<br />

L i n o f A p p w o r k s<br />

V e n t u r e s f r o m T a i w a n .<br />


Anytime. Anywhere.<br />



天 主 教 同 學 會<br />


1. To bear witness to the Lord Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

2. To help Catholics in reflecting<br />

Catholic faith and living as<br />

disciples of Jesus Christ.<br />

3. To cultivate Catholic faith in the<br />

University.<br />

4. To promote the social<br />

consciousness of the Catholics<br />

and make appropriate response<br />

to social and University affairs.<br />


LIGHT<br />

SALT:<br />

- preserve our own faith by<br />

engaging in community life<br />

- preserve others’ faiths by being<br />

their companions<br />

LIGHT:<br />

- bring hope and joy to others<br />

- be a light in others’ faith<br />

- glorify God through our actions<br />

Regular Activities<br />

FFM<br />

First Friday Mass<br />

Mass in honour of the Sacred<br />

Heart of Jesus<br />

WHEN: Every First Friday of the<br />

Month, 6 PM<br />

WHERE: Our Lady Seat of<br />

Wisdom Chapel, Ricci Hall<br />



Deepen participant’s faith and<br />

knowledge through different<br />

activities<br />

Above: January – Taize ( 泰 澤 祈 禱 會 )<br />

Left: February –<br />

Workshop: The Road to Heaven<br />


MAY FFM<br />

01/05/2015<br />

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom<br />

Chapel, Ricci Hall<br />

Mass @ 6 PM<br />

Rosary saying @ 5:30 PM<br />

Annual Retreat<br />

A 3 days 2 nights retreat<br />

to allow participants to<br />

take time out to spend<br />

with God, and reflect<br />

upon faith and life.<br />

For more details, find us on Facebook @<br />

https://www.facebook.com/hkusukatso<br />

Check out our publications @<br />

http://issuu.com/hkukatsopublication<br />


Christian Choir<br />

HKUSU<br />

香 港 大 學 學 生 會 基 督 徒 詩 班<br />

關 於 我 們<br />

我 們 自 2006 年 成 立 , 2009 年 加<br />

入 香 港 大 學 學 生 會 。<br />

每 達 星 期 四 6:20pm-9:30pm 也 是<br />

我 們 的 恆 常 練 習 , 年 終 無 休 ! 就 算<br />

“ 打 風 落 雨 ”, 考 試 期 間 , 或 是 假 日 ,<br />

詩 班 的 弟 兄 姊 妹 也 會 相 聚 一 起 , 將<br />

最 好 的 詩 歌 獻 給 神 !<br />

聯 絡 我 們<br />

周 曉 恩 ( 詩 班 長 ) 96844321<br />

柯 兆 添 ( 內 務 副 詩 班 長 )67089392<br />

hkuchristianchoir@gmail.com<br />

http://www.hku.hk/cchkusu<br />

21<br />

定 睛 基 督

Christian Choir, HKUSU<br />

交 職 禮<br />

詩 班 今 年 於 2015 年 2 月 26 日 進 行<br />

了 交 職 禮 。 這 表 示 我 們 上 一 屆 的 幹<br />

事 會 結 束 而 新 的 一 屆 開 始 了 。<br />

相 交 營<br />

除 了 唱 詩 歌 以 外 , 我 們 一 月 也 會 舉<br />

行 一 年 一 度 的 相 交 營 ; 目 的 是 為 了<br />

建 立 詩 班 員 之 間 更 親 密 的 關 係 。<br />

捨 己 互 建 22

香 港 大 學 學 生 會 基 督 徒 詩 班<br />

Fanny Crosby Concert 2015<br />

今 年 時 著 名 詩 歌 作 家 Fanny Crosby 逝<br />

世 100 年 。 為 了 紀 念 她 , 我 們 聯 同 其<br />

他 大 專 院 校 的 詩 班 參 與 了 在 香 港 文 化<br />

中 心 舉 辦 的 音 樂 演 出 , 藉 此 機 會 分 享<br />

她 在 世 的 得 救 見 證 。<br />

23<br />

藉 靈 作 證

Christian Choir, HKUSU<br />

周 年 音 樂 會<br />

每 年 我 們 也 會 舉 行 公 開 表 演 ,<br />

以 將 基 督 的 愛 傳 開 。 去 年 的<br />

《 伏 音 [fuk1jam1]》 反 應 熱<br />

烈 , 成 功 連 演 兩 場 。<br />

今 年 的 演 出 詳 情 將 於 稍 後 時<br />

間 透 過 網 站 公 佈 , 大 家 密 切<br />

留 意 ! 希 望 到 時 能 見 到 你 們<br />

吧 !<br />

不 分 遠 近 24

27<br />



WHO WE ARE<br />

Golden Z Club, HKUSU is one of Zonta International's service<br />

projects to provide opportunities for youth to develop leadership<br />

skills, to explore career alternatives, and to improve international<br />

understanding through service projects and advocacy. The<br />

three main focuses of the Club are gender equality, service,<br />

and career development.<br />

OUR GOAL<br />

The theme for Session 2015 - 2016 is “Take a step, Lend a hand”.<br />

This year, the Club aspires to encourage HKU students to take a<br />

step towards developing a sense of social responsibility and lend<br />

a helping hand to the underprivileged groups in our society.<br />


The major events of this year include: Nepal Immersion Trip (June),<br />

Orientation Day (September), Joint-University Sign Language<br />

Course (October), and Z2Z Mentorship Programme (November).<br />

Please visit our Facebook Page to have the most updated<br />

information about the Club and upcoming events!<br />

https://www.facebook.com/goldenzclubhkusu 28


NEPAL<br />


TRIP<br />

尼 泊 爾 國 際 義 工 團<br />


Nepal Immersion Trip is aimed to provide participants the<br />

chance to help underprivileged people in Nepal, to have a<br />

better understanding of gender inequality in Nepal and to be<br />

exposed to Nepali culture through experiencing life in Nepal.<br />

Date: June, 2015<br />

Venue: Kathmandu & Chitwan, Nepal<br />

Contact: Janice Yeung (6336 3873) Alyson Leung (9339 8652)<br />





Z2Z Mentorship Programme is a year-round programme co-organized<br />

by Golden Z Club and Zonta Club of Hong Kong. It provides mentees<br />

the opportunity to explore career possibilities through experiencesharing<br />

and receiving first-hand information from their mentors.<br />

Date: November, 2015<br />

Venue: Global Lounge<br />

Contact: Colette Wong (6075 8626) Hoiyan Tseung (6801 6736)<br />


Upcoming:<br />

Exchange to to Seoul Seoul<br />

Joint Joint University University Investment Investment Summit Summit<br />

Founded in June 2005, we are a non-profit making, student-run<br />

society affiliated under the Hong Kong University Students' Union,<br />

With over 800 current members, we will sustain our support<br />

to members to learn the investment-related fields with innovative<br />

initiatives. With passion and perseverance, we promise to<br />

further our reach, ascending to a new height in the coming year.<br />


Be one of us<br />

Be a knowledgeable investor<br />

Scan me!<br />

Investment Society HKUSU<br />

ishku1516@gmail.com<br />

www.ishku.hkusu.hku.hk<br />


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